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Author's note: Everything has been reposted so should not be missing any chapter now. More to come.
Editing will commence soon but for now please enjoy!

Twelve years ago, the Shinobi world was attacked by the nine tailed Fox. Its tails lashed out. The ninja desperately trying to save their villages from the attacks the Fox made, one Shinobi faced the nine tailed Fox alone he sacrificed his life, and sealed the beast into a new born baby's life. He was known as the Fourth Hokage.
"Narutoooooooooooo!" A flash of blonde ran past laughing to himself as he went. "Get back here you troublemaker!"
"You've crossed the line this time Naruto!" Another body ran past chasing after the blonde. Her auburn shoulder length hair blew in the wind as she watched, sighing softly she began to walk off, smiling as she spotted Iruka heading in her direction.
"He went that way." She whispered, he smiled gratefully.
"You have to be faster than that to catch me! Losers!" Naruto yelled back, he gave a frown as he watched the girl with the auburn hair disappear around the corner. He stopped for a moment as Iruka came up behind him.
"Hello Naruto." Iruka said with his hands on his hips, causing Naruto to jump slightly.
"Iruka Sensei! Where did you come from?!"
"No... you're meant to be in class." Naruto blinked and stared up at Iruka.
"Oh great."

"You're late Bells!" A girl with black hair said smiling widely, a woman with purple spikey hair stood next to her frowning.
"That's nothing new..." She muttered eyeing the petite girl as she walked into the training ground, Melody frowned, before folding her arms, her dark nail varnish shimmering in the light.
"Sorry, I got lost..."
A young boy, with white hair, jumped down off the stump and scoffed, walking over to the other two females, he said.
"Melody you've lived here all your life, at least try to come up with a better excuse for slacking. Anko Sensei you really shouldn't be going easy on her, we're Chunin now."
The purple haired woman shook her head and clapped her hands.
"Alright we're all together now so we can start our training, Melody, Kaiya, Clay!" Anko said loudly, the three nodded.
"Are you ok, Melody?" Kaiya asked, Melody shrugged. Clay stood next to Anko glaring at the girl.
"I saw that boy again." She glanced up at her Sensei and her friend. "He was drawing over the Hokage faces."
Clay scoffed and they all looked at him.
"He's such a nuisance, it's just pitiful that the Hokage doesn't do anything about it, but rather just sit there and let him get away with it."
Anko sighed and rubbed her temple as Melody clenched her fists.
"You can't judge him Clay, you don't know him."
"What? And you do Melody?" Clay hissed back at her "come on Sensei I'm right! That boy is trouble."
"And he is no older than you and Melody." Anko explained "we have training to do, let's get started."

"I'm at the end of my rope here Naruto. You've failed the entrance exam three times now, you goofing off does not help you at all. Tomorrow you have one more chance." Iruka complained, Naruto wrinkled up his nose and turned his head away causing Iruka to shout. The class lined up, to take it in turns, to transform into Iruka.
"Fine! Because you missed it Naruto everyone will review the transformation jutsu."
"We always pay for your screw ups!" A blonde girl insisted as Naruto's name was called up,
"This is such a waste of time." Another boy muttered, Naruto stepped forward.
"Like I care. Transform!" The atmosphere around Naruto turned into smoke and in his place, stood a woman with no clothes on. Iruka blinked and his eyes widened.

Later that day Iruka had given Naruto the job of cleaning all the graffiti of the Hokage's faces, Naruto scrubbed away at the faces grumbling to himself about how unfair this was. Iruka watched him as he cleaned.
"Hey Naruto. When you're done here how about we get some ramen?" He asked, the blonde's face lit up at the sound of ramen.
"Alright Sensei!" He yelled scrubbing faster to get to the prize.

"Hiyyyaaaa!" Kaiya yelled twisting her sword around and slicing up towards Anko. Clay made a few hand signs and disappeared. Melody stepped back and clenched one of her fists, staring directly at Anko, who was busy defending off Kaiya. Naruto and Iruka headed along the training grounds heading towards Ichiraku as something caught Naruto's attention and he stopped.
"Water!" The auburn-haired girl from earlier raised her hand to the sky and a group of clouds came by, the rain began to pour before turning into a flood heading towards Anko. Naruto's eyes widened in awe as Anko turned her head and smirked, swiftly she moved to the side dodging both Kaiya's and Melody's attack. Feeling the increase of chakra from behind her she quickly blocked Clay's incoming attack leaving the sash open to the others.
"Melody now!" Kaiya called as she and Clay continued their assault on Anko. Naruto watched the battle progress, a ball of fire shot out across the field straight at the elder woman. Naruto was about to shout out at her but Iruka's hand rested on his shoulder, the blonde looked up at his teacher who shook his head.
"Anko can handle herself. Just watch." The fire ball carried forward before it hit a bush causing it to burst into flame, a light laugh caused the three to turn and look up the nearest tree. Anko jumped from the tree, she licked her lip.
"Striking shadow snake!" Snakes latched on to Kaiya and she squealed, "come on you three I expect some more out of you." She smiled sweetly as the three looked at each other in unison and nodded.
"Let's go Naruto." Iruka wrapped his arm around Naruto's shoulder and guided him away from the training ground.
"Do we have to?" Naruto asked as he turned his head so he could carry on watching while he was led away.
"Yes, I have a feeling their session might last for a lot longer."
Naruto and Iruka headed into the ramen shop and sat down.
"Two please!" Iruka called settling into his seat as he nodded to the ramen shop owner. Naruto sighed happily he was back at his favourite place in the whole entire village.

