Surprise (Chapter 7)

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Hey guys!!!! I'm back and ready cause some trouble ;) I wanted to appologies in advance for this chapter being kinda short cause i didn't want to give away too much. So, I've been thinking off posting a new story and I wanted to know what your opinions. Any suggestions? Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!!!!!!!

Chapter 7

            “I don’t want you to go!” Karmia said with a pout on her face. We were at the airport, waiting for my flight.

            “Hey” I lifted her chin up so she could look at me, but she averted her eyes. “Come on Karmia, look at me” I pleaded.

            She finally looked up at me and I could see tears in her eyes. I looked into her eyes and saw so many mixed emotions.

            “I’m only a few states away, sweetheart. You can always come and visit me and me you” I tried to comfort her, but it seemed like I was only making it worse.

            “That’s not the point Rouvin” she looked at my eye more intensely. “You live in different state from me and I don’t even know what this” she pointed between us “is supposed to be”

            I just watched her as she tried to explain how she was feeling. She kept trying to stop herself from crying and she tried to say something else, but I stopped her by attaching our lips together. I kissed her gently, but tried to convey as much passion into it as much as possible. With that she put her hands around my neck and we enjoyed the moment together. Pulling apart, we laid our foreheads against each other, our eyes closed.

            “Karmia, you are mine and I plan to keep it that way.” I said looking into her eyes. “You have nothing to worry about. All I want from you is for you to trust me the best that you can. You have already passed through the defenses that I have built and kept for so long in only a few seconds; that surprised me, and now that you are in, I’m not letting you go.” I confessed how I felt because it was too late to pretend that I didn’t feel for Karmia.

            Looking up at me, she smiled and that warmed my heart. Stretching on her toes, she kissed my lips. It was a passionate and sensual kiss that caused me to use all my strength to not take her right there and then.

            Suddenly, she touched my shaft and squeezed, I moaned into the kiss. Pulling away for the kiss, she looked at my lips then looked up at me with a smile grazing her lips.

            “Ok. I will trust you. But you know that I’m going to miss you right?” she said looking up at me like she wasn’t holding my hard on as she killed me with need. I nodded. “So when I see you again, you will be in for the best moment of your life” this she whispered into my ears, causing a shiver to make its way down my spine.

            “I can’t wait” I said in a strained voice. She smiled and let me go, and we looked up as we hear my flight being announced.

            Looking back up at me, she had a smile. “This isn’t good-bye” was all she said as she kissed me one more time before I walked towards the doors that would lead me away from her. Looking back at her one more time, she waved at me with a sad smile. Smiling back at her, I made my way to the plane.


            Parking in front of my house, I let out a big breath. It had only been six hours since I got back and I was already missing Karmia. Sighing, I got out of the car and made my way toward the trunk to get my luggage.

            Closing the trunk and walked to the door, putting the key into the lock, I realized that the door was already opened. That was strange; I remember distinctively locking the door before I left. Opening the door I walked into the house, closing the door behind me. Leaving the luggage by the door, I walked down the hallway, trying to be quite and attentive for anything abnormal. Searching all of the first level, I found nothing.

“Maybe I really forgot to lock the door” I said out loud and walked back to the door to get my luggage. Picking up my stuff, I made my away up the stairs towards the master bedroom. Walking in, I dropped my things on the bed and started to take of my clothes, preparing to take a shower.

“You look so delicious right now” an unexpected voice sliced through the silence. I quickly turned around and was shocked to see who the owner of the voice was.

“Jodi….” I said her name like it left a bad taste in my mouth.

“Missed me?” she said, taking a sensual walk towards me. She was dressed in lingerie with one of my shirts to top it off. She had been leaning against the door frame, her feet against the door frame.

“Why the hell are you here and how the f*uck did you get into my house?” I asked, ignoring her question.

“Impatient aren’t we?” she kissed her teeth while shaking her head. “I came all this way, trying to make sure to give you a good surprise when you got back, but all you give me is that mean stare” now she stood right in front of me, her lips inches away from me.

“I don’t remember inviting you?” I spitted back.

“You didn’t have to, I knew you needed me” her breath brushing against my lips. I could smell her perfume, and even though it killed me to admit it, she smelled delicious. She licked her lips and my eyes magnetically glanced at them.

“So….” She started “Do you want your present?” she asked. Knowing what my answer would be, she attacked my lip deepening it right away, but before I could react, she slipped something into my mouth with her tongue and I swallowed without thinking.

Spitting out what I could, I looked at her incredulously. “What did you make me swallow?” She only smiled and stood there looking at me with that victorious look that I just wanted to wipe off her face. All of a sudden, I felt dizzy and I grabbed the chair that was next to where I was standing.

“What did you do to me?” I asked, starting to lose my balance.

“Oh, I guess it’s started working.” She came up to me and led me toward the bed. Pushing me on the bed, she started taking off my clothes.

“Stop….it” I whispered, barely able to make the words slip through my lips. I couldn’t move; my body felt so heavy and I was trying so hard to push her off me.

“Shhhhh” she got on top of me, straddling me in the process. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna take good care of you, ok?” she smiled at me. It was happening again. Jodi was going to ruin my life once more but this time I had no control over it; something that I hated the most. As she touched me and made my body hot without my permission, I thought of Karmia. Her smiling face was the last thing I remembered as I slowly lost consciousness.

“Karmi-…..” I tried to whisper her name as I slipped into the grips of the unknown.

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