Lover in the Law

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au where john never died and he and alex became a power duo under america's first president

"Ah, Hamilton, my dear," John crooned, peaking his head into Alexander's office. "Don't you think a break is in order? You've been working through that bill for hours."

"Laurens," Hamilton replied, dipping his quill in the ink. "You know we cannot afford breaks. We cannot allow Madison and Jefferson to win this ever-long battle."

John crossed the room so he was standing behind Alexander's chair. "You're very melodramatic, my love, we fought in an actual war and you're comparing two men's rage to that?" A quick check to see if any passerbyers were looking. When the coast was clear, John placed a kiss on Alexander's head. 

"You do make my knees weak, my dear Laurens," Hamilton murmured, taking John's hand into his own. "I suppose five minutes wouldn't do much damage. Close the door?"

"Of course," John said, an excited twinkle in his eyes. He went to close the door as Alexander drew the shades closed. 

John jumped on top of Alexander's desk, careful not to crinkle the papers spread out. Alexander grinned, taking his glasses off the bridge of his nose. The last time he wore then during one of his and John's breaks, he had to lie to Eliza, saying the glasses were "sat on." 

"You know why I say 'my love?'" Alexander whispered, placing his forehead on John's. John gave a soft chuckle, the breath tickling Alexander's cheeks. A hand was snaked up to John's check, the edge of Alexander's thumb brushing over John's freckles. 

"Why, Alexander?" John breathed, eyes fluttering, heart soaring. 

"Because it's a possessive word," Alexander replied, his voice husky. "it means you, your love...your heart, it belongs to me." 

"My Alexander," John's hand went on top Alexander's heart. "and you to me. Your heart is in my hands and I will do nothing to damage it, it is mine to protect."

"My Laurens..." Alexander tried to say something else, but no words could match the passion he felt towards the other man. It seemed John felt the same things, as no words escaped his mouth either. They stared at each other, noses almost touching, for what seemed like an eternity. 

An eternity too long, Alexander found himself thinking. Finally, John moved forward so their lips connected. Alexander let out a quiet moan of pleasant surprise before kissing back. John's hand flew to Alexander's head, fingers running through his dark hair. Hamilton had a firm hand on his lover's back, pushing John forward, lips closer. 

"Laurens...Laurens..." Alexander said, in between breathless kisses. 

"No, no, Alexander. Say my first name, my dear, say my first name," John whispered back, sliding his tougue into Alexander's mouth. Their kisses were soft-lipped and desperate, filled with dreams of being together for real, filled with lust they could never act on. They were fearful of being caught, but the love they felt for one another overshadowed the doubt. 

"John," Alexander complied. "John, oh, John..."

"Alexander, I can say, with full confidence and honesty, I love you." 

Alexander's lips twitched up in a smile he reserved only for John Laurens. It was a smile that could make John die a million deaths, especially knowing only he could have that effect on Alexander. 

"Laurens, I'd make a liar of myself if I told you I didn't reciprocate those feelings, my love, my John." As Alexander murmured this, his lips moved down to John's neck. He kisses it, softly at first, then his lips began to suck on it. 

John's eyes widened, a hand on the crowns of Alexander's head. He let out a short whimper, his gripping Alexander's scalp. 

Alexander looked up and the two made eye contact. There was always something beautiful about their eye contact, John Laurens had thought. A sort of knowing, they could have an entire conversation just from locking eyes. 

"You're beautiful, my dear," John told him, his voice husky. 

"I could say the same for you, my love."

"You need to edit this part out, Hamilton," John said, passing the paper to Alexander. "The, maybe we shall call it a night?"

Hamilton smiled at his best friend, his partner in crime and lover. "Yes, we shall. Get your coat, now, alright?"

John nodded and went to go get the two men's coats. As they slung it over their shoulders, Alexander grinned. "Eliza is making a big dinner tonight, Philip was telling me about her cooking plans this morning." 

"Then I guess we're going to eat like kings?"

"No, not like kings, like independent law-makers," Alexander joked, lacing his fingers with John's. 

"What did I do in my past life to deserve such a beautiful person, my dear?" John laughed, kissing Alexander's cheek. Then, the two dropped their hands and headed out into the night. 

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