07| guess who?

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❝ you leave with the tide,
and i can't stop you leaving.

- tides by the xx

A/N: walter did not kiss halo lmao, this chapter is a bit longer [yaay], but i hardly had time to edit it bc i wanted to update for you guys aha

☾ 07 ☽

"Tell me, why did you jump?" My therapist also known as Mr. Payne in the ass sat in my living room, his stiff suit contrasting heavily with the cozy room my mom had constructed years ago.

"Why don't we move onto something else?" I asked, annoyance lacing my voice.

I stared at the deserted living room. My mom was outside walking Harvey, my sister had waddled over to the kitchen to eat, and my dad had gone back to his work, and to his house; his second life.

"Why don't you try to cooperate with me? I'm trying to help you out." His voice was set low, and soothing, but I could hear the distaste behind it.

"Why don't you f-u-c-k off." I slung my legs over the back of the couch and stared at him upside down.

"How do you feel about losing-" he stops and shuffles through some papers in search of his name, "-Niall."

"You want to know how I feel about probably killing Niall?" I stare at his brown eyes long and hard, judging to see if maybe I could tell him.

"It's not a probably- he's dead. Maybe that's why you're having some problems, because you're in denial." He scribbles down something in a notebook.

I closed my eyelids tight, trying to settle the anger welling up inside of me. "How is this even supposed to help me?"

He continued to scribble down notes, and I slowly sat back up right, "Hello?"

He held up a finger for me to wait, I growled angrily. "You're supposed to listen to me, you little fuck. This is supposed to be about me." I didn't care if I sounded like a child, I was so angry.

He stopped writing and looked up at me finally. "It seems like you're angry at the world. Full of angst."

I was shaking now. "First off, you didn't answer my question as to why this is even helping, and second off I'm not angry at the world, you sound like a fucking stoner hippie- I'm angry at you!"

I didn't realize I had his nicely ironed shirt balled up in my fists as I shook him until his cold fingers pryed my hands away.

"Please refrain from touching me."

I felt pools of tears well up in my eyes, goddamn I am so done with this man.

Just tell him, love

I blinked away the tears and looked up to find Niall standing there. His image was faded, and he looked tired, but he held a small smile on his lips.

Tell him what?

Why you jumped

I don't know though

Do you really not know

Do you know?

He didn't say anything else, so I glared at him.



The corners of his lips twitched, and his eyes crinkled happily. The bottom of my stomach erupted with butterflies, and I squirmed in the spot I was sitting.

Silent Cries ☾N.H.SWhere stories live. Discover now