"Hi, I'm Karmia" (Chapter 14)

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Hey guys!!! Here is another update for y'all. Hope you like it. So like usual, relax, read, and enjoy, but please, please comment and vote!!!!!! And check out my other story Find the Way!

Chapter 14

            “Wait, what’s going on here?” she held her hands up to me and paced around the room as though to process the situation better.

            Her breathing was picking up as she paced and then she would stop and try to say something but nothing would come out and then she would begin the pacing again; this cycle went on for what seemed like forever.

            The silence in the room was a thick layer of discomfort. The beautiful woman finally stopped her pacing and looked at me as she made a big decision. Taking a deep breath, she looked back up at me and smiled.

            “Ok, so what do you remember?” she asked in a strained voice that she just couldn’t hide despite the pleasant look on her face.

            I tried to open my mouth but it felt weak, I felt weak. I think that I had used up all the energy that I had talking to this woman. Shaking my head no, I laid back down on the bed. I hadn’t realized just how tired I was until now and then for the first time since I woke up, I was aware of the monitor that stalked every beat of my heart. And my heart was beating.

            “Rouvin, you okay?” the woman’s voice said closer to me than I thought. I nodded my head.

            “I guess you must be tired, huh?” I nodded. “Well, I’ll just let you rest and when you wake up I’ll be her, sound good?” She comforted me and for some strange reason, the fact that she had giving me some sort of reassurance made me feel a lot better. I nodded and closed my eyes. As soon as my eyes were closed, I went into a dreamless sleep.


            “Stop! I beg you, please don’t do this” she cried with all she had as she was surrounded by eight of us.


            “Well, no one asked you to ignore us, huh” I said with a hint of menace in my voice. I wanted her scared, I wanted her terrified, and that’s what I got. Yet why was I not satisfied.


            “Please, don’t do this” she whispered, backing towards the wall until she bump into it and realized that she wasn’t going anywhere. The tears fell down her checks and she looked up at me, and then I saw the puzzle click in her head: she knew there was no way she was getting out.


            “Please! Stop!” she pleaded and then it was over


            I jerked awake from my sleep, panting and clutching my chest. The monitor was going crazy with the beeping.

            “Rouvin?” I jumped as I turned around to identify the source of the voice. It was the same woman from before. “Are you ok?”

            I sat there looking at her for a long period of time. She had features that where familiar. Her face, her lips, her nose, and especially her eyes, they were all too familiar. Looking into he eyes, I nodded and laid back on the bed. And when I laid down, a sharp pain flowed through my body, causing me to grunt.

            “Rouvin” she said and made her way towards me to help me lay down slowly. “There you go” she said with a smile.

            She looked at me and her smile grew wider as she reached for my face slowly, put a misplaced hair out of the way. Then she caressed my face and traced all the lines and grooves of my face as though she was studying them. The feeling of her skin against mine felt amazing, comforting and most of all familiar.

            Who was she? How did she know me? Why was I so comfortable with her?

            We looked into each other’s eye for a long period of time and before I knew it, her face was hovering over mine. And just as she was about to kiss me, the door opened.

            “Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt” the nurse said, about to leave the room.

            “No! It’s okay.” the woman said. I was weird to me that I still did not know her name.

            “Sorry” the nurse said apologetically. She got closer to me and went through the procedure of checking my vitals. She checked the monitor f my heart and took my temperature. But the entire time that she did her job, I couldn’t take my eyes off of the lady who I didn’t know that name of. Sensing my glare, she smiled causing me to look away in embarrassment of being caught.

            “So, everything looks stable, Rouvin. I will get the doctor so he can come and check on you” she smiled at me and waited for me to acknowledge her comment. After I nodded, she turned around and left the room

            I sat there with the mystery lady in silence, both of us having a lack of what to say; more like I couldn’t even talk right. She looked like she had something she so desperately wanted to say, but before she was able to voice her thoughts the door opened.

            “Hello Rouvin” Dr. Sims greeted with a smile.

            “Hi” I said with a coarse voice.

            “It’s good to see that you are progressing really well, isn’t it Karmia” he looked at the mystery lady. So that was her name. Karmia.

            “Yes. Very much so doctor” she looked up at the doctor with a fake smile.

           “Well, let’s get to the chase of things. The activities in your brain are great and everything seems to be normal. And most of all your wounds are healing properly. The only abnormalities that seemed to have occurred was you case of amnesia. Yours are quite different” Dr. Sims explained.

            “What do you mean?” Karmia asked.

            “Let’s just say that you have chosen to forget everything” Dr. Sims chuckled at his own joke. We looked at him like he had an abnormal growth on his face; this was not a laughing matter.

            “Well, I guess that wasn’t funny. What I meant to say is that the memories that you lost are probably repressed by your traumatic experience. But it is only a temporary loss, it should be back by itself” he said matter-of-factly.

            “So everything is fine after all?” Karmia asked quietly. It wasn’t a question, it was more like she was processing the situation.

            “Yes and Rouvin is going to need your full support because he will feel like a stranger in his own skin. Are you up to the task?”

            “Yes, I am” Karmia answered, looking directly at me with a lot of determination. Nodding his head in satisfaction, he made his way towards the door but before exiting, he paused and looked at Karmia.

            “I think that for now I think that you should introduce yourself to him because believe it or not, he doesn’t know you. I’ll let the nurse come and give him his medication” with that Dr. Sims left the room.

            Karmia looked at the door for a while before letting out a sigh. She got up from the chair that she was situated in and came in my direction. Standing in front of me, she extended her hand a warm smile.

            “I’m Karmia and I’m your girlfriend.” this caused my eyes to widen. I don’t remember having a girlfriend. Then again I didn’t remember a lot of things. Taking her hand, I shook it and for the first time since I woke up, I felt good. This was going to be different. 

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