Tangible (Chapter 4)

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Chapter 4

I had just gotten out of the shower as my cell phone was ringing. I walked up to the bed and pick up the phone to check the caller ID; it was an unknown number. Usually I don’t pick up those calls, because I have had one too many prank calls in my lifetime, but for some reason I pick up this call.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi Rouvin, long time no talk” the voice replied back. From the first word coming through the phone, my body tensed up and a very cold shiver went down my spine.

“Jodi….” I said as though her name was a curse word; a bad omen.

“Good to see that you still remember me since you won’t call me at all” she said in a hurt voice.

“Well, maybe I was busy or just didn’t want to talk to you” 

“Oh, sweetie, when are you ever going to learn? You can’t escape me.” she said in a sweet voice that only gave me a sour and bitter feeling.

“Jodi look, the last time I saw you I thought that I made it clear: I don’t want to see you again. What part of that don’t you understand” I snapped at her.

“The part where you say you don’t want to see me. I don’t remember being part of that decision.” She answered in an entertained voice.

“I am going to say this once and for all. Leave me the hell alone and never call this number again” I said in a deep menacing voice.

“But Rouv—” I hung up the phone before she could finish her sentence. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and att that moment I made a promise to not answer an unknown call again. Blowing out a gush o air, I looked at the time and realized that I had to hurry up and make it to Karmia’s house or I’d be late. Turning around I went to the bathroom and continued to get myself ready, putting that terrible moment behind me.


I stood in front of Karmia’s door as I waited for her to answer it. Glancing at my watch, I was exactly on time and that made me face palm myself internally because this just made me look so pathetic. I was so excited for this date that it actually made me come here on time: which never happens. While all those thoughts where going through my head, the front door opened.

“Hi” I was greeted with a beautiful smile.

The way that she looked, took my breath away. She was dressed in a nicely fitted dress that exhibited all her beautiful curves. She had her shoulder length hair curled, framing her face perfectly. She looked beautiful and I just could help but to smile back at her with as much tenderness as could.

“Hi to you too” I said.

“I’m ready. Just let me get my purse and we’ll be on our way” she said taking a step back into the house. 

“Yeah, no problem” I responded, putting my hand into my pocket. I watched as he retreated into the house and I could help but look at the way her hips moved in an erotic rhythm. I was feeling that thing, that feeling, stir inside me again and this time making my heart beat yet again in a way that I hadn’t felt in a long time; in a way that made me feel safe, in a way that I was afraid to feel.

“Ready?” I asked her once she locked her door and turned to face me. 

“Ready” she said looking up at me.

We walked the small distance of her house to the parked car in silence, taking glances of each other and smiling when we caught ourselves staring for too long. Getting to the passenger’s side of the car, I open the door for her and allowed her to get in. Once she was situated, I shut the door, and made my way over to the driver’s seat. Starting the car, we took off into to the road that promised a beautiful day.

“You look dazzling” I commented, being the first one to break the silence. 

“Thanks. You don’t look bad yourself” I chuckled in response. 

“So, where are we going?” her eyes were shining with excitement as she said this. I looked back to the road.

“It’s a surprise”

“Ok, but I hope we get there soon” she said turning to look outside the window.

“Trust me; I have a feeling that you are going to love it” I said to her as we pulled up to the stoplight. She turned and looked up at me with a beautiful smile and I could help but to imitate her. 

“Now I’m getting excited” she said as she leaned closer to my face. “I want to spend all the time we have getting to know you” she pecked my lips, before she sat back down as the light turned green. I was staring at her in shock and this just caused her to laugh. The sound was as appealing as it ever and I made a promise to myself that I would keep her happy all day. 

“Drive its green!” she said in between her laughing fit. I hadn’t realized that we were still at the stoplight. With the cars behind me honking, I took off. While driving, I took her hands in mine, wanting to touch her. Glancing sideways, I saw her looking at our hands and then smiled before she turned back to window to look at the passing by city. Looking at our hands, I noticed that I enjoyed the way our skin felt next to each other; it felt different, new. It felt perfect.

A/N: hopefully you enjoyed it. Shout out to @vegetalover123 for being a huge supporter through this whole process. You are tots awesome. I will be posting chapter 5 sooner than usual and I'm excited for you guys to read it. So, don't forget to comment and vote!!!!! 


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