psa my dudes

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hi guys!

it's been awhile, hasn't it? So, there's no easy way to say this but...I'm taking a break from writing Lams. 

For real this time.

I love Hamilton, Lin, Anthony and the entire cast with all my heart but not in the same way I did when I started this book, almost a year ago. Hamilton, for me, has always been a constant. Something to listen to when I was sad, something I could always turn to for writing.

When I saw it in person, it brought tears to my eyes. Lin Manuel Miranda really saved a dying story, now the world knows and appreciates an excellent man. 

Right now, however, my love for Hamilton isn't as strong as it was before. My love for John Laurens, lams, all of that, isn't like it was a year ago.

Like I've said many times before, I'm a huge advocate for writing what you love. Writing what you want, no boundaries to your creativeness. 

And the awful thing is, sometimes it feels like writing this is a chore. And when I didn't update for nearly a month, I felt so guilty. Because I love you all, all of you and your wonderful comments make me so happy, but I had nothing to write about. And that made me feel bad. 

So, I guess what I'm trying to say it, writing this book doesn't make me all that happy anymore. 

I will always love Hamilton, always ship lams. Always scream when Anthony posts anything on Instagram or sing far too loudly when Satisfied comes on. 

But I need a break from Lams One-shots. 

I promise, though, if I ever feel the need to write about lams, I will update.

You guys have been the best readers I could ever dream of, your sweet and funny comments always make my day. I hope you understand.

Anyways, stay happy and stay gold my lovelies :)

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