Chapter 6: Kidnapped

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Well? Did you enjoy the last chapter?  Sure ya did. Anyways comment if you want "it"(Claude) in further chapters. And what else hmm....OH YEAH! I'm not who you think I am. Im actually Dye from Shy and Dye on instagram. We draw cool stuff so if you want to you can follow us @shy_dye on instagram. You don't have to. Im not your real mom I can't tell you what to do. Welp I want to do a spin on the classic "Ciel-gets-kidnapped-cause-hes-a-moron" so lets see how this goes right? Please vote and follow :D!! Enjoy!

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   The way he said my name put butterflies in my stomach. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and yawning softly. "I'm tired," I said sleepily. Sebastian chuckled, lifting me into his arms. "Then lets get you to bed." Within a matter of seconds we were up the stairs and in my bedroom.

   He set me on the edge of the bed gently and dressed me in my white nightshirt (one that I had just bought today), his hands lingering longer than usual. When he had finally finished the last button, he smiled and tucked me in. "Goodnight Ciel," he whispered. Right as he turned to leave, I grabbed the back of his tail coat.

   "Please," I whimpered. "I-I dont want to be alone tonight." He looked at me with comforting eyes as he smiled softly at me. He undid his tail coat and vest after removing his polished shoes. Sebastian then proceeded to grabbing the covers on the opposite side of the bed and pulling them off gently and slid in next to me. I smiled and cuddled into his chest as he wrapped his strong arms around me.

   "I love you, Sebastian," I said softly. I could hear him smile. "I love you too, Ciel," he replied as I drifted off into sleep.

Morning time then arrives. (Well no duh.)

   I awoke to an empty bed. Must be making breakfast, I thought. I slid my feet slowly onto the floor when I felt something around my throat. It felt like a chain. "S-Sebas--" I tried before the chain wasn't pulled back tightly, causing me to choke.

   The chain was then tied behind my neck as a cloth was forced into my face. The last thing I head before blacking out was the lyrics to a song. London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady...

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I thought I'd make Ciel a special breakfast to clear his mind from all the things that were happening to him. I walked down to his room and knocks on the door gently three times. "Ciel I made breakfast!" I announced happily giving him a smile. Well at least I thought I was giving him a smile.

   When I opened my eyes my smile turned into a scowl of anger. They took him. Again. I growled,  setting the plate, well slamming the plate, onto a nearby surface and did the thing that seemed most logical to me. I jumped out the window. I ran towards his scent which finally led me to an abandoned tower. But thats impossible...I thought I'd killed him. I growled and walked inside, knowing it could very well be a trap.

   As soon as I walked inside the door closed behind me. I rolled my eyes. How cliche. I walked down the darkened corridor and found myself in a familiar room. "Then I thought to myself," a voice said. "If I want to lure him down here, I might as well steal his prize." My narrowed eyes stared into violet ones; Drocell. I flashed him my trademark smirk. "I thought even in insignificant scarecrow like you would know not to touch something that was mine." I said, drawing my silverware.

   My eyes darted to the corner to find Ciel. He was tied up in chains and his mouth was gagged, his eyes pleading for me to rescue him. My thoughts were interrupted by Drocell who lunged at me. I dodged it to find him right behind me. Someones gotten fast. No matter. I'm faster. I threw a handful of knives at him. He took the opportunity to throw a knife of his own, slicing my glove off. Before I coukd think to much of it, he swung his spear at my head, causing me to fall back a few steps. I suddenly felt a small prick on my hand.

   I looked up to see him grinning as he held up a thin, white threading needle. "Then I thought to myself," he began. "I got what I came for." He turned to Ciel. "Enjoy him. For now." And with that, he escaped. I bolted to Ciel and tore his roped and gag off. As soon as I finished, he wrapped his arms around my neck.

   "Thank you," he murmured as I patterns his back softly. He suddenly pulled back to face me. "What did he mean by, 'Enjoy him, for now'?" I sighed, lifting him into my arms. "I'm not sure Bocchan, " I said. But I do know its going to be bad. I took us back home where I fed and bathed him. While tucking him into bed, I noticed I was out of breath, my face slick with sweat.

   "Sebastian," he asked. "Are you alright?" He caressed my cheek. "I-I don't know," O panted. He looked at me, a concerned expression on his face. "Go take a bath to cool yourself down," He ordered. I nodded. "Yes, Ciel, " I said making my way out the door. I walked to the bathroom and turned the water on as I shed my clothing. I walked up to the sink and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

   I look fine at least. I turned the water on and bent down splash some cold water in my face while the bathtub filled up. I turned the water off and when I looked back up I stepped back in shock. While my eyes were crimson and I was wearing a frown, my reflection was grinning, its eyes in demonic slits.

   Before I could process any of this I gripped my head in pain. When I looked back up there was a man with white hair wearing a white suit. He had violet eyes and white wings. Angel wings. I tried to growl but it turned into a whimper. I suddenly fell to my knees and held my head, gritting my teeth as a strange feeling washed over me. The angel chuckled. "You will obey me."

Ciel: Your ending it like that? What kind of author are you?!

Me: A pretty damn good one, if I do say so myself.

Sebastian: Wait, what's going to happen to me? Am I going to die?! I DO DIE DON'T I?!?!

Me: *facepalm* Yes, thats why your here right now. I swear I'm surrounded my idiots. Please follow and share! Updates soon don't worry :D!!

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