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"Okay, now that is step one of oblivion, there's three more steps to go." Kakashi stated, Melody's jaw dropped. "uh, well we can come back to that." He said patting her shoulder. "How far have you got with your summons?" He asked, Melody thought for a moment.
"Well it's difficult, Luna and Faolan are responding well but the others aren't responding as well. But I haven't got any more than four." She explained, Kakashi thought for a moment.
"It does take time to earn trust especially with dogs and wolves... let's see your new two."
Melody formed the hand signs,
"summoning jutsu!" The smoke exploded around her hand and she heard a low growl and two yips.
"Melody!" A pup barked happily, Melody bent down, and Luna jumped into her arms licking Melody's face. Faolan jumped onto her back and she laughed slightly.
"Those two are your pups, they have already made a strong bond with you." Kakashi said, Melody nodded her eyes darting over to the growling Roukan and the sleeping Lupa.
"Kakashi meet my other two... Lupa and Roukan."
"What do you want this time child?" Roukan growled, Melody sighed. Kakashi raised an eyebrow but walked forward towards Lupa. She opened her eye and stayed still. Roukan watched circling both Melody and Kakashi.
"I see the problem," Kakashi bent down and Lupa raised her head, he stroked under her chin and she panted softly. Melody raised an eyebrow as Roukan sat down next to Lupa. "They're teenagers." Kakashi smiled back at Melody.
"You may not have noticed but teenagers can be quite difficult to handle." Kakashi said standing up, Lupa stretched out before standing up. "In fact, it would appear these two are older than you. Right you five you can spend the next two hours honing your skills and working as a team." He eyed all of them and Melody raised an eyebrow. "I've hidden in the woods your favourite item. You all need to work together in order to get it. Got it?"
Melody glanced down at her wrist and screamed. Her bracelet was gone, Luna licked her palm as Melody shook in anger. Kakashi smirked before disappearing.
"Alright. Luna, Faolan, Lupa and Roukan let's get going."
"Yes!" Faolan barked happily beginning to sniff the ground.
"Okay..." Luna whined softly following her partners lead. Melody began to follow however stopped and shot her hand out.
"HEY! TEENS COME ON! I'M STILL YOUR MASTER!" Melody growled loudly, Lupa and Roukan exchanged glances. Melody bit her lip and bent down lowering her head to the ground. "Please! Please... I know I'm young and I know you both don't really want to listen to me but please... that bracelet means everything to me." She explained, Luna and Faolan sat down tilting their heads to the side watching their master. Lupa licked her teeth and trotted over to Melody, knocking her slightly with her tail.
"Alright child."
Melody's eyes widened in surprise,
"Alright here's what we do! We start by checking all the likely places Kakashi could have hidden it." She stopped when a low growl interrupted her.
"No." Roukan said "you know nothing about tracking. Take us to the place you last had it and we will follow the scent." He said, Melody raised an eyebrow and shoved her wrist into his face. Faolan chuckled.
"She got you there, big bro."
"We cannot follow your wrist." Lupa answered, Roukan lay down huffing. "Not to mention we're not meant to be tracking anyway." She muttered, Melody sighed,
"it didn't run off. Kakashi took it so we could work together." She folded her arms in irritation "and so far, you're no help." She added, Roukan eyed her.
"Careful. You're getting catty."
"Good one bro." Faolan chuckled, Melody eyed Faolan before bending down and picking him up.
"Quiet you... alright well what do you suggest Lupa?"
"I suggest we go back to sleep. I'm sure your bracelet will show up." Lupa yawned as she settled herself down. Melody sighed as Luna began sniffing around the area.
"or you could buy a new one, humans do that right?" Roukan snorted, Melody growled under her breath.
"This one is special to me, it's a gift from everyone I love." She hissed, Roukan sneered.
"So no one important then?"
"Take that back!" Melody dropped Faolan, who gasped landing safely on the ground, Roukan stood up, his partner following.
"Why? It's not like anyone you care about is important. They're only human."
"Oh yeah? Well what do you know! You, dumb mutt!" Melody yelled, Roukan bared his teeth, his fur bristling.
"Say that again!" He barked out, Melody growled her nails sharpening as her eyes flashed purple.
"You know nothing about that bracelet or what it means to me! You don't understand what a real bond is!" She screamed, "what it means to have real friends! People who'd do anything for you no matter the costs! You don't know what it takes to make a real bond!" Her voice cracking as she screamed at Roukan, the young male leant back on his hindquarters, as Lupa intently watched the human child "And that's what that bracelet means to me! The friends I've made and the bonds I've made! I can't lose it! I can't lose those bonds!"
"MASTER!" A shrill bark piped up, Faolan, Roukan, Lupa and Melody glanced over at Luna. She was happily digging until she stuck her nose in the ground and pulled out a piece of paper. She bounded back over flopping onto Melody's foot and barked happily raising the paper in her mouth. Melody bent down and took the paper from her mouth "I found something!" She said happily, completely unaware of the tension that was growing previously around her.
"It says... I fly without wings, I cry without eyes... where can you find me." Melody blinked and the pack all exchanged glances.
"I got it." Lupa stood up and stretched and began walking away. Melody frowned but followed silently with the rest.

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