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Author note: I completely got distracted by Disney yesterday! But as promised the special valentine's chapter for you all! 

Warning: the following chapter, could cause serious crying and emotional hate towards me, I apologise 

The match was cleared away and everyone headed back up waiting for the next match. Melody stretched her arms over her head as she watched Chouji cower in fear.
"Oh and that's right Melody is also left. I wouldn't want to face her." Shikamaru teased, Melody rolled her eyes as she glanced around, Shino and Kaiya were talking happily, at least that's what she thought judging by Kaiya's happy face. She glanced at Clay stood next to Neji both silent. Melody walked over to Naruto before she had a chance to speak someone called over to him. The two of them glanced over at Kankuro.
"How come you're all by yourself? Why aren't you hanging with your buddies?" Kankuro stopped in front of the blonde and the red head.
"What's it to you?" Naruto glared at him, Melody raised an eyebrow.
"I am right here."
"You're not really a buddy to this guy? But hey why don't you and me, go on a date." Kankuro mused, Melody threw up in her mouth "hey at least I'm up front, and not stringing you along." Kankuro added Melody inhaled deeply before she turned on her heels and walked away.
"I'm out."
Naruto watched her go before looking back with distaste at Kankuro.

Melody came to a stop beside Kakashi, before her head suddenly felt dizzy. Melody frowned at the board, an excited cheer caused her to turn around Lee was bounding around before Gai spoke to him. Melody's eyes fell to Kakashi who shook his head listening carefully to Gai and Lee.
"Gaara..." She whispered softly, she watched as he disappeared into the sand and reappeared below. Her body involuntarily shivered, "why do I feel like this?" She thought her hand gripping her necklace. The room went eerily silent as Lee caught the cork of the gourd.
You could hear a pin drop.
Melody dropped a pin. Everyone looked over at her.
"I knew it! I knew you could." Melody mused loudly, Gaara glanced at her and a cold sweat washed over. "Gaara..." She rolled her eyes and leant against the railings waiting for Hayate to say start. Hayate cleared his throat,
"uh... alright if you are both ready. Begin."
Lee ran forward and attacked first, Melody's eyebrows knitted together as she watched the sand attack back.
Melody blinked and glanced at Shino, she stared at him for a few more minutes before she raised her hand to her neck the cold sweat running down her spine.
"Why is Shino...?" She glanced back down as Lee continued to dodge Gaara's attack.
"He's not even moving!" Kaiya gasped, Melody ran back over and gripped Kankuro's top, interrupting his speech to Naruto.
"What is that sand?" Melody asked, Naruto glanced at the auburn-haired girl. Kankuro shrugged his shoulders a little.
"It's why Gaara hasn't been injured in battle, no one's been able to touch him..." Kankuro said darkly.
"Wow that's lonely... and you know... poor thing..." Melody's lip twitched, Kankuro inhaled.
"Oh I'd so high five you..." Kankuro stopped as Melody raised her hand.
"He's never even had a high five, oh the horror." She gasped in mock horror. Kankuro rolled his eyes suppressing a smirk, as Gaara finally spoke to Lee.

Lee smacked into the wall and Melody's eyes widened.
"LEE!" She shouted leaning over the railing, Lee bounced back up and ran straight back at Gaara. Melody's ear twitched.
"So Gai really did teach someone without any talent?!" Clay yelled out, Melody's head turned to Clay
"You can't say stuff like that!" She yelled across, Clay glared at her.
Clay turned back to Gai listening intently.
"This kid, is almost as bad as Naruto." He thought looking down at bushy brow.

Melody and Sakura gasped as Lee fell down, her eyes widened as the sand completely engulfed Lee.
"Look up!" Kaiya yelled, Melody looked up and Lee was back flipping onto the statue. Gai gave him a thumb's up.
"Alright Lee take 'em off!"
Melody raised an eyebrow, as Lee's eyes widened.
"But Sensei, that was only to be used as a last resort, when precious lives were at stake."
"This is an acceptation!" Gai responded, Melody blinked as Naruto patted her shoulder.
"Is that allowed talking to Sensei's?"
"Why the hell not." Melody's voice full of confusion as Lee took off weights, he raised them up and stood up. Melody blinked.
"Weights? Are we sure?" She muttered glancing back and forth between Gai and Lee. Lee dropped them. A loud explosion filled the arena, the three Chunin's jaw dropped. A huge hole was left where the weights fell in.
"Gai you are too much." Kakashi thought, Clay and Kaiya shook their heads.
"That boy did NOT skip leg day!" Melody howled out, Naruto and Kankuro glanced at her.
"What is up with her?" Kankuro asked, Naruto shook his head. Lee zoomed around the arena, getting closer and closer to Gaara. Melody blinked,
"I knew Gai had unorthodox methods, but damn I gotta get me on that training program!" Melody gushed, her eyes widened, Lee's hand got through Gaara's defense and he hit him. "GAARA GOT HIT!" Melody screamed almost flinging herself over the railings. Kankuro reached for her arm and pulled her back.
"Girl, you gotta stop." Kankuro sighed. Melody stopped her movements as Kankuro said uh oh.
"Uh oh is right, your friend with the eye makeup is getting the stuffing beaten out of him." Naruto laughed, Melody opened and closed her mouth a strange feeling washing over her again. Her chest began to tighten. Kankuro glanced at Naruto.
"That's not what I meant." Kankuro shook his head.
"Kankuro's right..." Melody whispered causing Kankuro to glance down at her, both with unreadable expressions. Naruto blinked.
"Oh god Melody don't tell me your considering actually going on a date with this guy." Naruto sneered in disgust, Melody tilted her head to the side blinking quickly.
"How did you get? No!" Melody's head turned back to Gaara.
"His face is falling off!" Naruto yelled, Shikamaru pulled back.
"He's not even scratched!"
"That's so weird!" Sakura whimpered, everyone's freaking out by Gaara's face, Kaiya's eyes widened in surprise. Melody glanced around at everyone.
"Oh my god! Look at his complexion! Where can I get some of that sand? Must be great for your skin!" Kaiya squealed in delight, Melody nodded.
"Ask after the match!" She shouted over.
"The leaf is full of weirdos." Kankuro muttered sweat dripping down his forehead.
"Speak for yourself!" Clay, Melody and Kaiya yelled in unison.

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