Chapter 11: Depressed

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Me: Sooooooo, did you enjoy the last chapter? Yeeeeaaahhh ya did. This chapters basically gonna be pretty...intense? Sad? I'm not really sure how--

Ciel: *jumps on me* Thank you sooooooo much!!!!

Me: Get it off!! Get it off!!!!!

Sebastian: *prys Ciel off* I apologize.

Me: Its alright handsome, anyways I'm very violent right now since I'm watching Rise of the Lycans and I get inspired by the speech. "We can be slaves, or we can be LYCANS!!!!" YEAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Sebastian: *clears throat* She's going through a little...something I don't know. So apparently I am to be set through a most awful case of emotional trauma in this chapter. I do hope you enjoy this chapter and would appreciate if you leave a comment and follow. *bows*

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   He's awake. Finally awake. I've missed him so much even though he was only gone for a few days. It was a few hours after he awoke and it was now nightfall. "Ciel, its time to retire," he said pulling out a crisp, white nightshirt. Sebastian dressed me quickly and pulled off his tail coat and vest joining me on the bed.

   I immediately panicked. "S-Sebastian..." I whimpered. His smile dropped as he saw tears well in my eyes. "What's wrong Bocchan?" he said cupping my face softly. "Are you hurting?" I shook my head. "W-What if you go to sleep," I said. "And dont wake up?"

   Sebastian smiled softly brushing hair out of my eyes. "I'm not leaving you again Ciel," he stated softly. "I promise." I smiled back and buried my face in his chest. "I love you Sebastian," I said. He wrapped his arms around me. "I love you too." I fell asleep in his arms, glad to have him back.

Epic time skip!

   I was sleeping soundly, dreaming about living the rest of my life with the person I love...until I heard him scream. He jolted awake beside me. "NO!" Sebastian screamed, sitting up. He was panting loudly and sweating bullets.

   I grabbed his face and pulled it to face me. "Sebastian are you okay?!" I asked worridly. He slowed his breathing and faced me. Sebastian just had a nightmare. Sebastian just had a nightmare?!

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I was in a dark room, chained to the wall. Not again. Not again, dammit! But this time was different. In front of me stood a familiar golden eyed demon. "Claude," I snarled. He chuckled. "You really think you've outsmarted me havent you Michealis?" he asked. He smirked. "Did your little lover tell you how he got the antidote?"

   I shook my head. His smirk grew. "I'll let him tell you but I'll give you a hint," Claude said, leaning into my ear. "Hes not so innocent anymore." I froze and he smiled dissapearing.

   "NO!" I shouted, jolting awake. Ciel grabbed my face in his hands. "Sebastian, are you okay?!" Ciel asked worridly. I was panting like crazy, I just couldnt seem to catch my breath. "Sebastian?" he asked softly. I looked down at him, finally calming myself. "Y-Yes?" I replied.

   Ciel trailed his hands down to my neck. "Was it a nightmare?" he asked. I nodded, running a hand through my hair and grunting as it caught on every knot possible. He hugged me tightly. "What was it about?" he asked curiously.

   I shook my head. "I-I dont want to talk about it," I said softly. "But I want to ask you something." He broke away to look up at me. "What is it?" Ciel asked. I tried to think of the easiest way to ask this. "What exactly did you give Claude," I began. "For the antidote? "

   He immediately tensed up and stared at the ground. "H-He wanted me to," he stuttered. "Sleep with him. A-And I did." I froze. So it was true. I stared blankly at the wall in front of me. I nodded and turned around, faking sleep. Ciel stared at me for a while before laying back down.

I-Its morning. Just is now morning! There. Official.

   When I finally saw the sun rising I scooted out of bed slowly and carefully, as not to wake him. I pulled my tail coat on, grimacing. I was still weak from the disease. I prepared Ciel breakfast as quickly ad possible, occasionally pausing and wincing.

   As I finished, I walked back to his room and left the tray of delectables on the nightstand and limped to my own room. I couldn't see him right now. It was just to painful.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   Its been exactly week since Sebastian started avoiding me. He still bought me tea, bathed me, clothed me, but he didn't talk to me, or sleep with me, or kiss me. It was terrible and I was sick of it. That night before he could leave after dressing me, I grabbed his hand.

   I could tell he was startled but kept his usual stoic expression. "Bocchan, please release my hand," he asked politely. I shook my head and forced him to look at me. "Sebastian what on earth has been wrong with you?!" I asked angrily. My expression suddenly changed to that of hurt. "D-Do you not love me anymore?"

   Before I could respond, I turned around on my bed and hugged my knees to my chest. "I-Its cause of what happened with Claude isnt it?" I sniffled. "You dont like me anymore because he touched me. I-I'm soiled now. I disgust you."

   I felt Sebastian embrace me from behind. "Ciel, of course I love you Im just..." he began. "Just what Sebastian?" I demanded. "Im just...depressed," he said softly. I turned around to face him,  eyes widening. "But, why?" I asked after a while.

   He shook his head, crimson eyes flicking downward. "He defiled you. And I couldn't protect you." I really didn't want to upset him further,  but I knew he deserved to know. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and smiled.

   "But your okay now," he said stroking my cheek. "And it was only sleeping with him. Nothing to extreme. Your with me, and I promise to protect you. " At this point tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Bocchan?" he asked, concern masking his face.

   I shook my head, tearing his hands off my face and scooting back. "It wasnt just that Sebastian," I sobbed. He froze. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused. I gulped. "I had to promise him my soul."


Ciel: OH COME ON!!! You cant leave them like that! Its just cruel.

Me: Thats the point! MUAHAHHAHA! *lighting strikes behind me*

Claude: *coughs* So, I never really got an answer for the whole date thing...

Sebastian: Aw heeeeeeeeeellll no *tackles*


Me: *flips hair* I'm fabulous. Anyways, shout out to LegoHouse342, Kira_Sutcliff,  and AllyKitty777. And Rebecca, don't die. You dont have an apendix anymore. Your not as young as you used to be. Ouch, right in the junk mail. Please vote, and comment your ideas and ....comments? No? Yes?

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