Chapter 2: Shopping=Shocking

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Hey guys! I am so glad you guys liked my first part :D!! I honestly didnt think I did that good but screw it lets do it! Anyways this chapter is, surprisingly, shocking. Your gonna gasp a lot towards the end. Your also probably going to hate me for the suspense. Sorry! Well, hope you like it!! :D

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

I awoke an hour before I had to wake up the Young Master. Wait, I awoke? I don't need to sleep. Jesus tap dancing Christ what is happening to me? Whilst the arguing in my head continued, the Young Master twisted and turned beside me in his sleep. I immediately stilled and quietly tip toed out of the room to make him breakfast. I ran a hand through my hair while releasing a nervous sigh. "So its settled, I just have to tell him how I feel."

(Ciel's P.O.V)

My eyes fluttered open as light poured into the room. "Good morning Young Master. Today you have a poached salmon with a side of scones, served with a cup of Earl Grey tea," Sebastian announced, matter-o-factly. I rubbed my covenant covered eye with one hand as I let my other eye wander, blushing as they settled on my butlers fine ass. I blinked furiously and cursed myself for even thinking about it. "Young Master?" Sebastian asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

When I looked up to look at him, his face was mere inches from mine. I immediately scooted backwards and quickly regained my composure. After clearing my throat I decided to change the subject. "So, uh, whats on the agenda for today Sebastian?" I asked. He smiled and motioned for me to come forward to dress me.

"Well, I believe after the incident with Mey-Rin last night turning all your white shirts black with shoe polish, we need to go shopping," he announced.

"Excellent, " I said as he finished buttoning up my shirt. "Ready the carriage for a trip to town." He bowed and left the room.

Epic Time Skip!

Sebastian helped master out of the carriage and into the bustling streets of London. "Alright Young Master, I know you hate shopping so I'll make this as quick and painless as possible," he said smirking as he looked down at my expression. I looked at him as though he was preparing to kill me. "So you may wait here while I collect your clothing." I gave him a quick nod as he was gonna in the blink of an eye.

I leaned against my cane. Stupid Sebastian. My world is practically turned upside down because of my confusion with my own emotions. Emotions caused by him. Ugh, why can't I just quit my obsession with him? Its not like he's going to return my feelings. Right? I mean its not like he... what the devil is that noise? I turned my head to see the noise coming from a dark alley.

I looked around to make sure no one was following me and walked into the alley. "Hello?" I asked. "Anyone there? Hel--" I was cut off by thick fabric being held against my mouth and nose. Suddenly, the world began to get fuzzy. "So you thought you could escape us didnt you?" a raspy voice said.

The man chuckled. "Well there are still those who follow the old ways. And believe me, you are going back to where you belong." He released me and I fell straight to the ground. "S-Sebas--" I tried, just as my eyes closed, and my body went numb.

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