Red everywhere (Chapter 16)

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Chapter 16

I stood there as the face of the man in front of me contorted from a smile to that of pain. He stood there, confused at the sudden pain he was feeling. He slowly looked down at his stomach and my eyes couldn’t help but follow as we both saw the blood spread on the white shirt that he had on. 

He looked up at me in panic and that’s when blood started to drip out of his mouth. For some odd reason, as he started dropping to his knee, I caught him. His breathing became rapid as he went into shock. Looking into his brown eyes, I saw so much fear in them and I realized that the man in my arms was about to die of I didn’t do something.

“Hey, look at me” I said to him in a calm voice; lifting his chin up so he could look at me. “Calm down, ok? Everything is going to be alright” 

Turning around, I looked at Rouvin dead straight in the eyes, not needing to say anything before he understood what I was saying and went to call an ambulance. As soon as I was sure that he had left, I turned back to the man in my hands. His eyes where closing and I knew if he followed the path of sleep, he would never wake up again.

“James, stay with me. “I said with desperation. “Don’t close your eyes, ok?”

“K-karmia, I’m so tired…” he struggled to get it out.

“I know, I know but stay with me” I continued to plead with him. All the while I was talking to James, urging him to stay awake, I saw a movement in the corner of my eyes. Looking up, I saw a person dressed in all black standing right across the street from us. Whoever it was, stood there for what seemed like forever, holding a gun in hand. Just as a car was passing by, the culprit took a step forward and when the car was gone so was the person. 

“They are on their way, Karmia” Rouvin stood behind me with the phone to his ear and babbled away; answer the questions asked of him. In that moment all I could think of was the stranger that stood there across the street from me. I knew had a feeling of that was. No, scratch that, I knew that was and that meant that I understood the message that was sent to me; I understood it perfectly.

Looking down at me one more time, I smiled at James and realized that he was dead. 

“I’m sorry James” I laid his body down and stood up, with my body all covered in blood, and made my way inside of the house.


It had been already two hours since I was seated in the questioning room, waiting to be interrogated. As I sat there, I couldn’t help but look at room I was in. The atmosphere of this room screamed ‘trouble’ with the steel table in front of me and the depressing grey wall surrounding me. 

There were no windows in the room except for the huge glass window that was located directly in front of me. It was weird knowing that someone was standing behind that window, waiting for me to say something that could possibly ruin my life. I stared at the window for a long time, thinking about what had just happened; James’s death; the person standing across the street.

Why was this happening now? I had just finished getting out of a sticky situation with Mike and now, they were back, demanding me to finish what we had started. Why would they want me to k—

My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door and two men walked into the room.

“Hi Ms. Parker, how are you doing?” one of the gentleman asked me.

“I’m ok” I said trying to make a smile appear on my face.

“I know that it’s late, but we have a few question that we need to ask you. First of all, this is Detective Stan and I’m Josh.” They each took a seat in front of me, then the man called Josh pulled out a tape recorder from his suit and placed it on the table.

“Ok, let’s begin. Can you please tell us what happened today at your house?”

I sat there and looked at each of them before staring at the steel table. I didn’t know how to say what I needed to say without sounding apathetic. I knew that if I told them the truth, I wouldn’t be able to complete my mission and the least of my worries wouldn’t be going to jail. Just thinking of what they could do to me made me shiver.

“Well, tonight was the dinner celebrating my boyfrie— I guess now fiancé’s recovery. And there was a knock at the door, which was kind of expected. When I got to the door there was gunshot and t-then t-t-there” I could finish my sentence. My breathing was quickening as I realized just how real everything was becoming and how I needed to leave this place soon.

“Look, I can’t do this right now” I looked at them with so much fear in my eyes, hoping they would let me go.

“Ok, we get it, but we can’t let you leave until you finish your statement” he looked at me with sympathy. Inwardly sighing, I looked from Stan to Josh; I put on the most realistically possible and prayed that they would but it.

“W-well, then James was looking at me and the next thing I knew he was falling and I caught him. He bled to death in front of me! In front of me…” I whispered the last part more to myself, looking down at the hand that was just hours ago stained with blood. 

“Do you know what that does to someone?” I looked directly at Josh.

“Trust me we know” he said to me with sympathy written all over his face. “Thank you Ms. Parker, that will be all for today” 

Standing up, he extended his hands towards me which I took gratefully, happy to be done with this situation. The walked me out of the room and towards the exit.

“Thanks so much for your cooperation” this tie it was Stan who talked. Nodding, I headed to my car and got in as fast as I could and just sat there. 

“Oh my gosh” I whispered to no one. I had just entered a world that I could not escape any longer, but again I entered that world the moment that I decided to meet with Rouvin…again.

Looking into the mirror of my car and stared at myself for what seem like forever. And then it happened, I laughed. I laughed so hard that it caused me to cry and it went on and on. Stopping abruptly, I wiped the tears from my face and started the car with a smirk on my face.

“It’s time” I turned the car to drive and drove off to were my destiny awaited me .  


So....any thoughts? What do you think will happen? huh? come on, tell me. So I have finally gotten over this crazy writer's block that I was having and I now know what I want to accomplish. I want to thank all those that have been supporting me, even though you guys are a quite bunch. Anywho, please vote, comment and fan!!!!!

P.s: I change my username and it's now Afro_dite. I don't know why I did it, but I needed the change.


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