I'm done (Chapter 12)

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Hey guys! Ok, so I realized that some might be confused as to who Mike is and that's why I'm gonna explain. Mike is Rouvin's former foster father. That's all that I can say for right now; hopefully this makes it less confusing. So like always relax, read, and enjoy but don't forget to comment and vote!!!!!

Chapter 12

            “How is he?” I asked the nurse at her station. She gave me a look of sadness that could only mean that she was going to tell me what I didn’t want to hear.

            “His state hasn’t changed since that last time by much, but it seems that his brain activities have increased, giving sign that he is fighting in there” she said with a small smile. Even though that wasn’t what I had wanted to hear, it was still good news.

            “Thanks” I returned her smile and made my way to Rouvin’s room. On my way there, my phone buzzed and I was sure I knew who the messenger was. Looking at my phone, I realized that my assumption right: the text message was from Mike and it read:

            Meet me at the usual spot asap

            Rolling my eyes I put the phone away and went back to getting to my destination. Opening the door, I made my way in, shutting the door behind me. Rouvin lid there in the same position that I had left him the previous day. Sighing, I walked up to him and sat in the chair next to him.

            I just sat there and looked at his face,; studying him I every way possible, trying to memorize every grove in his features. He looked so peaceful yet there seemed to be a confusion etched in his face.

            “Hey” I started “Guess what today is?” I asked knowing full well that her wasn’t going to respond. “That’s right, it’s my birthday.”

            There was nothing said after that because I broke down in tears. If only he knew how much this hurt for so many reasons. My birthday had become an event that I dreaded so deeply; it held a memory that was so painful, I could feel the scare I my heart and the perpetrator was sleeping right in front of me.

            “You know, I never thought that there would be a day when we got as close as we did that day” I looked at him, looking for any sign that her was hearing me.

            “You used to be so different when you were younger, made it easier for me to want to complete my plans, but then…” I stopped mid-sentence, may voice cracking from the memories. “You had to change didn’t you? If you had stayed the same ignorant and an asshole, things would have been easier.

            “Now here I am, in love with your damn ass and you are here lying on the hospital bed oblivious to what is happening to you.” Sighing I stood up and got closer to him. “Just know that things are different now, no matter what I’m on you-”

            “Excuse me ma’ma” a nurse interrupted me. Standing straighter I looked away from her o I could wipe the tears off my face.

            “Yes” I replied, my back to her.

            “We need to take Mr. Pavlos to the radiologist” she said in a very small voice. Her face had a guilty look on it, as though she was sorry for interrupting our moment.

            “Yeah, just let me say good bye, please” I said and looked at Rouvin.

            “Yeah, no problem” the nurse exited the room. Staring at Rouvin, a smile touched my lips because I was just happy that he was ok. I hadn’t had the time to process that fact that he was alive and that Jodi had failed.

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