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Author note: I decided to post two today because they kinda link nicely together. And I quite enjoy watching Melody have an inner break down. Plus, Sasuke jealous time :D

Sasuke stepped forward glancing at the information cards that Kabuto owned.
"Do those cards of yours have info on the other candidates, individually?" He asked, Kabuto looked up at him smirking.
"They might? Have anyone in mind?"
"I might." Sasuke said his eyes narrowing,
"Well I can't promise my information is complete or perfect, but I've got something on just about everyone. Including you guys of course. So, which one is it, tell me anything you know about them a description, where they're from, whatever. Anything at all." Kabuto held up a card,
"He's Gaara of the desert. And Rock Lee from the leaf village while you're at it." Sasuke announced,
"man that's no fun. You even know their names that makes it easy." Kabuto laughed, Kiba stepped forward eyeing Sasuke.
"Okay how about the hot Chunin." He sniggered, Sasuke's head snapped over to Kiba his eyes becoming angrier by the second.
"Oh, Melody Hatake? The Kitten Orphan, Anko's star pupil with Clay and Kaiya Gekko. Yeah got her too" Kabuto said smugly, nodding in agreement. Everyone stood in shock as thoughts quickly spread through the group.
"She's that good?" Sakura thought before glancing at Melody, Hinata sighed softly she'd always known Melody was a strong ninja. Shikamaru sighed placing his hand on his face.
"The rumors about her are true..."
Naruto stared at Melody, she was laughing happily, oblivious with the whole group staring at her.
"huh... guess she isn't just sweet and kind."
Sasuke gritted his teeth together as he stared at the sheet of paper of Gaara, Lee and Melody. They were all pretty strong. Including his Melody. He stared at her until she suddenly felt eyes on her she turned her head and blushed as she spotted Sasuke staring at her. She gave a slight wave and he turned back to the cards.

Melody, Clay and Kaiya finally turned their attention to the rookies. Naruto was stood shaking, Melody tilted her head to the side she was about to get up and head over to him until the boy began to point at everyone, raving and ranting.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! And I'm gonna beat every one of ya. Believe it!" He began to chuckle, the whole room went silent as Clay began to shake his head at Naruto's little outburst, Kaiya rolled her eyes as Melody grinned trying desperately not to laugh. Ino ran over to Sakura.
"What's he trying to do get us killed?!" Ino screamed, Sakura sighed. "tell your boyfriend to keep his big fat trap shut!" The two girl's turned on each other. Melody headed over with her team to Naruto who gave her a mischievous grin.
"I feel a lot better now." He said, Melody placed her hands on her hips, as Kaiya stood by Shino and Hinata, Clay sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well he's thrown us all under the bus now."
Sasuke smiled a little as Melody smirked at him.
"Idiot..." They both whispered.
"you moron, are you trying to get everyone in this place to hate our guts?" Shikamaru asked Naruto.
"Wanna say that again? Didn't quite catch it." Kiba rubbed his nose, as Sakura dashed forward straggling Naruto.

Melody sighed and turned to Kaiya beginning to talk to one another, ignoring Sakura cause more of a scene, until in the corner of her eye she spotted a flash of movement, heading straight for the rookies. She turned around quickly in time to spot a sound ninja jump off the table right for Kabuto. Clay growled and reached for his pouch, Kaiya reached behind her back ready to grab her sword but stopped when she noticed Melody looking elsewhere. In the center of the room Melody spotted Kankuro about to take crow off his back ready to help when Gaara held up his arm stopping him. She blinked.
"Guess I'm not the only one who sees what's happening." She thought, Kabuto jumped back away from the kunai, smirking slightly.
"Should we help?" Kaiya asked, Clay shook his head.
"No we'll make things worse for the rookies..." Melody whispered watching the scene unfurl, Clay nodded and Kaiya lowered her hand from her back. Melody frowned as the other sound ninja appeared in front of him swinging. "guess he isn't that fast..." She watched as the glasses on his face shattered.
"oh, I get it. It was that kind of attack." Kabuto took off his glasses, as Sasuke stepped in front of everyone.
"Hang on, I saw it all. He dodged the attack how did that happen?" He said, Melody tilted her head to the side.
"It must have come closer than we thought, tsk. Look at him acting like it was nothing. Real tough guy." Shikamaru added, Melody shook her head as Kabuto's eyes widened in pain, before he dropped to the ground. Naruto and Sakura ran forward helping Kabuto to his feet. The Ninja with bandages wrapped round his face began to talk.
"Not such a tough guy I guess. Maybe that's why he's on his seventh try,"
"Write this on your little card punk. The genin from the sound village will be Chunin when this is over guaranteed." The other guy hissed, Naruto began to growl glaring at the sound ninja. Melody snorted causing all eyes to turn to her. "Little girls should keep their noses out of other people's business." The sound ninja pointed at Melody, who's eyes began to narrow at the sound ninja.
"Don't start something you can't finish." She ground out, the three ninja stared at her as the rookie nine stared at Melody in awe and confusion. "Don't make me remind you whose Chunin already." She said darkly causing the sound ninja to take a step back as Clay and Kaiya stepped forward. Suddenly a loud explosion caused them to turn to look at the front of the classroom.
"Alright you baby faced degenerates! Pipe down and listen up!" a group of teachers stood at the front. Melody eyes widened as she recognized the one talking. "It's time to begin, I am Ibiki Morino, your proctor and from this moment your worst enemy." He smirked, he raised his hand and pointed forward as a hushed silence washed over the group "first, you candidates from the village hidden in the sound knock it off. Who told you, you could fight?! Do you want to be failed before we even begin?" He yelled, Melody stared at the sound.
"Sorry it's our first time guess we're a little jumpy... sir."
Ibiki smirked.
"I'll say this once so listen up. There will be no combat between candidates no attacking each other without permission from your proctor even then fatal force is prohibited. Anyone who thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately. Got it?" He said darkly, the sound ninja huffed a little.
"No fatal force? That's no fun." The proctors began to laugh behind Ibiki,
"Now, if we're ready we'll proceed to the first stage of the exam, hand over your paper work. You will then be given a number for where you sit for the written exam."
Melody glanced back at Naruto as his face went into fear.
"Written?" He whimpered, Melody gave him a sympathetic smile as everyone began moving to give paper work in. Melody headed over but stopped when she felt a hand on each of her shoulder.
"Long time no see trouble."

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