"Shit" (Chapter 21)

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Chapter 21

            The room was suffocating. My heart beat was loud enough that I believed the neighbors could hear it. My breath, pulse and anxiety increased as I watched her approach me with a look of complete satisfaction. The lighting of the room seemed to perfect and illuminated the sharpness of the knife and the deadliness of the woman staring at me.

            “Don’t you think that the human body is fascinating?” Karmia asked as she twirled the knife in hands; one finger in the point of the knife and the other at the handle of the knife. Realizing that I was not responding, she lifted her eyes and met mine. “You don’t think so?”

            I continue to stare at her as she looked at the knife. The look of fascination towards the deadly weapon caused me to shiver. She looked in love with the idea of what the knife in her hands could do and that terrified me because she looked so willing and excited to begin whatever was running in her head. She was enjoying the power in her hands. Smirking, she turned her attention from her sharp friend and towards me.

            “The human body is so complex and difficult to understand yet with one blow…” she lifted her hands in the air and stared at it in wonder “and just like that it is destroyed”. As she finished her sentence, she took the sharp edge of the knife and ran it across her wrist.

            In that moment we both held our breaths and just waited and waited some more until the blood started flowing. The bright red liquid slowly sipped from her wrist and flowed all the way to the floor; each drop sinking my heart to the floor with it. I hadn’t realized the wound would be as big as it was until the first drop of blood came out.

            “Haha, look” she exclaimed with so much enthusiasm. “It’s so red”. Lifting her hand higher above her head, she watched as the blood just kept flowing and the laughter flowed just as much as the blood.

            Getting on her knees, she set the knife in the floor and taking her good hand, she stuck her finger inside her wound and twisted it.

            Hissing, she closed her eyes and continued to twist causing more blood to drip out. Through it all, I couldn’t stop staring at her as she continually plunged her fingers in the wound while making the opening bigger. She looked as though she was having an orgasm from the feeling of her pain.

            “Stop” the word barely left my lips. It hurt to watch her be this crazy, this insane. Every time her fingers went into her cut, a mushing, wet sound of squished flesh surrounded the room. It was sickening to watch the blood flowing from the pink fleshy cut. It made my skin crawl. With each penetration, I felt as though my own flesh was being slowly and painfully torn off my body. “Stop it” this time they came out a little more loudly.

            Karmia was taken aback from the forcefulness in my voice and looked up at me, stopping her self-abuse. As we stared into each other’s eyes, almost like in a trance, I saw the cloudiness of her high leave her eyes.

            Slowly her face of surprise turned to that of amusement as she stood up, picking up the knife. Standing there, she looked so stunningly ugly. Her red dress unstained, her make-up in place and her perfect curls stood in contrast with the bloody arm that she sported on one side and the sharp, life robbing knife in the other. She stood there with a grin in her face, looking nothing more than beautiful, beautifully deadly.

            “I’m sorry. I was enjoying myself and forgot my manners” she giggled a little as she took her blood covered fingers and brought them up to her mouth and sucked at them sensually, closing her eyes. “Now it’s your turn”

            Shifting the way she held the knife, she came at me with determination, holding the sharp object in a ready to kill manner as though a lioness coming at her prey. Petrified, I struggled with the restraints around my hands and legs. The closer she got, the more I fought against the ropes and the tighter they got and the more trapped I felt. Stopping right in front of me, she clicked her tongue.

            “Uh uh uh, we can’t have you getting lose can we. Doesn’t this remind you of that night? The one where you had me tied up?” she knelt in front of me, pointing in the knife towards my stomach. Every muscle in body was tense. Noticing the tension in my body, she smiled at me.

            “Terrifying isn’t it? That feeling of not knowing when the pain is going to come, of  wondering if someone is going to help you. It’s a terrible feeling” she seemed to drift out of reality as she looked into my eyes. For a second, I thought I caught a sight of sadness in her eyes, but as soon as it had appeared, it was gone.

            “So let me show you what that feels like; show you what you put me through” as she said each word, the pressure of the knife on my stomach increased and along with it fear and anticipation. Closing my eyes, I waited for the pain to come but it never did.

            Out of the blue, her laughter filled the air. Opening my eyes, I watched her laugh in pure bliss with her hands clutching her hair.

            “Yo-you should have seen your face” she sat on the floor, gasping for air. “so scared”. Her laughing fit lasted for what seemed forever and I was grateful for that because I was hoping that this was all I joke.

            Closing my eyes, I sighed a sigh of relief and suddenly a sharp and excruciating pain hit my stomach. With a shocked expression, I looked into Karmia’s eyes with pure fear and confusion. I couldn’t understand why she would go this far.

            “Don’t look at me like that” she stroked my check with her wounded hands. “I just want you to feel and understand me”. Pushing the knife further into my stomach, I gasped for air and that only made the pain worse. The further she pushed it into my stomach the more numb I felt from the pain.

            Looking at Karmia, I knew that I would be sucked into hell in the hands of this woman.

            “This is going to be long night for you” she said before she pulled to knife out of my guts and I felt the blood come up my throat before I coughed it out. Shit that hurts.

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