3. A Good Mechanic

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You sighed. Walking into the base enraged at Mccree, and because your car won't start.

"Yo (Y/N) great job at punching Mccree!" Lucio shouted. You gave him one of those looks that made him instantly shit himself.

"I'm not in the mood." you growled.

Everyone stared at you stomping through the base. When you slammed the door you heard soldier stumble in the room next to you. And you heard a loud grumble.

Then a heavy knock at your door. Of course he'd come to check on you, D.Va calls him her 'dad' and told you he's gonna check on you probably. Another knock. You sighed and said "Just come in already."

"What happened?" he asked you.

"Stuff." you huffed.

"Really. What actually happened."

"I've had a bad day, there's no ramen, my car won't start, and Mccree is being a huge jackass and sent me over the edge."

"So you punched him in the nose?"

"Yep." you said popping the p.

"Well you shouldn't act so foolishly." he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You should learn your place dad 76. I'm basically 40 and take care of myself." you practically yelled.

"First, don't call me that. Second, it's my job as comander. Third, if you want I can help you fix your car."

"Whatever. Just go back to your room 76."

"I'm here if you need me." he said in his raspy voice.


You sighed. He was really starting to annoy you. Like alot. You checked the time on your holo vid. 5:00 pm exactly. You guess your gonna get some food, since your starving after you couldn't leave to get ramen. Just thinking about it made you mad again.

(Time skip by starvation)

You walked into the cafe and was instantly hit by the amazing smell of tacos and guacmole. Which was amazing since you felt like dying from starvation. You ate some guac and went to bed ignoring everyone out of anger and just plain being done with the day.


In the morning you followed your daily routine and hoped that Zenyatta could help you meditate yesterday's stress away. Afterwards you changed into some clothes you could get dirty. You had  to fix your car. You headed down to the garage after grabbing some tools. You opened the hood and took a look. And. OMG! Your whole engine was fried. And there was an oil leak, which meant so much work on your car.

"Urgh . . . I can't fix all of this!" you shouted with an echo from the garage.

"I could help you know. If you get over that ego of yours." 76 grumbled out of nowhere.

"I don't have an ego, you are just really annoying to me."

"Well, I'm not annoying,  you are just irritable."

"Whatever. You should just leave me alone."

"I thought you couldn't fix all of it yourself." he said kinda snarky.

"Well I can't. I'm not a mechanic."

"Well, I am. So if you asked I might help you Miss irritable."

"Since when did you become a mechanic? I thought you were a fulltime dad."

You watched him get kinda mad at you, but you snickered a bit.

"Do you want me to help you or not." he grumbled once again.

" Hmph. Fine I guess. No one else knows how to fix a car."

After he started you basically talked to him about regular things. How old he is, where he's from, basic stuff. Which was kind of a nice relief after yesterday. But you didn't wanna talk about that, because it just made your blood boil. While talking to 76, he seemed different. Not all uptight and grouchy.

"Do you ever wear anything other than that jacket?"

"I wear pajama's"

"I mean day clothes. DUH!"



You had no response except for suddenly jagged breathing. You ignored it and started another conversation.


"Well thanks for helping me today. Same time tomorrow?" you asked.

"Sure. It's great to have my age to talk to."

"Night. I'm sure I'll see you before I go to bed though."

And that was it. Good time with papa 76. This went for the rest of the week. Looks like you finally found something good to do with all that spare time on your hands. And you kinda started to like him. But you ignored your feelings, nothing can get in the way of your job.


How do you like it so far? I'm no good at author's notes so I'll make it short.

Oh? And have you noticed the hints I've been dropping? Let me know in the comments!

~ILY awesome

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