"Alright guys, looks like you all finally broke a sweat." Anko laughed staring at her students, Clay fell to the ground and rolled onto his back panting heavily. Melody sat up and sighed stretching her arms out, Kaiya breathed in deeply and rose to her feet.
"You all are getting better that's for sure, but you're all still a long way off from your goals. However, with that said, I'm glad you guys made Chunin, you have a week of missions for now as I will only be your sensei for B rank or higher missions. I expect you all to hold yourselves, you are a lot younger than most Chunin because of your unique talents, so please don't do anything reckless." Anko explained, she clicked her tongue and pulled out a box. "Oh... since other team leaders do this... these are for you three for making Chunin." Clay sat up and raised an eyebrow as Melody and Kaiya walked towards their sensei. In the box was three kunai knives, all engraved with their names, Kaiya picked hers up, it was a black kunai with blue engraving and hanging off a string was a blue crescent moon. Melody picked hers up and it was engraved with silver writing and hanging off a string was a silver wolf. Clay by now had walked over to the girls and his was a gold engraving and a gold sun.
"Thank you Anko Sensei!" They chorused, Melody slipped hers into her black pouch and the others did the same into their bags. Kaiya flicked her hair over her shoulder, as Anko folded her arms.
"Well there you go. I'm proud of you all and blah blah blah. Oh, hey Mel, well done on the water jutsu, it's coming along great." She chuckled before she blinked and turned her head to the side, a man walked forward coughing and smiling at the group.
"Hello everyone. Anko is it alright to take Kaiya now? Training is over I take it." He asked as the black-haired girl walked over towards him. Anko nodded.
"Of course, make sure you get rest. She's had a long day." They both nodded and began to walk off.
"See you later Melody!" She called over her shoulder, Melody nodded as Clay turned to Anko.
"Uh Sensei..." He began, Anko stared down at him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Go home and rest up, you've done very well today you're improving greatly. Melody get home safe."
"Right..." Melody responded not taking her eyes of Clay who glared back at her. Anko made some hand signs and disappeared, Clay growled and clenched his fists before walking away.
"Damn her." He muttered before walking off home.

Naruto and Iruka sat at Ichiraku's ramen shop, Naruto sat eating his ramen and listened to Iruka as he spoke.
"Why would you do that to the Hokage's faces? You know who they are right?"
"Of course, I do! They were the greatest Shinobi of their time, right? The best of the best, undefeated. The Fourth was the one to stop the nine tails attack on the Village he was the greatest." Naruto explained he gulped down the last of his ramen and placed the bowl down. Iruka glanced at him.
"So then..."
"Because I'm gonna be better than any of them, I will be the next Hokage! Then everyone will stop disrespecting me and look up to me!" Naruto yelled. Melody stopped outside the shop and listened quietly, Melody lowered her head.
"Oh, I had a little favor to ask Sensei."
"You want another bowl?" Iruka said simply, Ayame turned around and noticed Melody, she smiled
"Come on in!" Melody gulped but entered anyway Iruka spotted her and smiled,
"Ah Melody!" Melody nodded and walked over to him he began to speak to her as Naruto and Melody stared at one another. Naruto's eyes travelled down her and back up and stayed staring at her bright blue eyes, she looked so familiar but at the same time she was a stranger. Sure, he had seen her around as well as hung out with her. His eyes widened and he pointed at her standing up.
"You! You were there this morning!" He yelled, Iruka stopped talking and Melody blinked
"Yeah I was..." She stated stiffly, Iruka pulled Naruto back onto his seat.
"What were you going to ask me Naruto?" Iruka said shifting attention to the blonde and off the girl.
"Oh yeah! Can I try on your headband sensei please?"
Iruka frowned, Ayame leant over and handed Melody a bowl and winked at her Melody nodded in thanks.
"Naruto, you can only wear those when you pass the entrance exam and become a full fledge ninja." He explained, "is that why you took your goggles off?" Iruka asked smiling, Naruto began to whine
"Fine! I want another bowl!"
Melody looked at him and giggled a little, causing Iruka to laugh louder.

