28. What's Wrong and Right In The World

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3rd Person P. O. V.

At Talon

"Gabriel, the girl is awake. " Amelie stated.

"I'll deal with it later. I have more pressing matters to deal with. "

"Well you should hurry. She is growing restless. "

"I already told you that I would deal with it. " Gabriel growled.

Amelie left the room to go find Sombra, who was in the same position in front of her holo vid.

"What did Gabriel say? "

"That there are more pressing matters, and that he would deal with it. "

"Ugh. That man should stop being a wuss and just do it. She isn't going to interrogate herself. "

"I'm not sure it is a good idea to go on without him "

"He's handled worse. If he won't do it I will. "

With that Sombra teleported out of the room to the girl. When Sombra appeared the girl curled up into a ball even more. She was scared out of her mind. She knew what they wanted.

"I know you are here to hurt me, so just do it already. " Aria told Sombra.

"Oh honey, I'm not going to hurt you! I just need you to answer a few questions! " Sombra tried to lighten the mood.

"Really? You brought​ me here to ask questions? "

"We are bad guys. We can't exactly waltz in and ask you questions. "

"Why do you want me anyways? There are plenty of people in Overwatch to interrogate. "

"Well you are special compared to them. You are bait to bring your friends here. That's it."

"Well, since I'm not leaving anytime soon, ask me questions. "

"Where is the Overwatch base? "

"You kidnapped me from there. Shouldn't you already know? Next please. "

"What connection do you have to (y/n)?"

"She is a hero. She saved me. Took me in as her own. "

"It all makes sense now. That's all the questions for now. "

"Wait -" Aria called out as Sombra shut the door.

She was alone again. She looked around the dull gray room. She needed to get out if here, escape somehow.

But if she tried to leave right away, they would probably catch her. She knew that they were watching her, seeing a small red blinking dot on the ceiling.


After Sombra left the room, she walked to Gabriel's office. He was still sitting there at his desk, head in his hands.

"Ay Gabriel, don't be so worried. I took care of your work for you." he looked at Sombra from his desk.

"You what? "he mumbled.

"I did your work for you! I recorded it, here. "

She quickly sent him something over her holo vid, then left.

He listened to it over and over again.

"She is a hero. She saved me. Took me in as her own. "

He used to be a hero. He is so regretful of what he's done. (y/n) still was a hero. He could still be with her, and she wouldn't mourn him anymore.

But he can't go back. After everything he has done, he would most likely be turned in.


Sombra had frequently began to visit Aria and talk with her during the day. They had many little secrets with each other, promising not to tell another soul. A lot can change over a few days.

And a lot changed when Gabriel walked in the room, Aria expecting it to be Sombra. He was stone faced under the mask.

"Hey- wait you aren't Sombra. " She began to grow scared,as she knew that he wouldn't be as gentle as Sombra.

"I'm here to get real answers. For a four year old you are very...vague." he was contemplating how to get answers out of her without being harsh.

"Well? Are you just gonna sit there, it are you gonna ask me questions?" She knew that she was being rude, but the man of her nightmares was not someone she would be to nice to.

"You really are (y/n)'s daughter. I'm not surprised that you're this sassy. I remember she was the same when we were kids." Gabriel mentally slapped himself for saying that out loud.

"How would you know? Aren't you just the creepy stalker guy who's been watching us sleep? And you still haven't asked me any questions!" She grew suspicious, as Gabriel's connection to her adoptive mother was still very vague.

"Fine. Do you think that me, or my colleagues, are going to hurt you and or Overwatch?" He regretted the low growl that his sentence came out as.

" Probably. Why else would you bring me here? To have a tea party? Yeah, I don't think so. I know I'm just bait to lure my mom and other Overwatch agents here, so you can kill them and keep me here until all the members have came and gotten killed, then you'll kill me because I'll be traumatized and won't be needed anymore, or do what you did to Widowmaker and make me a souless killer." Aria took a long awaited breath. Gabriel thought about how it was scary how much she knew about their organization already.

Sure she was only there a few days, which actually was five days, and she learned about Widowmaker and her situation. Gabriel was going to give Sombra a stern talking to after this. She was telling the girl to much.

"What's your full name?" Gabriel asked cautiously, he was aware that he failed to get her name.

"My full name? It's Aria Lin Moore Reyes. Since I got adopted I took on my mom's last name." Gabriel flinched when she said Reyes.  Why was he so taunted by the fact his sister had a daughter, and a loving boyfriend, and a happy family.

"That's all I need to know for now. Food should be coming soon." And with that Gabriel left the cell, slamming the door. Aria quivered as cold air went her way when the door closed.

She only had the clothes she was wearing, which was a t-shirt and some sweatpant capris.


Gabriel was disappointed with himself. He kidnapped his sister's daughter as bait. Also for info on the Overwatch agents. He only asked her two questions because he was afraid to face the girl, Aria, he was ashamed.

Ashamed of what he's done. Ashamed of what's he's doing. Ashamed of the fact he was holding a four year old girl in a cell just to lure his sister to him.

He was regretful all the time since he'd been the reason that his sister had her arm shot up, and had to be replaced.

He stood up and looked at the picture reel in his drawer. He stole that too.

He felt that he only did the wrong thing, and never the latter.

And he was right, he always did the wrong thing.


What is up my dudes!? I know you have not heard from me n a while. Let's just call the past two months a... Hiatus of some sort

Also a very important plot question! I'm wondering if you lovely readers think that I should have Sombra as a good or bad guy n the end. I have two different plot scenarios, so plz comment an let me know what I should do!

I also wanted to say sorry for the wait. The thing is that I tried writing this chapter a while ago, but then it kept deleting itself, so I stopped trying. But then I come to write it today, and it has like 600 words already done! So that was a relief.

Alright, this is the saddest part where I sign off.

Oli is out- <3

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