Cookie Dough Ice-cream (Chapter 5)

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Hey guys!!! Here is chapter 5, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Some of you might be wondering when the drama is going to happen, don't worry, I've gotcha. Next chapter will surely be the one to begin the chapter. Thanks to all of you guys that are supporting me; you are really keeping me going. Ok, that;s enought. Enjoy annd don't forget to comment and vote!!!


Chapter 5

            “Are we there yet?” Karmia asked as she walked forward. I was covering her eyes as I guided her to the place we were going for the day.

            “No. Just be patient, we are almost there” she giggled as she tried to take me hands off her covered eyes. I guided her to where the small picnic setting that I had set up was located. It was an opening in the park surrounded by trees, but if you looked up you could see the cloudless sky. I released her eyes and I watched as she gasped in shock. She stood there looking at the picnic set up without saying a word. She stood there for a while, and I was afraid that maybe she didn’t like it, so I walked up behind her and wrapped my hands around her waist. Instantly, she let all of herself relax on me.

            “What do you think?” I asked as calmly as I could, even though I was nervous, but of course I wouldn’t let her know.

            “Well, I don’t know what to say….it’s….”she started.

            “If you don’t like it, we could always go back and do something else. I mean, you don’t—” I started to assume the worse. I felt so stupid for coming up with this idea.

            “No, no, no” she said turning around in my arms and showed off her smiling face. “I think it’s amazing; I was just in shock. No one’s ever done anything like this for me before and I was just processing”

            “I have never done anything like this for anyone. Just though it was time to do something different” I said to ease my own conscious and to stop my heart from beating the way it was because of her words.

            “There is always a first time for everything” she replied. Stretching towards me, she kissed me. “Now let’s eat, I’m starving!” she walked towards the picnic blanket. Kneeling down, she went through the basket and started to serve the food.

            “Let me do it” I reached for the plate in her hands.

          “No” she dodged my grip. “You brought me here and set this all up, the least I can do is serve the food, okay?” she continued to serve the food.

            Chuckling, I reached for the champagne bottle and started opening it. When I finally got the cork to pop out of the bottle, I reached for the glass and pour a glass for Karmia. Handing her the glass, I processed to pouring me one. Once I was situated on the blanket, I raised my glass to her.

            “To a wonderful date” she met my glass and we took a sip of the drink.

            “I believe that it’s your turn to tell me about yourself” she said as she reached for a piece of cheese and popped it into her mouth.

            “What do you want to know?”

            “First let’s start with your age” she suggested.

            “Ok, I’m 27 years old”

            “Really?” she asked shocked.

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