After the meal, Melody had moved from the seat beside Iruka to the seat beside Naruto, both were sat together laughing and talking about being ninjas, Iruka smiled a little he hadn't seen Naruto smile like that in a long time, Melody placed her chop sticks down and sighed sadly,
"Well Iruka, I will see you later I have to... go home. Have a good night." Iruka stood up and shook Melody's hand.
"See you around, have a goodnight Melody. Say bye Naruto."
"Oh yeah! See ya!" He stopped and looked at Melody's sad face "I'll see you around?" He asked, she stared at him before smiling.
"Yeah, See you later Naruto. Good luck in your test tomorrow." She walked out of Ichiraku Iruka smiled at Naruto as he watched Melody leave. He turned around to Iruka and continued eating smiling to himself, after the fun he had.

The streets of Konoha were bustling as Melody walked towards her house. She stopped outside a shop,
"Melody, you shouldn't be walking alone at night." She smiled and turned around as one of her closest friends stood behind her.
"Hey Shikamaru, how can I help you."
"I was just out for a walk, and found you. Are you shopping?" He asked as he moved closer to her, she nodded as he moved next to her, before she smiled and tackled him into a hug, she laughed hugging his waist tightly, he sighed.
"Still aren't stopping with that, are you?" He muttered, trying to pry her off.
"Come on." Melody rolled her eyes letting go of him and entered the shop.
"Ivy Rose Essence... What is this place?"
"An herbal shop. Ah Mrs. Suzume how are you today?"
The old lady smiled at the familiar voice.
"My, my is that you Melody my eye sights getting worse you know." She began to shuffle out from the back office to the desk at the front.
"Yes, it's me, Shikamaru and I are just looking."
"Oh, yes hello Master Nara," He nodded towards the old lady as Melody headed towards the figurines,
"Maybe I should get Kakashi this." Melody held up a ceramic cat incense holder toward Shikamaru, who folded his arms smirking a little.
"I'm sure he'd love that." He reached over and took the cat figurine from her hand and placed it on the desk. "Better get yourself that little wolf one." He said pointing at the one further down, Melody glanced at it and picked it up.
"Thanks Shika."
"Here we go dear, 6 lots of incense sticks and a wolf figurine, I remember you came here last time and brought one. That one you got when you were 10." Melody blushed slightly, and Shikamaru took the bag.
"It's by my bed still..." She muttered, before waving at the old lady and headed out.
"Bye." Shikamaru and Melody said together Mrs Suzume smiled watching them leave.
"So what was that all about?" Shikamaru asked as they headed towards Kakashi's house.
"What was what?"
Shikamaru narrowed his eyes at the feigned innocence.
"Really you're gonna play that card?"
"uh... yes." Shikamaru stopped outside Kakashi's apartment, she wrapped her arms around him tightly before he ruffled her hair, she took her things and headed to open the door when Shikamaru grabbed her wrist gently.
"Listen if you ever need to talk I'm here."
"I know, thank you Shikamaru, good luck with your exam tomorrow! I know you'll pass."
"Ha, thanks. It's still such a drag. Night Melody." He said leaving her to it, Melody rapped out a chorus of knocks on the wooden door until it was finally opened.
"Melody you're late." Kakashi looked down at the girl slinking underneath his arm into the house. "Sorry I went into a store but Shikamaru came with me." Kakashi raised an eyebrow. She scurried into the kitchen and put the cat incense holder on the table. She smirked and raised her finger to it, she concentrated and stuck her tongue out before a small flame lit her finger. Kakashi walked into the kitchen, she heard an undignified yell from Kakashi causing her to stifle a laugh Kakashi began to chase her around the house as he tried to get the cat holder out the house. After a while Melody had snuggled into bed and waited for Kakashi, she propped the new little wolf figurine down it glistened in the moonlight. Melody stared at it for a moment before she unclipped her bracelet, she placed her charm bracelet with her first pup Luna, the leaf symbol from Kakashi, a violet fairy from Hinata, a sparkly blue bell from Kaiya. The bells Kaiya gave her to put in her hair, and a kunai from Anko, she reached behind her and took off the necklace given to her by Shikamaru and smiled a little as she placed it down next to a figurine of a black wolf. It had a long scratch down the centre. She rolled over and clenched her pillow, she couldn't tell anyone about what had happened.
"I heard from Iruka, that you were training hard today." Kakashi said as he slipped into the room, Melody sat up and looked at Kakashi.
"I had food with Naruto, he's really funny...."
"Goodnight Mel, I'm just over here." He smiled down at her as she cuddled up under her covers.
"Goodnight Kakashi..." She drifted off, Kakashi waited for her breathing to become steady before he too rested for the night. His mind wandered to the words she said about meeting Naruto, the Hokage was right their paths would slowly cross, his eyes closed and he lay on his back, a small smile crept up on his lips as he listened to Melody murmur softly.

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