True Color (Chapter 18)

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Chapter 18

            I stood in the middle of the room looking at myself in the mirror. What had I done? I could believe all the crap that I was recalling that I had no idea that I had forgotten before. Things that I realized were to heave a burden for my conscience that I had suppressed them until now.

            Karmia was starting to notice the difference too. I mean every time she would walk into the same room as me I would be on the edge, as though she would read it from my face the things that I had done. I wasn’t even sure if she knew that I was the one that caused her so much pain that night.

            I was so lost in thought that I hadn’t heard my phone ringing until someone’s hands shoved it right into my face. Jumping from shock, I took the phone from her and walked to the other to answer the phone.

            The entire time I was half participating in the conversation; my whole being wasn’t there and I just couldn’t help but be stuck in this trance of guilt that was slowly eating me whole.

            “Yeah, that sounds about right. Set up a meeting for Thursday and we can finalize everything” I made the final decision, trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. Saying our goodbyes, I hung up the call and looked at my phone trying to make a drastic decision.

Sighing at the fact that there was no other way, I click my phone on and went to the contact list, looking for the one nuber that I hadn’t called in a while. Putting the phone to my ears, I waited and hoped that he would pick up and when the call went to its fourth ring, I was about to hang up but was stopped by a timid and shocked “hello?”

“Hey Devon” I answered just as timidly as he had.

“Well what a shock for you to be calling me” he laughed, trying to lighten the weird tension passing between us. “What do I own this sudden call to?”

“We need to talk” I went straight to the point; there was no point beating around the bush.

“O-ok, about what?” I could tell that he knew what I was going to say, but he just didn’t want to be the one to say it.

“About Karmia”


            I was tying the laces of my snickers and just as I was about to stand up, I felt hands wrapping themselves around my neck.

            “Where are you off to handsome” she said between the pecks she was giving to my neck. This only meant that she was in the mood.

            “I have an appointment with a client”

            “On a Saturday?” she let go of me before walking up to stand in front of me, glaring daggers at me. “Since when do you work weekends?”

            “Since now” I couldn’t look at directly which I knew would make me less creditable, but that didn’t matter at the moment. “So if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be” I said coldly at her, passing by her. Holding the handle, I turned back to look at the Karmia standing in the same position I had told her of in.

            Sighing yet again for the millionth time, I walked out the door.


            Making it to the café that we had agreed to make it to, I walked in to order a drink. From the drink I was going to order, Devon was to recognize that it was me.

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