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Author note: enjoy! newly posted!


Melody got up as Naruto smashed the first mirror, she turned on her heels and ran towards the nearest mirror, she brought her hand back before punching into the mirror shattering it into pieces, she ran out and headed through the mist.
"Starting with that annoying man of yours." It growled, as all the mirrors behind Melody smashed to pieces due to Naruto.

Yaya stood up and turned to the broken mirrors as she spotted Melody running towards her. Behind that, Haku had been thrown out the mirrors. Yaya's eyes widened as she stepped back,
"What did you do?!" She yelled, she squinted and spotted the dark eyes before she let out a scream, holding up her hands. Melody jumped and raised her fist before she slammed it down on the ground, narrowly missing Yaya. Yaya staggered to her feet, fear in her eyes until she turned to Haku who stood up, his mask slowly falling, shattering like the mirrors off his face.
"Haku!" Yaya began running towards him and Melody watched for a second before growling as Naruto ran forward yelling as he went ready for the final blow. Melody stopped, blinking at Naruto who leapt into the air fist ready. Yaya skidded to a halt and bent forward screaming Haku's name.  

Naruto stopped. In front of Haku. He glanced up. His blue eyes back,
"so that guy in the woods? It was you!" Naruto's thoughts entered Melody's and she clenched her fists, eyes still dark. Yaya spun around to Melody her shoulder rising and falling quickly, before she disappeared into the mist.
"Why do you not strike? Did you not just vow to avenge your friend? By killing me? Or was that vow empty words." Haku muttered, Naruto pulled back and decked Haku in the face causing him to stumble back before falling to the ground. Melody shook her head, her anger still there. She thought about Sasuke before turning on her heels and racing through the mist.
I was unnecessary.
Just like me!
Earth Style, fang pursuit.
That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard.
You're not a weapon or a tool!
I was without a purpose or a reason for living.

Kakashi and Zabuza continued their fight, unaware what had become of Naruto, Sasuke and Haku as well as Melody and Yaya. Kakashi summoned his dogs and they quickly found Zabuza. The fog slowly faded.
"See I let you cut me, it's the smell of my blood on your blade that led those dogs to you. Surprised? Looks like I wasn't the only one who was blind." Kakashi and Zabuza continued as Melody was heading to the both of them. Kakashi was about to start his own jutsu when suddenly a black figure appeared in front of Kakashi. Melody tilted her head to the side, a small demonic grin lit up her face until she let out a howl of pain.
"So many voices! They're not mine!" She cried, Zabuza stared at the girl, still unable to move. "I couldn't save him!" Melody's voice became hoarse, Kakashi closed his eyes, feeling her suffering "I can't do this!" She howled her power spilling out of her "Ha- Haku loved you! Yaya loved you! How can you use them like this!" Melody shook her head from side to side, her eyes frantically searching as Haku's thoughts and memories flooded her mind "H- He cares! I care- Why am I like this?!" She hissed, her growing claws digging into the side of her head. Kakashi shook his head and readied himself. Kakashi's chakra became visible swirling around his feet before surrounding his hand, lightning crackled around his hand,
"lightning blade!" He called, "I won't allow you to kill Tazuna..." He stopped and stared at the girl in front of him, "And I said I'd protect her. Melody... I'm not letting that thing take over." The lightning blade flickered faster, "your future is all used up Zabuza." He said aloud, "Melody, I'll save you." Kakashi ran forward as Melody stayed still staring at Zabuza, her eyes flickered to the side as a mirror appeared to the side of Zabuza.

Arms wrapped protectively around Melody, her anger and pain disappearing replaced with warmth. Her eyes went from black to blue, widening ever so slightly, her jaw dropped as blood splattered on her face, as her eyes met Haku's lifeless eyes. She was about to scream when the arm tightened around her as the glowing blue hand of his embedded through Haku's chest. The dogs disappeared and Kakashi's eyes were fixed on the body in front of him. Haku coughed up blood before gripping Kakashi's arm tightly. Melody shook her head, she glanced up at Kakashi, her own bloodied hand gripping his tattered top.
"So my life's all used up, huh Kakashi?" Zabuza taunted, "wrong again."
"The boy threw himself in front of my attack, he saved your worthless life at the cost of his own." Melody felt Kakashi's grip around her tighten as she swayed slightly.
"Well done Haku." Zabuza praised, before crying out with rage. Zabuza swung his sword, Kakashi's eyes widened as he grabbed Melody by the waist and Haku's body too.
"Kakashi Sensei watch out!" Sakura's voice echoed, Kakashi watched for a split second.
"He'd hack through the boy just to take me down?"
"I knew I found a treasure when I found you boy. Not only have you given me your life but Kakashi's and that little orphan of his too!"
Kakashi jumped away before landing away from Zabuza, he placed Melody down before lowering the boy to the floor.
"Not bad for having a child and a corpse in your hand." Zabuza chuckled, Melody twitched and eyed Zabuza, until Naruto spoke up.
"You'll pay for that!" He yelled, Melody felt a hand on her shoulder squeezing gently,
"no Naruto. Stay out of this." Kakashi ordered as his other hand closed Haku's eyelids, Melody smiled weakly staring at Haku as thoughts of Sasuke filled her mind. She shook her head and took Kakashi's hand. "This is my battle. Zabuza's mine." Kakashi pulled Melody slightly to the side closer to Naruto, understanding she gave a nod and walked over to Naruto.
"Hey Naruto!  Hey over here!" Naruto's face deflated as he heard Sakura calling to him, Melody stopped by Naruto both sharing the same weary expression. "So, you and Sasuke are alright?" Melody and Naruto lowered their gaze, "what's wrong? Where is Sasuke?" Naruto turned to Melody and buried his head on her shoulder as she stared sadly at Sakura. "no..."
"Sakura..." Kakashi whispered,
"Kakashi! I'd stay focused if I was you!" Zabuza ran forward at Kakashi. He placed his hands on the ground and bunny hopped kicking Zabuza square in the chest sending him backwards.
"Let me take you to him Sakura as long as we're together you won't be disobeying your sensei." Tazuna said to the girl, Melody watched her as she took ahold of the old man's hand.
"Thank you." She mumbled before running forward, she ran past Melody and Naruto, ignoring them both. Melody closed her eyes as a figure stepped out of the mist.

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