Phoenix (Chapter 11)

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Hey guys!!!!! Sorry this took so long. I was immensely busy with to many things, but the chapter is finally up like I had promised. I hope that you enjoy it cause I tried my best to make it good for y'all. Also I'm going to be posting the first part to my new story LEAD THE WAY tonight, so please check it out and let me know what you think. So like always relax, read, and enjoy, but don't forget to vote and comment!

Chapter 11

            Pulling up to Mike’s house was a terrifying thing to do. My heart was racing as I got closer to the driveway and increased all the more as I turned the engine of the car off. I sat there in the dark, thinking of how I was going to handle the difficult task that I was about to do.                                                           

            I hadn’t realized that I wasn’t alone until Jodi’s movements while opening the car door made me jump. I watched as she shut the door and made her way towards the house. There was different vibe seeping out of her; she seemed different but I could put my fingers on what had changed in her.

            Getting out of the car, I took my time getting to the door, repeating to myself that everything was going to be alright. I followed Jodi through the door and stood behind her as she rang the bell.

            “Well good to see you all made it” Mike greeted us at the door.

            “It wasn’t like we had a choice” I whispered to myself, but I guess Mike heard what I had said yet it had caused him to smile.

            “Come on in guys, make yourselves feel at home” he said. Jodi walked into the house and bumped into Mike. Looking up at him with a glare that was full of hatred, she faced forward and continued her journey into the house.

            “What’s wrong with her?” Mike asked as though he was oblivious to the situation that we were all in.

            “You tell me” I retorted as I gave him a glared of my own. Shrugging his shoulders, he passed me and followed Jodi into the living room.

            “Hey, Jodi what’s your problem?” Jodi kept walking towards the stairs. Mike and Jodi lived in a pretty bid three story house. They had a lot of money, but of course it was obtained illegally; Mike was well known, a least to those who knew his secret, of not passing up on any opportunity that provided him with quick cash.

            “Jodi, who the fuck am I talking to?” Jodi kept walking. This caused Mike to be irritated. He walked up to her and pulled her to stop by her arms.

            “I am talking to you Jodi” he said with the intension of intimidating Jodi into obedience. Jodi still had her back towards Mike as it got silence. I was expecting the same old thing that went one to occur, but this time the air around them was different.

            “…go of me” Jodi whispered barely audible.

            “What was that?” Mike asked.

            “I said let of me” Jodi repeated with a little more volume; the authority in her voice more audible than before.

            “Are you telling me what to do?” Mike demanded as though he couldn’t believe that someone would talk to him with fear in their voice, especially when he was that close to them.

            “I wasn’t talking to a deaf person was I?” Jodi finally turned toward Mike and the look on her face terrified me. I think that it even put some fear in Mike as he stood there frozen in place. Jodi had a look of a person with no feelings, a person ready to kill with no mercy.

            “Now, if you’d excuse me, I’m going to my room” she shrugged Mike’s hands off of her and made her way up the stairs.

            Mike and I where left in the living room, watching as she disappeared from our view. The silence hung over us for a while as we tried, in our own way, to understand what had just transpired between us.

            “Well, that was different” Mike said. I then realized that he was next to me as he said those words. He had his hands wrapped around my waist, making me feel uncomfortable. Moving away from him, I made my way the living room.  

            “Why the cold shoulder, huh?” mike started. This caused me to roll my eyes, I mean was he being serious? Did he think at a time like this I would want to be around him?

            “Oh come on Karmia, don’t be that way” he said, coming behind me to wrap his hands around my waist. “Tell Mikey what’s going on”

            This caused me to smile because that was the nickname that I had given him that first night that we had met. Sighing, I turned around to face him and looked up at him with what was supposed to be an annoyed face that quickly turned into a happy one.

            “Now that’s what I like to see” he whispered before he pecked my lips. Leaning away, I looked up at him and could see that look in his eyes that I wasn’t prepared to deal with today: pure lust. He leaned forward and pecked my lips again, trying to make me in the mood, but it wasn’t working.

            The spark that once laid inside of me no longer was there, because I realized that the spark that I thought I was feeling, came from the longing that I had for another man. Now that I had finally had a taste of the fruit that was once forbidden to me, I was addicted. Yet I didn’t understand why I kept responding to Mike’s kiss.

            Mike’s hands moved from my waist and grasped my ass and he devoured my lips with a hunger I had never felt before and I responded with the same degree of hunger.

            He started making his way up the stairs with me in his arms, him still kissing every part of my skin that he could possibly reach: my neck, face, cheek, chest, and most of all my lips. As we finally made our way to the bedroom door, he put me down so he could open the door and the moment that we the door shut behind us, everything was let loose. We ripped each other’s clothing off and kissed every possible skin. The entire time that this was happening, tears streaked down my face. The guilt and hurt that I was feeling just could be contained at that time.

            “Are you ok?” Mike asked me, feeling the tears on my face.

            “Yeah, everything is fine” I replied.

            “You sure?” he lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes. I think he saw something that he could recognize, but he nodded his head as though he heard my plea for him to keep going. Mike leaned forward and continued to devour my flesh, the way he had been.

            This moment of passion should have been like any other, but it wasn’t. The only difference was that I was trying to release anything that I might hold for this man. Every single bit of love that I could have possible obtained from being with him I wanted it to burn tonight. I wanted to leave my old self behind to night and wake up a different one. I was tired of people controlling me and making decision for me. I was tired of Mike.

            Feeling Mike on me, feeling his hands touch me all over made me disgusted, but I didn’t stop because I was punishing myself; punishing myself for all the wrong that I had done. Feeling his weight on my body and his dick in my being made me want to scream yet I laid there and took it so everything from this night on would change. So that tomorrow would be different.

            I shut my eyes and let the night consume me with its flame, so that tomorrow I could be different; so tomorrow I could hate Mike. 

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