"Happy Anniversary" (Chapter 22)

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Chapter 21

We had been in this position for an eternity. Karmia had the knife still plunged into my stomach and I was leaning forward, handing on to everything within me not to show how much this really hurt. Karmia had made sure that to push the knife as far as it could go and at this point, I could swear I felt every crook and nook of the knife with each breath I took.

Letting the knife go, Karmia took a step back and pulled on my hair to lift my face towards her. Hissing, I glared at her as hard as I could, hoping it could damage her in some way but all it did was cause her smirk to widen across her face.

"Hurts doesn't it?" she let go of my hair and made her way the dining table to grab a chair. Dragging the chair behind her, she allowed it to scrape on the floor, making the dreadful screeching noise that she knew I hated so much. She set the chair in front of me and sat down on it, facing me. Looking aspirated, she took a big breath and straightened her dress and hair and faced me with a smile on her face.

"Ok, where were we? Oh yes, how do you feel?"

"Wh-why are you doing this?" I asked her in desperation as I tried to sit up straighter but finally gave up when each movement I made caused me immense pain. Tilting her head to the side, she clicked her tongue in a disappointed manner, as though my questions was a stupid one.

"You still haven't figured this out?" Frowning, she shook her head in even more disappointment. "I thought with all that education of yours you would have figured this out in a heartbeat, but since that's not the case, I'll help you understand"

I couldn't understand what it was that she was getting to.

"Well, let's start with the beginning. I was a very shy kid when I was a kid; you wouldn't believe it. And to top it off, I was on the chubbier side" she scrunched her face as she remembered what she looked like as a kid.

"The thing with being black has got to be the gift that your mother gives you" she said, pointing to her thighs. "But growing up among the white folks, that didn't like the fact that I was different from them, made it hard for me to accept this gift. They called me names and bullied me to no end, but still then I managed to make it through.

"The hardest part had to be in middle school, when I was going through puberty. That is when the full size of my mother's gift was revealed. It seemed the bigger my thighs, breast and butt became, the bigger the bullies' anger grew. But I never understood why they hated me and eventually the three years passed and it was on to high school.

"Once high school began and I meet other people that where just like me, you know? Black. Well, things just became better and I started to feel like maybe there was a place for me in this world after all. Things became so normal that people started to be nice to me and life went on."

Karmia stood up at this point in her story and paced in front of me. The entire time seeming as though she was conversing with another person in her mind.

"I was so happy for the fact that this was my chance to make something more out of myself. I didn't want to be that black girl who didn't fit in, so I decided that I would change myself. Like always, the best way was to get in with the popular crew and I did just that.

"It started with me being a welcome mat for every fucking bitch and bastard in the popular crowd to step on with insults and name calling, but I had to stay it out. So I  took it like a woman and stayed. Eventually, I moved up the ladder...or so I thought"

Karmia stopped telling her story and suddenly turned to look at me. Her eyes held so much emotions that it was hard to decipher one from the other, but the most prominent one was the anger.

"All of a sudden, I was hanging with the girls. Shopping, partying, pranks, you name it, I was in it with them. I had felt like I belonged but little did I know." Still looking at me, she stepped closer to me as she continued telling me why all this concerned me.

"During the spring dance of my sophomore year, I was excited because someone that I had an immense crush on asked me to be his date" giggling, Karmia stopped mid-walk, reminiscing over that day. "He had promised me it was going to be the most unforgettable day of my life. But I didn't think he meant it literally

"That day was really unforgettable. We had danced and had so much fun and...and then he kissed me. I was so shocked but most of all happy and to pretty much ready to do anything that he wanted to do that night and I think he knew it too"

"Ok, as much as I want to know how your dance went, I'm bleeding here" I interrupted her story telling. I was feeling weaker with every drop of blood leaving my body. Looking at me in shock, she shook her head in disappointment.

"You really don't remember, huh?" she asked with intensity in her voice. "You really don't remember what you did to me?"

As she asked this questions, she continued making her way towards me. Kneeling in front of me, she smirked at me. Reaching for me, I feared what was coming next. What else was she going to me?

"Well, Mr. Pavlos" she twisted the knife in my gut. "You were there that night you know that?"

I glanced at her in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I said to her in a barely audible voice.

"Don't you remember?" her smirk deepened as she slowly pulled the knife out of my stomach "that night at Wilson high school on February 25, Rauvin Pavlos raped me and guess what? Today is the 13 year anniversary of that day"

I looked at her in shock.  I stared  at her as that day came back to me in full speed and I remembered the whole thing. The dance, the kiss, me taking her outside, and...and the rape. This was Karmia, the same girl that had worship the ground I walked on, but wouldn't let me have sex with her unless we were dating. The girl that everybody wanted to hit it with but she had no confidence in herself. The girl that me and my buddies...

"Raped..." I whispered under my breath. Looking deep into her eyes.

"Now you remember. Good" she said with a triumphant voice, but all I saw in her eyes was pain transforming to anger. "Now we can start the reunion and just like that night, no one is coming to save you"

"Please don't do this" I begged her, as I now knew that me remembering what had happened would fire her anger even more. I knew that I was going to die this night.

"Too late" she said just before pulling the knife out of me.

Hello lovelies!!! Ok, I know I haven't posted in a really long time, but I swear it was for a good reason. Things had gotten a little hectic at school and with everything else that there just wasn't any time for me to write. Plus I was having writter's block but that all over with. Since I have a little break, I decided to post and I'll post a lot more this upcoming weeks. I thank all of y'all for the support and hope you keep showing me your love. Like always, relax, read and enjoy, but don't forget to comment, fan and vote!


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