
21 2 6

Author note: Next chapter! 

 Naruto ran forward only to be attacked by a smoke bomb, Melody watched in silence as the match took place inside the mist. She shook her head in annoyance, Kaiya leant over the railing. Melody reached forward and steadied her as she almost fell over.
"I just can't see what's happening!" Kaiya whined, Chouji glanced over at her.
"Wanna see him get beat up Kaiya?" He laughed, Kaiya shook her head.
"For your information I just wanna see the fight. The way Melody didn't watch mine." Kaiya scoffed, Melody yanked Kaiya back her eyes still fixed on the match.
"She didn't watch mine either." Ino added. Melody flicked her eyes over everyone before snorting.
"You lot hush. Naruto is proving something, I'll bicker with you all later since you all enjoy it so much." She hissed, everyone's eyes widened in surprise before they glanced down below Akamaru was biting Kiba. "Oh great! I missed it!" Melody whined throwing her arms up in the air before folding them in a huff. Naruto transformed back into himself still biting Kiba before letting go. Melody sighed, her eyes once more focused on the number one hyperactive knucklehead. Melody thought back to all the times she'd been with Naruto and how much he'd grown. She licked her lip slightly before chewing on it. "Even so... Naruto is still Naruto and Kiba. Well he's Kiba!" Melody watched as Kiba calmed himself down and threw a food pill at Akamaru, followed by Naruto yelling at Hayate... again. "Kiba's a really skilled Genin, not nearly close to Sasuke," Melody shook her head before tutting in distaste. "I'm here for Naruto not everyone else. Get a grip Melody." She watched as the match continued it's fight again, everyone around her was remarking Naruto. The match intensifying. "Naruto has improved even through this match but how much more can he do? Against what esstinally is- sorry Kiba- an animal." She thought her eyes flicking back and forth between her two friends. "I wonder how Hinata's feeling right now..." She let her eyes roam over to the younger girl, her hands clasped in front of her as she watched her teammate and Naruto fight. Melody gave a small sad sigh as she turned back to the match, "Naruto and Kiba... both underdogs... in their own way... come on. Put up a good fight both of you." She felt a cold chill run through her she looked up and noticed Gaara eyeing her. She raised an eyebrow. Gaara and Melody stayed locked on one another, Melody frowned her body frozen in place.
"Fang over fang!" Melody's eyes dropped down as Naruto was smacked through the air by Kiba's attack. Gaara glanced down as Melody gripped the railing tightly as Kiba came to a skidding halt. Naruto coughed up blood. Melody growled as Kiba began berating Naruto, his laugh echoing around the arena. Melody's jaw slowly dropped, Kaiya pushed her hair back over her shoulder.
"Who knew... Kiba could be so cruel..." She whispered, Clay nodded his eyes fixed on Naruto lying on the cold ground. Melody closed her eyes, and allowed her mind to be free as she zoned in on everyone around her. All their thoughts flooded her mind, all the attention on Naruto. Naruto. Naruto. Naruto. Melody bit down into her lip, resisting the urge to cry for the blonde. She opened her eyes once she heard a strangled grunt, Naruto struggled to his feet and she inhaled.
"ON YOUR FEET NARUTO!" Sakura yelled, Melody smacked her hand down on the railing.
"COME ON NARUTO! PULL IT TOGETHER!" She screamed, Naruto glared at Kiba.
"Sorry but I'm the top dog around here." He added, Melody and Sakura exchanged surprised looks before Sakura blushed and glanced back at Naruto as Kiba went full out to attack Naruto. Naruto dodging for his life. The ground began to turn to dust, and Melody groaned.
"Great back to square one no one can- oh hey I can see!" Melody smiled in glee, Kakashi shook his head.
"Oh Melody..." He sighed as another smoke bomb was released. Melody frowned and drummed her nails on the railing.
"No friggin way."
"Very clever." Kakashi added, Melody smirked as Sakura looked between them in confusion. Sakura smiled happily as the smoke cleared, three Kiba's were stood there!
"That was brilliant!" She added, Kaiya nodded. Everyone watched in horror as Kiba hit one Kiba, Melody smirked. The knocked out Kiba turned to Akamaru, Kaiya and Sakura gasped as Kiba whirled round hitting the other. Again, turning to Akamaru. The first Akamaru stood up and Naruto appeared. Melody rubbed her head as the two began talking again.
