1. An Awkward First Impression

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Ahhhhh. . .

Finally. Back at the old base, with old friends. It makes me so happy to be back. I hurried up to the front door and walked in. 'Everything here has changed a lot'  you thought. It's gonna take a while to get used to, but I'm okay with that.

"(Y/N)! It's great to see you again!" the Swedish doctor exclaimed.

"It's great to see you too Angela!" man she's always so happy! I wonder how she does it.

"Let me show you your room." she said.

"That be amazing Angela."

Right know you only wanted to sleep. That flight had taken a lot out of you. While showing you your room, Angela gave a mini tour of the facility. And man! That place was huge!

"Who's that?" you pointed to a person across the hallway.

"Oh. That's Soldier 76. He's a grumpy guss, I wouldn't bother him."

'He looks kinda old' you thought. But you really couldn't judge if you wanted to. You were 39, on the brink of turning 40.

'Man I'm really old'  but it was sadly true. Angela waved her hand in your face.

"Hello? Anyone home in there?" she asked you.

"Oh. Sorry. I kinda zoned out."

Then the unthinkable happened of course. He started walking towards the two of you. You noticed Angela tense up.

" Uhhh. . . Angela that grumpy guy is walking towards us." you yelled whispered.

"Th-That's kind of obvious" she yelled whispered back.

"Why are you so nervous?" you said kinda loud.

"He's ob-obviously intimidating!" she said.

"Pshhhh. I've seen people way worse."

"You've seen what way worse?" Soldier 76 said.

You started to tense up like Angela. Realizing that he probably heard you guys' whole conversation about him. Which you didn't think made a very good first impression.

"Oh Nothing at all. Angela was just u-um showing me to my room and giving me a tour of the bui-building is all." you smiled. But it wasn't a genuine smile. He could probably tell you were really nervous.

"Uh huh. I'd like to properly introduce myself. I'm Soldier 76, and you are ?" he put his hand out. Man was this getting awkward really fast.

"I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) Reyes." You shook his hand back. 'he's got a firm grip'

"Well it's nice to meet you (Y/N)."

"Same here Soldier." you said. And when you did you noticed him immediately tense up. Which was strange for someone who was so intimidating.

"Well, it is kinda late, why don't you go to your room." Angela pitched in. You totally forget she was there.

" Ya. I should really go and get unpacked." You really wanted to sleep, like super really bad.

And bad enough, Soldier's room was right next to yours which made it worse. But when you entered, it felt like home already. You changed and  layed down. ' I'll unpack in the morning'


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One Big Softie (Soldier 76 x reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now