Chapter 3: Confession

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Well, well, well, look whos back for more! Sorry about the last chapter, you probably hate me. Lol well dont worry this one is worth it! Warning though: this is going to be super sad and also suspenseful. But it will be worth it in the end! Its going to be super adorable and the beginning of a beautiful, long lasting, forced-sex-scene-because-of-author relationship. So sit back, relax, and bring on the tissues!! Enjoy!!

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I nodded and smiled as the shopkeeper gave me the shirts I ordered. "Have a nice day," I said as I walked out of the shop. While walking down the streets to the carriage, I felt a painful stinging on my marked hand. My eyes widened. Ciel! I ran to the carriage as quickly as possible and pulled open the door. "Young Master!" I shouted as I looked into the carriage.  Empty. Anger flowed through my veins as my eyes glowed their demonic pink. I growled fiercely. Someone took Bocchan. My Bocchan. And I'm going to find him and his assailants. And I'm going to kill them.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   I awoke in a cage. Not just any cage. My cage. I gulped and looked around noticing I was just in my underwear. My train of thought was interrupted as the door to my cell opened and a man in a mask came in. I knew what was going to happen next.

   I slowly began backing into the corner. "Sebastian!" I shouted. Tears began streaming down my eyes as the the nightmares of this wretched place slowly came back to me. "Sebastian please!" I sobbed. "Seba--" before I could scream his name once more, the man had wrapped his hand around my throat. "Scream one more time and see what happens," he said grinning.

   I let out a sob as my hands clawed at his. I closed my eyes as he dragged me out of the room despite my pleading. He threw me on the ground as other members of the cult gathered around me, preparing to have their way with me.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   That's when I heard it. His angelic voice calling out my name. At first it was a frightened voice. But the second time was a sob. It broke my heart and fueled my anger even more. I growled louder as I ran towards the call of my name. I found myself at that accursed cult that I had first found Ciel in.

   "Oh no," I breathed. "That means they..." My eyes flashed pink again as I angrily punched the wall, leaving a large hole in it. I furiously stomped through the halls as I finally found a man in a mask. I grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall.

   "Where. Is. He," I said. The man panicky pointed towards the right. "I-Its the third cell," he said. I smiled. "Thank you for your cooperation," I said as I snapped his neck on half. I proceeded to walking to the cell door and take back my Ciel.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   I brought my knees up to my bare chest, my body shaking. What did I do to deserve this? A few more tears fell from my eyes as I heard footsteps. More? I scooted back into the corner and shut my eyes. "P-please," I begged. "No more." "Bocchan?" A concerned voice asks. "S-Sebastian?" I asked as I opened my eyes to see the tall, handsome, raven haired man smiling softly.

   "Sebastian!" I shouted happily. I sprang to my feet and hugged him tightly. "Sebastian, we have to go!" I said tugging at his coat. "Before they come back!" Sebastian nodded and smiled. Just as he was about to turn around a knife was stabbed right through his chest and was just as quickly pulled out. "S-Sebastian? " I whispered.

   He suddenly fell forward onto the ground. Tears streamed down my eyes as I shook his body relentlessly. This was just like the nightmare. The stupid nightmare. "Sebastian please!" I sobbed. "Don't leave me! Please!" I heard a group of laughter at the door. Those stupid cult members had the audacity to laugh at what they did to Sebastian. I choked a sob just as one of the men fell. Then another and then another.

   And soon, they were all gone. And then Sebastian blinked. "Hello Bocchan," he said smiling as he sat up. "Are you--" Before he could finish I embraced him tightly,  my tears staining his jacket. "Never leave me again," I said softly.  He chuckled and pat my head. "I thought you'd be happy if I died," he said. I sniffled. "Of course not," I said. "I love you, you dope."

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