Little Ms. Brave (Chapter 1)

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Rouvin POV

“…easy, breezy, beautiful, Cover Girl” announced the radio as I listened to the commercial that we had just finished working on. I couldn’t believe that we had actually finished it; it seemed like it would be going on forever. The project manager kept changing his mind on what he wanted in the commercial and it was driving the rest of us crazy, but all in all we had managed to make it in time.

            Changing the station to something that was more entertaining and that didn’t remind me of those dreadful memories; I realized I needed to stop for gas. Fortunately, there was a gas station right around the corner. Pulling up to the gas pump, I turned off the engine and got out. After swiping my credit card and was about to put some gas into my car, I hear a loud conversation,

            “Oh really!” exclaimed the lady in really high heels to the employee. “I dare you to say that again!” she continued while taking slow, menacing steps toward the gas station worker.

            “Ma’am, I don’t want no trouble, but you might want to back off before I teach you a lesson” the guy was looking at her in a not so very friendly way.

            “First you call me hoe, and now you wanna beat me up, what next? You gonna rape me, huh?” she said getting even more angry than she was.

            I saw that the situation was getting worse and I tried to hurry up putting the last of the gas into my car. Rushing towards the confrontation, I was trying to tell them to calm down, but they were words to deaf ears.

            “Ok nigger, you ‘bout…” before the guy could get the words out of his mouth, she slapped him right across the face, causing is head to turn sideways. There was an eerie silence as the last of the echo of the slap dispersed. You could almost taste the tension in the air.

            “Bitch” they guy said with such a calm voice that you could feel all of his anger in, “did you just slap me?”

            “Yes, and I will do it again if you disrespect me again”, she responded as though the guy’s anger wasn’t affecting her.

            Just then, I saw it before it happened, the look that all guys have before they are out for blood. So I stepped in before things really got dangerous. Stepping behind that man, I grabbed the hand that was going for the young lady and I held him back. He was a bit surprised, but it went away just as fast as it came and he was back to where he was.

            “Whoa, whoa!” I tried to calm him down “Cool it man, you don’t want hit a woman do ya?” I restrained the man as he reached for her.

            “Well, tell the bitch to not start something that she can’t finish”, he said between catching his breath and giving the poor girl a death glare.

            “Well don’t be a bastard and maybe people will be nicer to you”, she retorted just as sharply.

            Calming himself down, I started to let him go. Shrugging my arms off, he fixed his shirt and looked at the girl one last time, then walked away. “You lucky that that man was there, you bitch,” he threw over his shoulder and walked into the store.

            The silence was long and the tension was slowly leaving the area. Feeling like I need to say something to fill in the silence, I asked her if she was ok.

            “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry to drag you into all of this”, she said with a smile, but you could still see that she was angry.

            “No problem. I think that you should just go home and forget about all this” I suggested

            “Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Thanks.” This time she smile and the smile was genuine. I walked her to her car and opened the door for her.

            “Thanks again, I really appreciate it”, she said.

            I responded with a head nod and a smile, shutting her door. Moving away as she started her engine and I watched her drive off.

            ‘What an interesting night’, I though, shaking my head and making my way to my car with my hand in my pocket.


            “Welcome Mr. Pavlos”, I was greeted by my secretary.

            “Good morning Julia, what’s on the schedule today?” I asked as I checked my watch and made my way to the office.

            “Uhm, today you have a meeting at 10:30, then lunch with the editor-in-chief to discuss the new projects. Afterwards, you have an interview with New York Times about the upcoming event with Cover Girl

            “Ok, that sounds reasonable,” I replied as I walked towards my desk. Sitting down, I logged into my computer to check my emails.

            “Do you need anything else right now?” Julia asked.

            “Coffee would be good actually”

            “Right away sir” she responded and walked out of my office and I continued checking my emails.


            Returning from my meeting with the editor-in-chief, I took a sit in chair and twirled it to face the large window that displayed all of Chicago’s beauty. While lost in thought, I was interrupted by a knocking in my door.

            “Come in”, I answered.

            “Sir, you appointment for the interview is here” Julia said.

            “Ok, let her in” I turned the chair back to its normal position, waiting for my next appointment.

            A young lady walked into the office wearing a nice fitting dress that just accentuated her body in all the right ways; her walk confident in all ways possible. I then realized that she was the same lady from the previous night. I smiled at the irony that she would be the one I had a meeting with today. I stood and greeted her with a smile.

            “Good afternoon Mr. Pavlos,” she extended her hands “My name is Karmia Parker, nice to meet you” she introduced herself with a brilliant smile, showing off all her perfectly white teeth.

            “The pleasure is all mine” I said shaking her hands “Have a seat”, I pointed as I directed her to do so.

            “Thanks”, she said with an embarrassed smile.

            “Well, it’s good to finally put a name to the face of the brave lady from last night” I said with an amused face.

            “I’m sorry that you had to see me the way that you did yesterday. I don’t know what overcame me yesterday. Anyways, like you suggested, I went home and forgot about it.” She laughed as she reminisced of the night. And what a sound that was.

            “Good. I’m glad I was of help”

            “Well, I guess we should begin. Ok, I have a few questions for you.” She said while getting the thing she needed out of her purse.

            “Ok, let’s hear it”

            “So, tell me about the Cover Girl event…..”


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