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Eyes flickered from the rearview mirror and the road in front. The night hid the dark road and the only source of light came from the car's headlights.

Running from something is always terrifying. I shouldn't be running, but I am. I'm running from anger and insanity. I'm running so I can be saved. I know where I'm trying to go because at least Oliver can save me somehow. He can protect me.

My hands shook as I gripped the wheel. My knuckles were turning white and my nerves were erratic. I was almost there, just a few more miles. I thought I would be safe out there. But I was wrong.

Before I could render what was happening, a jolt propelled me forward and sent me crashing against my seat. Car parts flew in the air and glass shattered on my windshield. I felt my car flip, how many times, I'm not sure.

But I felt it when it landed. I felt the car hit the cement harshly and painfully. The car slid against the road and I finally opened my eyes to see the destruction. I was lucky I was wearing my seatbelt, but then again I was stuck.

Once I was able to render everything around me, I screamed. It was loud and painful. I could feel the sting of glass shards in my hands, body, and face. I placed my hand on the button for my seatbelt, desperately trying to get out. I don't know what I hit, but it left green lightning.

I finally clicked it, making it drop me onto the roof of my car. I groaned and sobbed in pain. I was trying to get out, but I was panicking. My tears were coming out quicker and the reality was setting in that I was going to be stuck here for who knows how long.

Until I felt a hand grab my arm aggressively. My eyes widened and the grip pulled me. I was pulled out of the car and forced onto my feet. My heart skipped a beat when I became face to face with the man I was running from.

"You can't run from me, Aspen. I'm much faster than you." He threatened, holding me up by my forearms. I stared at him in horror.

"What the hell are you?" I sobbed, trying to pull away from him.

"I don't appreciate you walking away from our conversation. I don't want you to be near Oliver again." He ordered.

"We aren't together anymore! This is psychotic! Let go of me!" I shouted, pushing him away.

"Don't say that, baby." He cooed, lifting his hand to stroke my bloody hair. I smacked his hand away and held onto the broken car for support.

"Get away from me! You tried to kill me! There's something wrong with you!" I shouted in disbelief. More fear ran through me as I watched his eyes coat with green lighting and more popped around him. He walked closer to me, only making me cower.

"I'm doing this for you! We are meant to be together!" He shouted, making me jump in fear.

"I don't want you! Get away from me!" I only made him angrier. He grabbed me again, pulling me closer to him and squeezing me.

"Everything I ever do is for you!" He shook me as he yelled. "If I can't have you then no one can."

"Please, stop, Evan!" I begged as the murderous look in his eyes deepened.

"I'm going to destroy you, Aspen. I'm going to hurt you in ways you won't even be able to imagine. And you're going to be with me forever because of this." He threatened. I looked up at him in utter terror and fear for my life.

"Please, let me go!"

"You are going to suffer in a million ways!" His hand went up, vibrating at an insane amount of speed. I tried to cower, but his hand kept me steady.

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