"This match... Oh Naruto." Melody sighed as she watched Kiba, "losing it a little Kiba?" She thought, as Naruto began ducking from Kiba's shuriken and all fours jutsu. "Naruto's been hit left right and centre. Damn... COME ON NARUTO!" Melody shouted,
"ON YOUR FEET NARUTO!" Sakura yelled out, the two glanced at each other again before quickly turning to Kiba and Naruto as Naruto grabbed Kiba and swung him away, his arm now bleeding like his head. Melody watched on as Kiba began to hit Naruto around, Clay hissed.
"How much longer is this match gonna go on for? Why can't Kiba end this?" He asked, Melody clenched the railing tighter and tighter the railing slowly breaking. Melody growled as she watched the blonde get hit again, and again and again.
"Naruto... what are you doing? This isn't like you... I thought you had something to prove to Sasuke? To everyone... come on... Kiba- Kiba has a weakness' too think about it. Idiot." She watched as Naruto clasped his hand together forming a hand sign for a jutsu, Kiba growled loudly before racing forward and jumping behind. Naruto's eyes widened as Melody and Kaiya and Sakura all leant forward. Suddenly there was an unpleasant sound, followed by an unpleasant smell Kiba stopped in his tracks and the room went quiet, before he pulled back covering his nose.
"That's just nasty Naruto!" Kiba roared. Kaiya wrinkled her nose in disgust, as Clay closed his eyes in complete and utter despair.
"How... rude." Kaiya muttered, Sakura shook her head.
"What ever works for you Naruto! It slowed him down at least." She said, everyone glanced at the auburn-haired girl.
"I'm out." Melody began walking away shaking her head. The match continued, and Naruto was ahead with his shadow clones. Melody stopped by the stairs and glanced back as Naruto's new jutsu looked very similar to some others she knew.
"Uzumaki barrage!" Melody shook her head, "Lee and Sasuke... so much for originality." She chuckled as Kiba hit the ground, no longer moving. Hayate walked forward and inspected Kiba.
"The winner is Naruto Uzumaki!"
Melody's eyes widened in surprise before she jumped over the railings. Kakashi shook his head as Clay rubbed his temple. Melody ran forward before throwing her arms around Naruto's neck.
"Oh my god you did it! You beat Kiba!" She cried happily, he blushed suddenly before hugging her back.
"Thanks Mel." She pulled back and they smiled at each other before laughing loudly. The two of them headed up to the others and passed Hinata.
"NA- Naruto!"
The two stopped and Naruto turned back around to Hinata, Melody smirked and folded her arms. Hinata held out an ointment and Hinata's face turned red.
"It's a healing ointment." Kurenai explained, Melody grinned at Kurenai, "take it Naruto." She added, Naruto nodded and took it from Hinata before Melody hugged Hinata happily. The board began to change names again. Hinata wandered down to Kiba and Melody glanced around the room her eyes landing on the sand trio until the board names came to a stop. Her eyes widened in horror.
"No. That can't be..."
Hinata entered the match as Melody stood by a worrying Kaiya, Neji entered the arena with Hinata.
"This can't be happening." Kaiya whispered, Melody didn't say anything her eyes completely fixed on Neji's head. The Genin began to ask questions to the Jonin as Melody and Kaiya waited, their patience slowly fading. Melody finally snapped as Gai and Kakashi explained Hinata and Neji's heritage.
"They're cousins. They're cousins! We don't need the long story! They're cousins!" Melody growled at everyone, before looking back down at Hinata. "And he's- he's..." She gripped the railing in anger. Kaiya watched Melody before frowning angrily.
"That's all true, but there's something you should know..." Kaiya whispered,
"Kaiya. Enough." Melody hissed. She knew all to well what she was going to say about that Hyugga clan, but she wasn't ready to hear it again. She glanced at Kurenai who gave her a knowing look.
"Once a failure always a failure." Neji said, "People are judged by their true nature that is the way of the world." He added, Melody rolled her eyes watching him.
"Seriously? Spouting nonsense. You have no right to talk to her like that." Melody watched as Hinata cracked underneath Neji's stern and cruel words.
"I understand these things because I see clearly, with my byuakgan. Despite your brave words, you want to run away from this, as far as you can."
Sakura and Naruto turned to Kakashi, asking about byuakgan. Melody's body began to tremble in annoyance.
"His eyes... might even be stronger than Sasuke's..." She thought. Hinata's eyes widened in fear as Neji used his byuakgan on her. He continued ripping into her until Melody felt a surge of anger beside her. Naruto gripped the railings.
