Chapter 7: Hypnotised

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Hehehe. So, what did you guys thing of the last chapter ending? XD I'm sure your mad but this will so be worth it. Don't worry this is going to be super long and super fabulous to just please bear with me. Soooooooo I'm gonna put some Season two characters in soon and sorry but not sorry, Im going to kill some of them. Okay a lot of them. Maybe all of them.  Anyways, this chapter is going to be super sad and Sebbys gonna mess up. A lot. But don't worry. He'll fix it. Or will he o.o. Please vote and follow! :D Enjoy!!!

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I growled, gripping my head tighter as the pain increased. I clenched my teeth as I resisted whatever power the angel was using on me. But the more I resisted, the harder it got. Not to mention the loud voices in my head. "Stop resisting and obey. It's so much better to obey. All this pain and trouble will dissapear if you just let go and obey."

   I raked my fingers through my hair. "Get out of my head!" I shouted. The angel just grinned. My body was giving up on me as my mental stababilty decreased. "W-What did you do to me?" I stuttered. "Well, when Drocell pricked you with that needle, it wasn't just a needle," he began. "It was an angelic one. Its used to weaken demons."

   I gritted my teeth as a new wave of pain washed over my body. "A-And why would you need to weaken me?" I asked. He grinned wickedly. "So I could do this," he said, grabbing me buy the neck and shoving me against the wall. Before I could protest, the voices got louder as he forced me to look into his eyes. "Look deep into my eyes, and relax," he said calmly.

   I began to struggle. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to hypnotise me and gain control of my body. I tried resisting but I was just so tired. And looking into his made me even more tired. Then I froze. I couldn't move as he chuckled. "Thats it," he cooed. "Now, stop resisting and obey." I didnt see a reason not too. Resisting was so hard and I was so tired. I nodded slowly and just let go.

   I didnt have control of my body anymore. My eyes turned their demonic pink as the angel let me go. "Good," he said smiling. "Now, let's begin." I nodded. "Yes Master," I said.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   I was beginning to worry about Sebastian. How long did it take him to bathe? Its been over an hour and he still hasn't come out. Maybe he was getting tired and fell asleep in the water and drowned! Or maybe he slipped and got a concussion! What am I talking about? Demons can't get concussions. Can they? Or maybe he just left me. For some reason I've been thinking about how Sebastian's just toying with my emotions. After all I'm just food to him, nothing more.

   I hugged the blanket to my body. It doesnt matter, I still love him. I smiled softly. And he loves me too. The door was suddenly opened and there stood the raven-haired man I loved. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I hopped out if bed happily and ran into his arms. "Sebastian don't scare me like that," I breathed. "I thought you fell and died or something."

   He growled, pushing me away. Before I could say anything, he had shoved me against the wall. "Listen here pathetic human," he snarled. I noticed his eyes were in their demonic slits. "Don't you ever think if yourself like my lover because your not. Your just a meal to me that I like to play with. Nothing more.I can dispose of you whenever I want, so don't get comfortable." I felt my heart snap in two when I heard these words and I forced a smile. "Of course," I said softly. "Please excuse my foolish. I promise never to think like that ever again." He chuckled, letting me go. "Good," he said. "Never forget that."

   And then he exited the room. What was happening? Did he really mean that? Tears welled up in my eyes. He never wanted to love me, just toy with me. He could kill me at any second so I just had to act like the pathetic little puppet he wants me to play. I curled under the covers, crying myself to sleep.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   "Now," the angel began. "You are to go in there and tell him horrible things to get him to hate you. Then, I can finally have him for myself." I nodded as my eyes glowed. "Yes master," I spoke monotonely. He smirked grabbing my chin. "So I heard you demons were built for sin huh?" He said, examing my toned, bare body. I nodded. "Well then," he said throwing me to the ground, forcing me on my knees. "Suck."

In the morning where he forgets his memory because I'm fabulous and I say so.

   I woke up with a splitting headache as I gripped the side of my head. What happened last night? The last thing I remember (*author thinks of a terrible book*) was a horrible pain in my head and then passing out. And why was I in my bed instead of Ciel's bed? What the hell happened last night?

   Maybe Ciel would know. I quickly got dressed and walked to my Bocchans room. I walked into the room to see him already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked sad. "Good morning Ciel," I said happily, wondering what would make him sad. He immediately smiled upon seeing me and I smiled back, bending down to dress him.

   I finished dressing him quicker than usual. Instead of protesting or whining when I asked him to stick out any of his limbs, he obeyed. My head stung. Obeyed, why does that word sound so familiar. I shook the thought off and focused back on my Master. Another sting of pain. Master, that word. So familiar! What is wrong with me? Shaking my head I looked back up at Ciel.

   He was still smiling but his eyes betrayed him. They were sad and frightened. Frightened of what? I reached my hand up, about to stroke his cheek when he flinched. Was he afraid  "Ciel..." I whispered. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he backed away from me, throwing his hands up to protect his face.

   "Please!" he sobbed. "D-Don't hurt me! I'll do anything you want just please, don't hurt me!" My heart crumbled at this. "Bocchan I would never hurt you," I said, gripping his wrists lightly and pulling him towards me. "I love you." He trembled in my arms. "So why did you hurt me last night?" he asked. "Why did you say all those awful things? Telling me that I was just a meal to you. That you didn't love me." He began to sob again.

   I did what?  I grabbed his shoulders, shaking him gently. "Bocchan I need you to tell me," I began. "W-What did I do last night?" He stared at me shocked. "Y-You mean, you don't remember?" I shook my head. "No," I said. "All I remember is feeling this horrible pain in my head and someone...someone was there. Someone made me forget."

   He grabbed my hands, squeezing softly. "Who was it?" he asked. "Who did this to you?" I closed my eyes, hoping to remember. "H-He had white hair and violet eyes. He was wearing a white suit and...a-and..." He squeezed my hands, jumping up and down a little. "And?" he pleaded. My eyes burst open. "He was an angel."

Me: Dun Dun Dun DUUUUNNNNNN!!!!! Yep I'm ending here. Deal with it. And I'm watching South Park right now sooooooo,  "Global warming is going to occur two days before the day after tomorrow." "Oh my god. That's today." * Everyone panics* We didnt listen!!!!

Ciel: This doesn't relate to anything.

Me: *points menacingly* Shut up.

Sebastian: Yeah Ciel.

Me: *looks at Sebastian* I can kill you anytime I want you know.

Sebastian: *backs up a little*

Me: *closed eye smiles* But I wont cause your adorable.

Sebastian: *a little freaked out.*

Me: Anyways, updates coming soon and it would totally mean a lot to me if you checked out some of ciel_phantomhive3's work. You guys rock, please comment and follow. See you next chapter lovelies! <3



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