Chapter 9: Sick

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Yay your back!!! I apologize for the long wait I've been under a lot of stress lately. But I got a whole bunch of ideas from my buds, SoulEatsKittehSouls,  sarahciel14, and WiwiHitler. Be a good reader and check out there stories. Oh and check out Deathbeds by tomofrommarz. Can't beat the classics. And if you could be a dear and follow @shy_and_dye on instagram that would be much appreciated. So this chapter has a lot of feels in it with Sebby being sick and stuff. Ciel's gotta do some pretty messed up stuff to save his bay. *cough* whore *cough*. And this chapter is going to be so fucking painful for me because "it" is in it but I have to say his name. *shivers* The things I do for followers. So sit back, relax and enjoy! Please share your opinions and if you read this story please follow. :D

(Ciel's P.O.V)


   I began to panic. After Sebastian passed out, I called the servants. They helped me carry him up to his room. "But Young Master," Finny began. "Shouldn't we call a doctor?" I shook my head. "Just call the Undertaker," I stated firmly, even though on the inside I was falling apart. "No further questions." The three of them left the room with a "yes my lord" meant to cheer me up, but only made things worst.

   As soon as that door shut I let the waterworks flow as I fell back onto the bed. I cuddled next to Sebastians still body. "I'm so sorry," I sobbed. "Its my fault your like this." I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I wiped my tears quickly and pulled myself together.

   "Enter," I spoke, clearing my throat. The grey haired reaper entered the room, smiling as usual. "So Earl," he giggled. "What have you called me for this time?" My lower lip trembled. "A-An angel touched Sebastian before he died and he just passed out," I explained.

   Undertaker walked over to the side of the bed, inspecting the still body of my lover. "Oh my," he said. My breath caught in my throat. "It appears he's been put in a demonic integration." I began to panic.

   "What the hell is that?!" I exclaimed, flailing my arms. He giggled again. "Its like a coma only much worst," he said, growing serious. "The body begins to deteriorate while the mind remains active. The mind conjures up nightmares and when the brain finally loses its sanity it shuts down leading to a slow and painful death. All that with him staying in the coma, where there will be no way for you to say goodbye."

   I felt my eyes tear up. "I-Is there a cure?" I asked desperately. He sighed. "There is, but I'm afraid the only being that would hold the cure would be another demon." I released a shaky breath and nodded my head.

   Where am I supposed to find another demon? He returned my nod and smiled patting my head. "I'll let myself out," he said closing the door shut behind him. I immediately buried my face in my hands.  "This is all my fault," I said. " And now your going to die because of my mistakes."

   A few minutes into my sobbing my head snapped up. Wait. I hopped from my bed and pulled my shoes on. I looked down at Sebastian's still form and stroked his cheek. My eyes lingered to this ankle where the angel grabbed him.

   I slowly pulled the clothes covering the area up a little to see the skin brown and rotting. I winced and covered the skin. Undertaker walked right, I don't have a lot of time. "Don't worry Sebastian," I murmured, brushing hair out of his eyes. "I'll make this right."

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   When I finally woke up, I didn't wake up. I could see and hear what was going on but I couldn't move. When I looked around, I saw that I was in Ciel's room. He was laying next to me crying. My heart broke and I immediately wanted to comfort him.

   I wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault. I wanted to tell him that I was going to be okay. That he had nothing to worry about. A few minutes later I heard Undertaker come in. I had demonic integration. My heart dropped.

   How could that damn angel give me demonic integration? Of course I knew the result of this; I was going to end up dying a slow and painful death. I sighed as I watched Ciel take the news. Of course it destroyed him, and all I could do was watch.

   He suddenly stopped. It appeared he had an idea. Ciel began to put his plan into motion and before he left he stroked my cheek. My lower lip trembled at the thought of never feeling his touch again. He reached down to my ankle and pulled up the fabric.

   My eyes widened to see the once pale, smooth skin, rotted and dead. I saw him wince and put his attention back to my face. "Don't worry Sebastian," he murmured, brushing hair out of my eyes. "I'll make this right." I began to panic.

   "No!" I shouted. "Ciel, please don't leave!" But it was no use. He couldn't he's me. I growled in frustration and sat down. I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion overcome me. Out of nowhere I yawned, then decided to get some sleep. I'm gonna be like this for a while. Might as well get some rest.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   When the carriage finally pulled up at the mansion I took a deep breath. This better work. I exited the carriage and walked to the front door knocking quickly. It felt strange knocking on me own. And not having a large shadow behind me at all times.

   And not having the person I love the most not making the sarcastic remarks I love. I was suddenly inturrupted my a large shadow looming over me. "Sebastian?" I said subconsciously. The violet haired man sighed, golden eyes shining in the sunlight.

   "I'm afraid not," a monotone voice responded. I scowled and looked up. "We need to talk," I sighed. "I need your help Claude."

And that's it!! XDDDD. I threw up a little in my mouth when saying "its" name so I hope your happy. I am so sorry for the cliffie I just had to. Shout out to my bud CronaLovesPoetry. She designed this awesome new cover. And final shout out, *sigh* to you right there. Yes, I'm talking to you. The one with the face. Thank you for reading this and *sniffles* you are the one who inspired me to keep writing. You and your little nerd friends. Make sure if you've read this to follow and comment your ideas and feels about my story. Stay fabulous Lovlies. See you next time!! :D

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