"That does it! WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TELL HER WHAT SHE CAN AND CAN'T BE?! GO ON HINATA SHOW THIS GUY HE'S WRONG!" Naruto yelled angrily, everyone stared at him and Melody's eyes widened in surprise. "HINATA ARE YOU JUST GONNA STAND THERE AND TAKE THAT?! DO SOMETHING! YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!" Naruto yelled, Melody and Kaiya leant closer to him, sly looks on both their faces.
"In a good way?"
Naruto glanced between the two-girl's confusion across his face. They all looked back at Hinata, the match finally starting. The two began striking blows at one another, Melody's eyes following carefully her built up anger growing as everyone arounf her kept asking questions about the two hyugga's.
"You didn't tell me Hinata was that flexible." Clay mused, Kaiya and Melody craned their heads to the side both their eyebrows raised.
"What is wrong with you?"
"Shut yer face!"
The Genin glanced at the trio of Chunin, before they turned back to watch Hinata get hit again.
"So what is happening down there?" Naruto asked, Kakashi folded his arms.
"Well you see, the attacks are happening internally, through the chakra points." He was met with confused Naruto. Melody rolled her eyes and watched again as Kakashi continued his explaintion of the gentle fist style and the byuakgan.
"they attack the chakra network, that's amazing." Sakura breathed out, Naruto frowned.
"Here I will explain." Lee said. Melody zoned out until she heard her name.
"Melody got hit by that once." Clay nodded thoughtfully.
"She just rolled around laughing after..." Kaiya added, Melody nodded an amused smile on her face. "Melody do you take anything seriously?" Ino asked, Melody crossed her arms over her chest in thought.
"I did once. Was a very boring day." Melody concluded.
Shikamaru shook his head as Ino raised an eyebrow, suddenly the group stopped and glanced down as Neji pulled back from Hinata before slamming his palm forward into her chest.
"HINATA!" Melody and Kaiya screamed out as their friend coughed up blood, Melody raised her foot onto the railing and Clay and Kaiya grabbed for her dragging her back. Melody screamed in frustration, as Hinata pushed Neji's hand away and attacked back. Neji grabbed her holding her arm his finger digging along her arm. "HINATA!" Melody screamed again as Neji pulled back her sleeve.
"That's right I could see your chakra points this whole time." He sneered, Clay tightened his grip his eyes on Neji.
"I don't get it!" Naruto yelled, Kakashi frowned and began to explain the chakra points. Neji pulled his hand back and slammed it against Hinata flinging her across the ground. Melody began to growl in anger, as Hinata struggled up panting heavily as Neji began to lecture her. The blood dripped from her mouth as Kaiya's eyes began to water she let go of Melody and ran to the railings.
"Hinata please!" She cried out, Melody's eyes widened as Hinata struggled to her feet.
"I never go back... on my word..."
Kaiya gripped the railing shutting her eyes tightly. Hinata stood back up. Her eyes drifting to Naruto.
"That too is my nindo... my ninja way." Hinata exhaled as Melody stopped fighting Clay's hold on her.
"I didn't know Hinata was that strong." Naruto said.
"She's a lot like you." Lee said, Sakura nodded.
"Come to think of it she is always watching you."
"That's not even the half of it." Melody added, everyone glanced at her before she blushed turning back to Hinata as she gasped in pain and bent over. Melody frowned, everyone began talking around her, Naruto clenched the onement bottle from her.
"GO HINATA! YOU CAN DO IT!" Naruto yelled as Hinata ran forward attacking Neji, Melody shook her head.
"Melody..." Sakura began, Kaiya and Melody glanced at her, "you're close with Hinata... will she..."
"I dunno... we've never seen her like this." Kaiya responded "you see Hinata has always been shy, but she has an inner strength that even she doesn't know about. She always tries, no matter what- but she loses that confidence when faced with real situations. But right now, she has the only person she wants, watching her." Kaiya finished, Melody was about to respond when Neji shot his hand up knocking into her chin and shoving her away.
"Hinata... when I first met her, was a cry baby." Melody stated the group looked at her in confusion, "but the thing is... I've seen her grown, just because she cries doesn't mean she's weak. It shows she has a heart, it shows that no matter what she'll continue to grow stronger." Melody added "kinda like someone else I know." She said, her eyes flickering to Naruto and back. Hinata ran forward Neji raised his hand and hit her again in the centre of her body. Melody's eyes widened.
"HINATA NO!" She screamed out, everyone gasped in horror as she hit the ground, "HINATA!" Melody shouted out again, Naruto growled.
