Chapter 8: Angel

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Me: Welcome lovlies! Sorry about the cliffy in the last chapter, I didnt mean it.

Ciel: Uh yeah you did

Me: Shut up. No one asked you. Anyways--

It: Excuse me, when can I come in?

Sebastian: * takes out silverware* Claude!!!

Me: *bitch slaps Sebastian* DONT SAY ITS NAME!!!

Everyone: *crawls into corner in fear*

Me: Wuv you Sebastian ♥

Sebastian: Wuv you too :D

Ciel: *punches Sebby*

Sebastian: Ow why you punch me D:

Me: CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP FOR LIKE TWO SECONDS?!? *Clears throat* Anyways, a lot of shit is gonna go down in this chapter, its also gonna be really long and I just wanna say thank you guys for commenting and--

Alois: Hey is it my turn to come in yet?


(Ciel's P.O.V)

   I gulped. An angel. Why would an angel hypnotise Sebastian? "Sebastian," I began, letting go of his hands and stroking his cheek softly. "Why do you think the Angel wanted to hypnotise you?" Sebastian put his hand over mine. He sighed. "Because they want to take you away from me Bocchan," he whispered. "They think you've been...stained by me, and they want to 'cleanse' you, by killing you, which I won't allow."

   I smiled lightly, leaning forward to plant a quick kiss on his lips. "Thank you Sebastian," I said, squeezing his other hand. "For everything." He smiled back. "Its a pleasure, Ciel," he said happily. He lifted me up in his arms and turned around so he was sitting on my bed, then placed me on his lap.

   I looked up at him smiling and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest. "I love you," I murmured. He wrapped his strong arms around me. "I love you too," he said hugging me tightly. I looked up at him, admiring his form. His perfectly chiseled face, soft lips, and hypnotic crimson eyes. His soft, inky black hair fell perfectly against his face despite the contrast against his pale skin.

   "Your beautiful," I murmured unconsciously, stroking the side of his face. He chuckled. "As are you, Bocchan." I sighed, shaking my head. "No I'm not," I stated. "I'm just a small, skinny, weak fool. Not to mention I have that stupid scar on my back that those pigs branded me with."


(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I stared down at him, upset that he felt this way about himself. Ciel's eyes were glassy, looking as though he was going to cry. I cupped his face in my hands. "Don't talk like that," I said sternly. "I don't like when you look down on yourself like that. Your beautiful, Ciel. After all you've been through, you walk with your head held high, your pride un-shattered. Thats one of the things I admire most about you. You were broken, but you put yourself back together. But you need to stop beating yourself up over your appearance. You may think I'm perfect but this is just my human form. You wouldn't think I was so pretty if you saw what I really looked like. So stop making yourself sad, because it makes me sad."

   When I finished Ciel smiled,  wrapping his arms around my torso. "How come your the only one who can make me happy?" he said softly. I smiled hugging him tightly. Right as I was about to answer him an loud explosion came from the hallway outside the door. I covered Ciel's body with mine. "Come out, come out wherever you are," a sing song voice said. I knew that voice. "The angel," I snarled.

   I picked Bocchan up and placed him under the bed. "Don't come out until I say so," I ordered. I walked out the door, and came face to face with the angel. "Nice to see my little minion is still alive," he said, stroking my cheek. I slapped his hand away, growling. "Don't touch me!" He frowned. "That's not the way you talk to your master," he said menacingly.

   "What are you--" before I could finish the voices returned. I gripped my head in pain as he shoved me against the wall again. "Now, just sit back and obey," he said soothingly. I fought it as best as I could, but in the end I lost control. "I-I'm sorry, Ciel," I murmured before the angel took control of my body. He smiled. "Good," he said. "Now finish him."

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   I heard the door open and tensed up. No, no, no. Did he kill Sebastian? No, no, please, god no. I felt a small tap on my foot. "Young Master?" a familiar voice asked. I sighed with relief, sliding out from under the bed. I looked up, smiling. "I'm so glad your---" I couldn't finish as I was pinned against the wall by my neck. I clawed at Sebastian's hands.

   "P-please," I begged. "S-stop." His eyes were there demonic pink and I saw a figure walk up behind him. A man in all white, with bright violet eyes. He wore a smirk way to devilish to be an angel. "Good, Sebastian," he cooed. "Now kill him." At those words the hand around my neck tightened. "Yes, Master," Sebastian spoke monotonely.

   I began to panic. "P-please Sebastian dont," I pleaded. "D-Don't do this, please." His eyes flashed from pink back to red and his grip on me wavered. The angel growled. "Stop hesitating!" he ordered. "Kill him now!" His eyes flashed back pink and I could barely breathe.

   "S-Sebastian please!" I begged, clawing at his hands. "D-Don't listen to him. Please. I-I love you." His eyes turned completely red and he backed away, gripping his head as his eyes flashed pink and red. I took breaths and looked up to see Sebastian battling himself. "Get out of my head," he grunted.

   I ran over to him and took his hands off his head. Sebastian was panting loudly. His face was slick with sweat, and his eyes were squeezed shut as he shook his head back and forth. "Sebastian," I said, holding his face in my hands. "Sebastian look at me." He managed to force his eyes open to look at me.

   "Sebastian, just focus on me and take deep breaths," I said calmly. He nodded, still panting. Sebastian winced. "T-The voices," he stuttered. "I-It hurts." He let out a whimper and I knew I needed to help him. I leaned in and kissed him softly.

   I felt his body relax against mine and I pulled away. He smiled at me and before I could say anything I was pinned against the wall. "If you can't kill him, I'll just have to do it myself," the angel snarled. A white light began to seep out of my skin and I screamed in pain. It felt like I was being burned alive.

   Within a few seconds the pain suddenly dissapeared. Did I die? I opened my eyes to see Sebastian holding the angel by the neck. "Don't touch my Bocchan," he growled. A black light began to crack through angels skin. Sebastian smirked, dropping the angel and letting him writhe in pain.

   "I-If I'm going to die," the angel rasped. "I-I'm taking you w-with me." He grabbed Sebastian's leg, and a white light suddenly erupted from where the angel was grabbing him. Then the angel let go and smiled, before turning into a pile of white feathers. I smiled and ran up to my savior.

   "I'm so glad your okay, Sebastian," I said, hugging him tightly. Sebastian pushed me away softly. "S-Sebastian?" He took a few steps back shakily. "C-Ciel," he murmured,  collapsing on the ground. "Sebastian!" I shouted.

Hehehe. Hahaha. MUAHAHHAHA!!! *Clears throat* Well that happened. Anyways I hope you guys loved it and will keeps on readings despite my incredible insensitivity toward your feelings. Oh and special shout out to my new brosif SoulEatsKittehSouls. You should totally check out her stories. Just for the halibut. Please comment and follow lovlies :D.


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