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Melody ran over to Sasuke and threw her arms around his neck, he held her close ignoring everyone else in the room.
"Happy birthday..." He muttered letting her go, he gave her a present she smiled happy as she unwrapped it, her eyes widened in surprise. "You were having trouble sleeping..."
"Thank you..." She whispered happily, Naruto bounded over and lifted Melody up by the waist.
"Party time!" He cackled Sasuke sighed and dragged his feet along joining the party.

Not long after Sasuke arrived Clay had become restless, every time Sasuke went to Melody Clay felt his blood boil. The group sang happy birthday to Melody and Kaiya and Yaya escorted her back into the kitchen as they cut up the cake. Sasuke and Clay stood opposite one another. Sasuke clenched his fists, staring intently at Clay.
"If you don't want anything get out of my way."
"No." Clay responded darkly, Sasuke's eyes narrowed.
"What was that?" He hissed back, Clay folded his arms and stepped closer to Sasuke.
"I know exactly what you did. And know exactly what kind of guy you are." He said anger filling his voice. Sasuke stepped closer his eyes dark and blank.
"Oh yeah and what kind of guy is that?" He hissed before Clay could respond Kakashi coughed. "Alright everyone I think it's time to call it a night." Kakashi announced causing Clay and Sasuke to step apart, Melody came back into the room giggling with Yaya and Kaiya before stopping. Everyone had a peculiar expression on their faces however Kurenai clapped her hands together,
"Well goodnight Melody thank you for having us." One by one the gang all dispersed leaving Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Yaya and Kaiya.
"Sure know how to ruin fun Sasuke." Naruto muttered, Sasuke glared at Naruto before he managed to wiggle in between the girl's hug causing them to laugh. "Night Mel!" He said cheerfully before heading out of the house, Yaya and Kaiya waved to Melody as they headed out being greeted by Hayate who had come to collect them both. Shikamaru wrapped his arms around Melody hugging her tightly.
"See you soon. Happy birthday Melody." He said as his mum and dad walked in.
"Melody!" Yoshino cried hugging the younger girl, she smiled brightly.
"Thank you for the gifts."
"No worries, you come visit us again soon you hear?" Yoshino chuckled before heading to the door, Shikaku ruffled the girl's hair and she grinned.
"See you around spiky." She said causing him to nod smiling slightly.
"Good night trouble, come on Shikamaru." He sang a little as the Nara's headed home, leaving Kakashi, Melody and Sasuke.

By the end of the night Melody had an array of presents as she hopped into the spare bed with Sasuke on her bed. Kaiya and Yaya had given her a new blue dress, a silver tiara and a friendship bracelet with their three favourite colours woven together. Hayate had given Kaiya a card to give to Melody with a picture of him her and Melody at one of Kaiya's sleepovers. Hinata had given her some fingerless gloves to go with the coat she had brought her before. Shino had given her a bubble bath set, Kiba had given her more treats for training her summons. Chouji had filled her room with sweets, chocolates and delicacies. Asuma and Kurenai had given her some more sealing tags and a book on sealing quoting not to use it on horrible friends. Shikamaru had given her a book and a cuddly smaller wolf with a present from his parents a photo frame with Shikamaru, Melody, his mum and dad when she had spent time with them. Clay had added to her charm bracelet and Naruto gave her a picture of him and her together at Ichiraku ramen and a voucher to Ichiraku ramen.

Melody rolled over as Sasuke threw a pillow at her, she sat up as Sasuke was lazily eyeing her leaning on his elbow, his head propped up on his palm.
"Happy birthday idiot." He muttered, she rolled her eyes and threw the pillow back.
"Thanks loser." She responded, he flopped back onto the other pillow closing his eyes, his hair flopping on his forehead. He heard the bed creak and he sighed softly,
"night Mel." He whispered, she curled up next to him as he shifted slightly until her head was lying on his arm. He waited until her breathing became steady before he drifted off to sleep, his gift hanging above them both.

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