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Author update: Now it's all making sense! XD

In a tree warehouse, Zabuza lay in bed as the girl in the mask lounged on a sofa humming softly to herself, Haku was sat on a stool next to Zabuza as the door burst open. The girl craned her head to the side and frowned.
"Some Jonin, an unbeatable ninja just got beat and limping back. As for that girl, I hired her because she's supposed to be good not run away from a fight." Gato was stood with his two guards laughing at the three. Haku stood up and the bodyguards readied themselves. "Demon of the hidden mist. More like coward."
"Drawing swords?" Haku hissed, as Gato walked forward reaching to grab Zabuza Haku smacked his hand out gripping Gato's arm tightly, "keep your filthy hands off him." Haku threatened, the girl hopped over the sofa and stepped between the two guards.
"Don't move." They both gulped as two knives were placed against their necks.
"You're gonna break my arm!" Gato yelled in pain, Haku turned to the girl.
"don't push me I'm in a really foul mood."
"ONE LAST CHANCE! AND NO ONE WILL COVER FOR YOU!" Gato took his arm and left the room. The girl turned to Haku and walked over to him before they turned to Zabuza, calm, cool and once more collected.

"Luna! Faolan! Enough already." Melody ordered, the two pups were currently rolling around on the floor, tongue hanging out as the panted from excitement. Melody shook her head, as Kakashi came over examining her training. Luna bounded over and rubbed against Melody's leg, whining softly.
"They're not listening to me." Melody sighed, bending down and patting the girl's head until Faolan jumped at Luna, scratching Melody's hand. She retreated her hand and stared at it growling in pain a little.
"That's because they see you as a playmate rather than a leader. Melody they're not like my dogs these are wolves. You need to show them who's boss, especially the bigger ones. Faolan and Luna are as young as you, probably younger they're going to be easier to train and rely on than the others. If you can't learn to handle these two, the older ones will never listen." Kakashi explained ruffling Melody's hair, she nodded and placed her hands on her hips as Kakashi went back to watch the other three.
"Alright. Luna, Faolan sit!" Melody ordered the pups looked at her and ran away, bounding over to Sasuke who tripped over Faolan as he headed to the tree.
"Melody!" He yelled, Melody frowned as Luna began pouncing around Sakura's fingers. Naruto headed for the tree and stopped as Sasuke backed into him.
"Watch it!" Naruto hissed, Sasuke turned on him.
"Then get out of my way." He retorted, as Naruto shoved him back. Faolan barked at both of them and began pulling at Naruto's trousers. Kakashi blinked and stayed quiet as Naruto and Sasuke began arguing with one another. Sakura's eyes widened and she laughed, turning her attention on Melody.
"Ha, looks like you aren't getting your training like I am." She sniggered, Melody rolled her eyes and clenched her fists together.
"Oh you know what Sakura! Stop being obsessed to Sasuke! I had tree climbing long before you did! And water walking! And" Her attention turned to the fighting four, "Everybody QUIET!" She screamed causing the birds to fly and Luna and Faolan to sit. Melody tapped her foot impatiently, "you two will listen and." She sighed and rubbed her forehead in the corner of her eyes she spotted Naruto sitting down on the ground too. "Naruto what are you doing?" Her anger fizzling out.
"Nothing! No! I- sorry." Naruto stuttered Sasuke closed his eyes folding his arms.
"You're such a loser."
Melody turned her attention to Sasuke an eyebrow raised,
"Luna, Faolan up!" She murmured, the two pups stood up. "sit." They sat down, Melody smiled widely "roll over." Luna obeyed instantly as Faolan gave her a look before following his partner, Melody bent down and opened her arms and the two pups ran into them. Kakashi smiled at Melody and stepped forward.
"Now try getting them to help you out if you were in trouble." He explained Melody nodded carrying on with her training as Naruto and Sasuke got back to tree climbing.

Naruto fell back down the tree knocking his head, Sasuke jumped down and landed on his feet. The boys had been at it for hours and Melody kept going as Sakura glanced over at her, laying limply on the floor. Melody sighed and rubbed her forehead before sitting down again, every so often glancing over at Sasuke, who nodded back at her. Naruto threw his hands up in the air before heading over to Sakura.
"Hey Sakura, you're good at this, can I have some advice." Naruto crouched by Sakura and her eyes widened. "please just don't tell Sasuke or Melody." Sakura nodded and began to explain to Naruto the fundamentals of chakra control.

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