Chapter 15: Switched

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Me: *sobbing* Why does everyone have a boyfriend except me?!?! I feel like people are scared of me? *turns to Ciel, makeup running* Are you scared of me?!

Ciel: *screams and runs away*

Me: *sniffles* What the fuuuuccckkkk!?!

Claude: Aww its okay, I love you.

Me: *sobs* This isn't helping!!!

Sebastian: *hugs* I love you.

Me: *sniffles* That helps. *clears throat* Okay and has anyone seen freakin Kira? *holds up missing poster* About this tall, really long red hair, loves everything, NEVER ANSWERS WHEN PEOPLE TALK TO HER?!?!? *sighs angrily* Whelp, one minute shes talkin to me, the next im shooting fucking flares to try and reach her. I mean da fuq bra?!?!?

Sebastian: Uh, chapter?

Me: Oh right, the chapter. *shivers* Okay so this is gonna be kinda confusing so this next part is SUPER IMPORTANT! Okay basically, Ciel thinks he's Alois and to play along Alois is saying he's Ciel. So if its from Ciel's P.O.V and it says "Ciel said," Alois said it, get it? I hope so. This will only be for this chapter so chill brochachos and enjoy!

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I sat there, shocked and heartbroken as they kissed. "Y-Yes, My L-Lord," I choked out before bowing and walking out of the room. I leaned against the wall and scooted to the ground. My lower lip quivered. He took him away from me. He took him away from me.

   Tears stung my eyes and I tried blinking them back, failing miserably. Not to mention that he kissed him. Ciel didnt remember me. That God awful spider changed him so he didn't love me anymore. He loved him.
   I choked a sob as I managed to walk back to the mansion. I had to get Ciel back, I just had to. But how? He ordered me to stay away from him. I paused. He ordered me that he never wanted to see me. I just had to get him back, without him seeing me. I managed a small smirk before coming up with my plan.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   Claude had finally released my lips and I blushed madly. He chuckled and hopped out the window running back to the manor. My Manor. "Your Highness," Claude began. "Ciel Phantomhive is going to be spending the night." I paused.

   My head stung a bit at the name but I ignored it. I nodded as we approached the front door. Hannah and the triplets bowed as Claude and I walked inside. "Ci-Alois!" a high-pitched voice shouted.

   I was caught in a tight hug by the blonde.  I gasped for air as he let me go. "Hello Ciel," I said. He smiled brightly then looked down at my hand. His eyes shown deviously. "Nice ring," Ciel said, gesturing towards the gold ring with the red ruby in the center. "Thank you," I responded.

   He giggled as I winced, another shot of pain racing through my head. Ciel stretched his arms out and yawned. "Lets go to bed Alois!" He exclaimed joyfully, locking his arms with mine. Ciel dragged me to my bedroom. "I'm going to change in the bathroom!" he announced and walked out.

   Claude walked into the room and kneeled infront of me as he changed me into my nightwear. His hands lingered a bit longer than usual on my chest but he quickly recovered and buttoned up my shirt. "Thank you, Claude," I said. He kissed my softly. "Goodnight, Alois," he said before walking out.

   Ciel still hadn't exited the bathroom so I just sat on the edge of my bed patiently. I looked down at my ring again. Something didn't seem right. Nothing see me right. I winced in pain and sighed angrily. My name is Alois Trancy. I had a little brother named Luka who died in a fire made by the demon Sebastian Michealis.

   I furrowed my brow. It didn't feel...right. Without thinking, I pulled the ring off. I stopped and gasped softly in pain. I closed my eyes then opened them widely as I realized everything.

   My name is Ciel Phantomhive. I had a family who died in a fire. I was tricked by the demon Claude Faustus, and inlove with Sebastian Michealis.

Me: Ahhh yuuuussssss!! Did it!!!!!

Ciel: *sighs in relief* Does that mean I get my Sebby back?

Me: Yeah, yeah whatever Frank.

Ciel: Uh my name is Ciel.

Me: Whatever floats your boat Frank. Alright let me get a little sad and personal here. So I love writing. Like, more than life. And I got my writing test scores back today. Well, let's just say that I barely passed. Words cannot describe how depressed I am. It feels so awful to be so confident about something and then turns out that it's trash. I really need my Kira-Kun right now to cheer me up and stuff because like, Jesus I am dying inside. And I seriously dont want to end this chapter making people sad so I just want to say thanks so much for the 5.4K views like omfg thats amazing. Thanks to all my friends SoulEatsKittehSouls, EarlCiel_Phantomhive, AllyKitty777,  LegoHouse342, and of course Kira_Sutcliff. All my readers, I love you all so much and if anyone wants to rp, or just fucking talk just message me. Stay fabulous lovlies ♥.


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