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"Hey Chouji!" Melody said happily as she entered his room. Chouji smiled as Shikamaru followed her in.
"Hey you two, what are you both doing here? You know, together." Chouji smirked, Melody rolled her eyes and leant over the bed giving Chouji a hug as Shikamaru gave him a scowl.
"We came to see how you were doing before visiting Naruto." Melody explained sitting down beside the bed.
"We brought you this." Shikamaru held up the basket and Chouji pouted.
"The doctor said I'm not allowed food..." He grumbled, Melody raised an eyebrow as Shikamaru stayed standing holding the basket. "Thanks you guys..."
"Sorry Chouji." Melody giggled a little "so how have you been?" She asked as the three began to engage in conversation.

A few hours later, Shikamaru and Melody bid farewell to Chouji before they headed down the corridor to Naruto's room.
"They said he's still unconscious... so wanna just hang out for a bit?" Shikamaru asked as Melody opened the door.
"Sure, best get your shogi ready." She teased as they entered, Naruto was laying sound asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly.
"Yeah you're right." He took a seat and Melody sat beside him, as the green timer flowed slowly. Melody rested her head on Shikamaru's shoulder as he played a game of shogi, she watched Naruto's timer going.
"Is he ever gonna wake up? Maybe the kid croaked." Shikamaru muttered, Melody sighed.
"It's been so long..." She felt Shikamaru shift under her head and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder making them both comfortable.
"Hey, look the sand stopped, did they forget to wind it? What a drag..."
Melody sat up and tapped his thigh.
"Naruto's waking up." She said, Naruto opened his eyes. "Hey!" She said Shikamaru pulled his arm from around Melody.
"Where am I?"
"You're at the hospital, you've been out of it for three days." Shikamaru explained, Naruto bolted up and began causing a scene Melody stayed still as Shikamaru's eyes widened in surprise.
"uh... tomorrow." Shikamaru responded, Naruto grabbed him by the collar and dragged him forward, Melody shook her head and rubbed her temple.
"Excuse me? I had training to do too. I came here with Shikamaru." She mumbled,
"MELODY WHERE IS PERVY SAGE?! HE'S MEANT TO BE SUPRERVISING ME! I GOTTA GET DRESSED! WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!?" He began diving around the bed frantically and Melody shook her head as Shikamaru rubbed his head in annoyance.
"I liked him a lot better when he was out of it." Shikamaru muttered, Melody sighed and got herself comfortable.
"He'll stop in a minute..."
"HEY NARUTO!" Shikamaru raised his voice "now listen you don't want to be freaking out before a big competition. Resting can be the best thing." Naruto froze "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Shikamaru stopped as Naruto stopped yelling and turned around a sheepish grin on his face.
"I'm really starving."
Melody giggled as Shikamaru shook his head.
"Man, is that all? Seriously, don't scare me like that. Oh, look at this." Shikamaru bent down and pulled out a basket of fruit.
"We were seeing Chouji today." Melody explained, Shikamaru nodded.
"We went through all the trouble of getting it for him, but the doctors say he can't have it." Shikamaru added. Naruto raised an eyebrow glancing between the two of them.
"Uh huh..." He said eyeing Shikamaru.
"But at least we can eat it." Melody reached forward but stopped as Shikamaru pulled the apple out first.
"Wait Chouji is in the hospital?" Naruto said, Shikamaru and Melody nodded.
"Nothing to worry about. All he's got is a bad case of indigestion. He ate one short rib too many." Melody and Naruto chuckled.
"That's just like him."

"Yeah well you two are lucky you've got me around otherwise you wouldn't have any visitors." Shikamaru stated, Naruto stopped and stared at Shikamaru.
"I think someone else is lucky too. So, what are you two doing together?"
Melody and Shikamaru's jaw dropped and they shook their heads at him.
"we came to visit you together... now eat your apple." Melody stuttered, Shikamaru tossed Naruto the apple and he caught it, he was about to take a bit but stopped.
"What is it?" Shikamaru asked, Naruto began to chuckle darkly.
"Let's eat it in front of Chouji, it'll drive him crazy."
"Man that's mean. I like it!" Shikamaru laughed, Melody stood up and pulled Shikamaru with her. Naruto nodded as Shikamaru and Melody led the way out.
"So, who else is in the hospital?" Naruto said, Melody tapped her chin her other arm still linked around Shikamaru's.
"You, Chouji, Lee... we should visit Lee!" She exclaimed, Shikamaru and Naruto exchanged looks.
"Well if you want to we can." Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders as Naruto laughed.
"You always do anything Mel says!" Naruto smirked. Shikamaru glared at Naruto, as Melody poked Naruto's cheek.
"Funny, you do what I say too." She added.
"A lot of people do what you say Melody." Shikamaru added, Melody puffed out her cheeks and shook her head.
"No way!" She stopped and turned around suddenly, Melody's body began to shiver, the two boys watched her with concern.
"Melody?" Shikamaru reached her shoulder and she glanced at him. The cold sweat ran across her body and her head and heart thumped again and again.
"Something's wrong!" She darted off, "this feeling... it's-" and the two boys chased after her.

A Hidden Kindness Pt2 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now