"After the blow to the heart, Hinata's done." Gai muttered, Naruto's eyes widneed before he cracked the oinment bottle.
"Shince she's unable to-"
"NO DON'T STOP THE MATCH!" Naruto yelled out, Melody turned her head to him as everyone's eyes widened as Hinata struggled once more to her feet, Kaiya's eyes watered and she covered her face her tears flowing quietly.
"How can she go on like this... Neji... he's awful." She whimpered between tears, Melody bared her teeth in anger as Naruto stepped beside her smiling down at Hinata.
"I'm far from finished..." Hinata winced, Neji continued to talk to her his anger rising.
"Accept defeat, and you won't have to suffer anymore."
"No you're wrong, brother... you've got it backwards... I can tell, you're the one suffering much more than I- You're the one who's all torn up about the side and the main branch." Hinata mustered her words, Neji growled before dashing forward screaming his frustration, Melody's eyes widened before she elbowed Clay away from her and dived over the railings,
"NEJI NO THE MATCH IS OVER!" Hayate yelled, Kakashi, Kurenai and Gai disappeared, Melody's body zoomed passed Hayate.
"Hinata!" She yelled as Kakashi, Hayate, Kurenai and Gai grabbed onto Neji. Melody wrapped her arms around Hinata, holding her steady glaring at Neji. Melody's eyes flashed purple her growls low as her arms wrapped protectively around Hinata. Kakashi stood in front of the two girls his finger out pressed against Neji's forehead, Hayate held onto his arm, Gai's arm was around his neck, Kurenai was bent down grabbing his other arm.
"Neji! Get ahold of yourself!" Gai barked, Melody watched on her growl still going. "You promised you woildn't let this whole family thing get you riled up."
"Why are you, the other Jonin and that Chunin butting in? The head family gets special treatment." Neji ground out.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Melody snapped back "you were trying to kill her!" Neji glared at Melody, a startled cough caused her to look down as Hinata began crumpling in her arms.
"Hinata! Kurenai Sensei! What's wrong with her?!" Melody whined lowering Hinata to the floor. Kurneai stood up, as Sakura, Lee and Naruto jumped down gathering around Hinata. Kurenai lay Hinata on her back.
"Naruto... do you think..." Hinata faded into unconsciousness, Melody's widened before she shut them quickly.
I changed? Maybe... a little.
"Hey loser." Melody's eyes reopened at the sound of Neji's voice and her anger went back to him, Neji was staring at Naruto. "I have two pieces of advice for you. If you're going to call yourself a shinobi, stop that ridiculous cheering. It's disgraceful and second once a failure always a failure, you can't change that." Neji sneered, Naruto and Melody growled in unison. "And you Chunin." Melody's eyes turned to daggers. "You think you're special, but we all know what you really are." Neji began to walk away. Melody lowered her head her eyes fixed on Neji's back she pressed her foot into the ground and leant forward until Naruto dashed forward at Neji, Lee skidded between Naruto and Neji his arms outstretched.
"What are you doing Lee!?" Naruto yelled,
"Naruto, I get where you are coming from! Believe me! But all fighting must be done in official matches. The loser beating the gifted genius through sheer will power, now wont that make for an exciting match?" Lee said eyeing his teammate. "Even if I end up against Neji, but if you fight against Neji that is okay too." Lee smiled back at Naruto as Naruto folded his arms.
"ALRIGHT fine you win Lee."
Melody gave a strange nod of the head before glancing back down at Hinata who coughed up more blood. Melody dropped to her knees as Kurenai ripped open Hinata's coat she rested her ear against her chest her eyes showing worry and anger towards Neji. Melody's heart thumped against her chest.
"Why glare at me when you should be worrying about her." Neji smirked,
"We need a medic! And hurry up!" Kurenai yelled, Melody stood up.
"You know what Neji I'm seriously gonna wipe that smug smirk off your stupid face." Melody ground out, Neji smirked.
"See what I mean Chunin." Melody clenched her fists together at Neji's comment, Kakahsi stood behind Melody and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Now Melody..." He warned as he felt her body trembling in anger underneath his hand.
"She has no pulse!"
Melody and Naruto whirled around and ran closer to Hinata, their blue eyes widening in fear. The words of the medics not reaching their ears as Hinata was taken away. Melody's lip trembled as her eyes began to water. Naruto bent down to where Hinata's blood was. She frowned, as he stood back up and holding his fist out to Neji.
"Hinata I give you my word."
Melody watched him stare over at Neji.
"I vow to win!" Naruto declared, Melody nodded.

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