6. Training Like a Boss

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After many missions, and hard training sessions Winston said you and soldier were supposedly 'great counters for eachother' which basically meant other members wanted to see you two in the same room. It didn't bother you at all, you two were like besties. It didn't seem like it, but you two were just friends. Even if you wanted more from him, that wouldn't happen anytime soon at all.

(Time skip by Zenyatta's balls of steel)

You changed into training clothes and walked to the elevator with 76 catching up behind you.

"We have to train together ya know."

"I figured that out."

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." he smirked.

"Well I'm not gonna hold back, so prepare yourself to catch these fiery hands."

"Oh I will."

When you two arrived in the training room, everyone was sitting and talking to eachother. The were probably waiting to see the both of you kick eacother's asses. You walked over to Angela an put your stuff down.

"Aren't you supposed to be training?" you asked the medic.

"I was only told to come here around this time to see something 'amazing' " she did jazz hands.

"oh it'll be amazing when I kick his ASS!" you shouted doing a fist pump.

After some stretches and prep, you two stepped on the ring. You were ready to get revenge on him from what happened before.

"Get ready 76."

"I'm more ready than you'll ever know."

"Let's do this."

You two commenced into a hardcore allout fight. Tons of kicking, punching, and dodging. After a certain point though, you tricked him with the oldest one in the book. He reached down to help you up, and flipped him over your shoulder. Followed up by him standing, trying to get your wrist.

"Nice try." you smirked. You got his hands behind his back and got him on his knees.

"I surrender."

"You people hear that? I just got the all high and mighty 76 to surrender!"

You left the ring and got a drink from your water bottle. After everyone left you sat down next to soldier.

"Good job out there. I haven't had my ass kicked that bad since . . ."


"Nevermind, don't worry about it." he said shaking his head.

"You're a great friend you know." you said and gave him a hug.

"I know I am."

"Don't get to cocky now on me."

"I can be worse." he chuckled

"Let's save it for another time. I need to change out of these clothes."


After that you viewed 76 differently. He was more intimidating to you, but you couldn't figure why. You had realized that you took your friendship for granted, which made you upset with your self. You went to Soldier's room and knocked.

"Uh. Who's there?" he grumbled.

"Me your bestest friend ever."

"I'll meet you in your room." you sighed. 'What will I even say?! How do I. . .'  before you knew it the both of you were in your room sitting on the bed.

"What did you need (Y/N)?"

"Um. . .IfeellikeItakeourfriendhipforgranted!" you blurted out.

"Okay, calm down and go slow there tiger."

"What I said is that I. . . feel like I take this friendship for granted. You don't treat me like everyone else. I don't think our friendship should change our battles, or our jobs."

"I don't try to do that, or treat you different. It's just nice to have someone to talk to for once, and I don't wanna ruin our friendship. That's all." even through his mask you could see him get red. Your ears were getting hot. 'Man this is kinda awkward' . Then, of course, he gives you hug. You always love his hugs, they made you feel better or safer. He was about to get up but you stopped him.

"Wait. I'm not ready for you to leave yet." you mentally facepalmed yourself for saying something so obscure to him.

"That's okay. I won't leave until you want me to." you smiled. Then he squeezed you tighter. You whispered 'I love you' very faint so he couldn't really hear it. You were caught by surprise when he said "Same here."

One Big Softie (Soldier 76 x reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now