14.0| reckless adolescence

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❝ time waits for no one. ❞

A/N: lots of dialogue ahead, i know some of you were confused, so i tried to explain it a bit, sorry for the shortness i'll explain it in the end

☾ 14.0 ☽

I picked myself up off the ground, and pressed my back to the angel, my lungs sucking in great amounts of air. My hair was a humongous mess, but I didn't care at that instant because I could hear Walter approaching.

I heard boots clomp in the mud, and seconds later his lanky, dark figure was leaning against the statue besides me. He smiled at my messy state even though I was wide eyed with fear.

His eyes were also red rimmed. "I thought I was still alive before I came here with you. I couldn't remember what had happened, why I had died, but when I saw my gravestone, it all came back to me," he said.

"You saw your gravestone?" So it was true, it was his gravestone.

His smile weakened. "Hello, my name is Walter Styles, and I'm dead, nice to meet you."

That's when I felt the sudden urge to cry. "Walter, I'm so confused as to who the fuck you are."

"Well, I'm not Gerald." He pinched my arm lightly.

I pinched him back. "I know that, dummy. I don't understand why you were a mental asylum; why you died at seventeen; why you're here; why you're last name is Styles; why were you so scary to me in the beginning, and how I can touch you?" My thoughts exploded from my mouth, and he just stared at me with amusement.

He shook his head at me. "It's a good thing I have a terrific memory."

"Walter," I said. My patience was growing thin, and I felt as though he was keeping so much from me.

He said, "Okay, okay. I was put into a mental asylum for quite a lot of shit that I didn't even do, but after a while I did start to become a bit crazy there. The same routine, the same people; pills from who knows where."

"That didn't really answer my question, did it have something to do with Carter?" I asked. Everything lately had ended up being about him, it made me wonder.

"It had everything to do with that asshole. He was my best lad back in school, but then I accidentally-" he stopped talking.

So they did know each other. That must mean that Carter is dead. Carter had been lying to me. Why was everyone turning up dead?

"You accidentally what?"

"That's a story for another time." His lips were set in a straight line.

There was a large brick wall between him and everyone- that's what it felt like. I wanted to break it down, but there was also a large part of me that just wanted to go back home and pretend I was a normal teenager, listening to Arctic Monkeys and eating cold pizza. Maybe make tea, but forget about it and come back to an empty kettle, the water evaporated and the molecules scattered in the air.

"I forget the second question- something about my last name?" He asked. He was scratching his head in thought, his long fingers were skinny and bony. His skin almost looked bruised, a gray sullen color.

"Why did you die at seventeen?" I reminded him. So much for a terrific memory.

"Oh, that's right. Um- well, that. I died when I pushed myself in front of an angry mob of people about to hang an innocent girl." His lips were curled, almost as if he was there again. There was venom in his green eyes. He must've really like that girl.

"Why would you do that?" I choked out.

"Love makes you do reckless things," he whispered.

I let myself slide down the statue of the decaying angel. His words got caught in my chest and I let out a shaky breath. My knuckles rubbed against the cement as I slid down the statue, they were a bright shade of red when I finally sat down

"Love makes you do reckless things," I repeated. The deep scream of Niall as he jumped off the bridge after me stuck in my mind, and I closed my eyes for a second.

He sat down besides me and peeked his head out to make sure Carter was still unconscious. I looked around him and saw that he was knocked out cold, with a large lump forming on his forehead. Walter was strong, who knew those lean limbs had muscle to them? Maybe it was the whole being dead, super strength that ghosts got. Walter interrupted my ludicrous thoughts,

"Third question?" He looked at me for help because he was having a hard time remembering.

"Why are you here, with me, right now?" My memory was okay, I could remember everything up to a few years ago, then my memories got fuzzy.

He grimaced. "You don't want to hang out with me, am I not cool enough for you, Halo Winn?"

"Walter." I reminded him to stay on track.

"I guess I'm here now because I need to help you find Niall- I thought I was from this generation this whole goddamn time. I thought I died around the same time Niall did."

My eyes lit up but then quickly dimmed. "I'm sorry that you're dead, I wish I could've found you."

"It's alright, I guess I'm just lingering." He looked at me with pain in his eyes.

ANOTHER A/N: i cut this chapter in half to take things more slowly, but you'll get the next update on FRIDAY which means TWO UPDATES IN ONE WEEK WHAAAAAT!!1!! i know, i know, i suck, please don't h8 m8, in the meantime go listen to darling, are you gonna leave me by london grammer [LCAW remix], they are one cool mamajama

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