"Who are you?" (Chapter 13)

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Hey guys!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been able to post the new chapter. Not only did I have a busy schedule dealing with all my tests, but I was also had major writer's block but I finally got this chapter done and I'm so glad! The chapter might be a little shorter than normal, but as usual relax, read and enjoy but don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 13

            Beep. Beep. Beep


            Who is that? That name kept repeating itself in my ears, the voice getting farther and farther away. Yet today the beeping grew louder; it matched the pulse that I felt in my chest.

            There I was floating, feeling nothing yet feeling everything. I could feel my mind, my body, my heart, but at the same time I couldn’t feel any of it because it felt foreign. Where was I? Who am I?

            BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.

            I’m afraid because I don’t know what is going on.

            “Rouvin?” a voice said “Is that you?”

            Again with that name, who is it?

            “Call Dr. Sim…take care of him” the voice of a man stood out but I kept zoning in and out.

            What were they talking about? Where was I? Who am I?

            “Rouvin!!!! Why did you do this to me?”

            “I’m sorry but you aren’t worth it” I said with a smirk that was supposed to show satisfaction, but inside my heart I knew that I was devastated.

            She looked up at me and I saw an expression that I knew would hunt me for the rest of my life: a look of pure hatred.

            “OK. Clear!!!!” and then my body was hit with a force of a million lights. For a second it felt like I was floating in a sea of pain and then my soul was sucked into a tunnel and back I was back into my body. Taking a breath for the first time was like breaking through ice water. My skin, lungs, and heart hurt to the point of no return and then it stopped.

            I opened my eyes and immediately shut them back again because the light directly above me was a blinding force. Trying to open my eye, I hear and felt the movement around me. the voices where there but I couldn’t register the meaning.

            “Get…..wrap” one of the voices said

            “18:00 time of revival” another voice announced.

            My eyes finally adjusted to the light and it was like seeing the world for the first time. The light was bright, the sounds were loud, the people where were strange. Looking around me, I saw people moving and working around me, some were writing things and others hooking more things to me than there already were.

            As I looked around, I saw a face that was looking through the window. She was a beautiful looking woman, but the look that she gave me confused me. Did she know me?

            She looked at me with gladness and a hint of something else. She looked at me like she had met me before; like she knew me. But I had no idea who she was; I didn’t even know who I was. Looking into her eyes, it was like seeing into a depth of many emotions that said s much without saying anything.

            “Rouvin?” a voice interrupted the eye conversation I was having with this mysterious woman. “How are you feeling?”

            I wanted to answer but my mouth felt like it was glued together with cement and my throat was as dry as a dessert. Even in the panic that I was in I nodded my head.

            “I’m Doctor Sims. I know that things might be overwhelming right now, but I just wasn’t ou to know that you are in good hands. Please nod if you understand” I nodded my head again.

            “So, I will ask you a few questions. I just want you nod yes or shake your head no, ok?” the doctor instructed. As a respond, I nodded.

            “Do you know who you are?” I shook my head. So far I only knew that my name was Rouvin.

            “Do you where you are?” I nodded; wasn’t that obvious DR. Sims

            “Do you know what happened” I stopped for a while and thought about it and it seemed like the more I thought about it, the more the sever pounding in my head was banging. I shook my head in disappointment.

            “Ok” Dr. Sims said, writing things on his clipboard. “I just want you rest for today and we will do some more test tomorrow.” I nodded.

            The nurses and doctors left the room and I was left with my thoughts. I didn’t know what to think; I was lost, confused and angry. Angry because it felt like there was a hole in mind that I just couldn’t fill up. As I struggled to answer the questions that were popping in my head from every direction, the door opened.

            The same woman that I had previously seen outside my window walked into the room. She looked at me and smiled and sighed out a big breathe of relief. She was one of the most beautiful woman that I had ever remembered laying my eyes on. She stood there and gazed at me before she came close to my bed.

            “Rouvin? Are you ok? I was so scared that something bad was going to happen to you and then you weren’t breathing and then the beeping was really fast and I was so terrified but you opened you-”

            “I’m sorry but do I know you?” I interrupted her babbling. I was so confused. She looked at me like I had grown a second head.

            “What?” she said the words slowly like they were getting stuck in her throat. “What do you mean by that?”

            “I’m sorry if I offended you, but I don’t who you are”.

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