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Author note: Newly posted. 

This chapter is in memory to someone dear.

To... It's been 15 years since you left. I hope you still see me. I'm sorry for failing. But I'm trying to restart once more. Rest In Peace...

The next morning, Melody woke up at the crack of dawn with Kakashi, however they took their time doing chores, going around the village before they had to make their way to the training grounds. The two had enjoyed each other's company as they wandered into another shop.
"Kakashi, uh you know its not five in the morning anymore, right? You know you told them five?" Melody questioned as they finally left the last shop. Kakashi nodded slowly and if Melody didn't know any better it even looked like Kakashi was smirking.
"Uh Melody, I may be harsh on them is that ok? I mean I did tell them not to eat breakfast." Kakashi asked as they walked to the training ground, Melody let go of Kakashi's arm and smiled up at him.
"I didn't think you were gonna go easy on them. I can't wait!" She said gleefully knowing two of her friends were in for it today. They headed to the training grounds and spotted three young ninjas' sitting bored, tired and waiting. As they approached Sakura and Naruto turned to them frowning. Melody stood with Kakashi and gave a small wave to Sasuke and Naruto, as Kakashi stood with his hands in his pockets.

"Morning everyone, ready for your first day?" Kakashi murmured, Naruto and Sakura turned on him as Sasuke and Melody silently stared at one another. Kakashi began talking to them as they were lost in their own world until Kakashi moved towards a stump. Her eyes snapped over to him, and he began to explain the test, as Melody began to think to herself.
"All I want you to do is move that bell." Kakashi explained, Melody stared at her glistening bell before glancing up at him. He gave her a small smile before walking away. "It's something I need you to do..." He said softly. Melody turned to the bell and began her training.
Melody watched as Kakashi held up the bell. Her head began to ache and she shook her head before placing her palm against her forehead.
"Why does he use the bell...?" She thought to herself. "Only me..." Her eyes widened as she turned her head towards Kakashi "unless he took a bell test too!" She thought, before smiling at the team's faces.
"If you can't get a bell you go without lunch." Melody stared up at the sky, this was going to be a lot harder for them than she previously thought.
"You guys fell for it." She sniggered, before closing her mouth as Kakashi gave her a look, she sat down on the ground and pulled out her own book as Kakashi and Naruto began their... one sided fight, Melody giggled and began to read silently to herself. Melody every so often looked up from her book, she knew about Naruto's shadow clones and she knew how devious Naruto could be, for her to see both in action was quite impressive however, she sighed rubbing her head as Naruto punched Naruto. Kakashi was stronger, older, wiser and quicker than Naruto was. Melody smiled happily, she loved Kakashi and how cool he was, but she was glad he had taken her in.
"AHH!" Melody snapped out of her thoughts, she raised an eyebrow and sighed.
"Figures... at least Clay, Kaiya and I pulled together..." Melody mumbled watching Naruto hang upside down. Her team had a rocky start too but nothing like team Seven. They weren't even there to help Naruto. She glanced at her book and turned over the page when sharp objects flew past her peripheral vision.
"Dad!" Melody stood up dropping her book,
"Are you out of your mind Sasuke? You went too far!" Naruto yelled, as Melody glanced around, heart hammering in her chest as she hoped it wasn't real. A hand placed on her shoulder causes a blush formed on her face as the real Kakashi appeared beside her, she frowned a little and pointed at him. "Seriously? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She yelled, Kakashi gave a weak smile and patted her shoulder before turning his attention back to the others. She blinked watching Naruto before sighing, Kakashi had disappeared and she was left with Naruto.
"You gonna get down?" Melody asked staring up at the upside-down Naruto, he huffed slightly and cut the rope before dropping to the ground. He smirked and stood up and took a step forward.
"Ah!" Naruto went back up into the tree one leg trapped by another rope. "Oh, come on!" Melody giggled a little.
"Come on Naruto... you're really not getting this test at all, are you?" She said folding her arms, he sighed and glanced around before spotting the lunches, a grin appeared on his lips and Melody frowned. "What are you planning?" She asked, as he cut the rope again, he jumped down and placed his hand on Melody's shoulder.
"You aren't judging me, right?" He said with a calm face, Melody raised an eyebrow.
"Uh... no?" She responded Naruto grinned and sprinted off.
"I'M EATING LUNCH NOW!" He yelled back, Melody's jaw dropped before she rolled her eyes.
"Good god, how is this team going to survive?" She wondered, before turning in a different direction off to find Kakashi. She stopped for a moment and clenched her fists, sighing she continued anyway.
"Melody?" Kakashi called, Melody stopped and turned around "Naruto got out?" He asked, she nodded and pointed towards the lunches, a small smile on her lips. "Great..." He mumbled before disappearing and reappearing behind Naruto. Melody chuckled,
"I wonder what happened to the other two?" She said before following Kakashi, she waited for Kakashi to tie Naruto up as he struggled and wailed. The bell went and Melody crossed her arms over her chest giving Sasuke a weak smile as they came back to the stumps. She rubbed her head again and sighed as Kakashi began to talk to the three of them. She watched their faces all emotions running through them as Kakashi's voice was calm and collected until
"You're being dropped from the program. Permanently." Kakashi ordered, Melody lowered her gaze from Sasuke. Naruto began to yell at Kakashi as Melody frowned a little more,
"guys stop it." Melody muttered, Kakashi gave her a sideways glance. He knew how hard this was for her. She had become a Chunin after all but she was still the same age as these three and friends with them.
"You don't think like ninja. You think like little brats. Unlike Melody here, she put aside her differences with her teammate." Melody slowly craned her head to Kakashi, "she knows what it means to be a ninja." Melody's eyes widened as Sasuke darted forward.
"Sasuke stop!" Melody shrieked, Kakashi pinned Sasuke to the floor and sat on him, with his arm behind his back. Melody shook her head and glanced away.
"You, think it's all about you." Sakura began to scream at Kakashi as Melody glared at the pink haired girl.
"Oh pipe down you did nothing! Faint, fall down and go on about my Sasuke." Melody hissed causing Sakura to flinch and glance down. Kakashi nodded and continued talking, his voice raised ever so slightly.
"You don't know what it means to be a ninja. You think it's a game. Why do you think we put you on squads, did you consider that question for one moment?" He asked, Melody and Naruto stared at one another before Melody broke the stare and glanced up at the sky. She knew why, not only was it a safe number, but it was all about teamwork... her exam, her friends, her Sensei. Her temple began to throb and she shook her head.
"If all of you came at me, you may have got one. Too late now." Kakashi said, Sakura's eyes widened and they all looked at her.
"You set it up with three people, but only two bells. If we work together, and got them only two of us could keep them. That would lead to group conflict and the group would break up." She stated, Melody raised her eyebrow.
"Melody, what would you have done." Kakashi muttered, Melody took her hand away from her head, Kakashi frowned.
"I would have given it to my team. To Kaiya and Clay. Sure, Clay and I don't always get along but I would never want them to fail, in fact I know they'd try and give it to me too." Melody whispered, Sasuke lowered his head along with Naruto as Sakura stared at her open mouthed. Kakashi sighed.
"So... I purposely pitted you against each other..." Kakashi continued to talk as Melody turned her head to the statue.
"Teamwork..." She whispered quietly, as her ears trained in to Kakashi, Naruto... alone... Sakura... obsessed... Sasuke... above the others... She gasped turning around.
"Sakura, kill Naruto now. Or Sasuke dies." Everyone began to freak out and Melody felt her heart stop, her body began to shake and she brought her hands up to her chest trying to calm her heart beat.

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