9. Figure

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After your indirect kiss you two avoided eachother. The both of you couldn't figure out what to say, or you were just embarrassed about the whole ordeal. Especially on missions, when you two had been assigned on a team together. You basically ignored eachother. So, to get your mind off of it, you started to hang out with Genji. You could tell 76 was getting a little jealous over it too.

"You know Genji, I need to ask you something."

"And what would that be, (Y/N)?"

"I need some advice ... about... r-relationships." 

"What do you want to know?"

"Can I tell you a secret Genji?"

"Of course. The information is safe with me."

" Well, as most people know, 76 and I are very close. And this thing happened...and we haven't talked since, so I don't know what to say or do. So it's been kind of awkward."

"What I recommend is just trying to talk about happened. I can tell what 'happened', and talking is the best thing you two can do."

"How do you know what 'happened'?"

"I was walking past the living room when that 'happened'."

"Oh." you started to get embarrassed. How did you not notice Genji walking by!? He's a freaking bright green cyborg ninja!

"There is no need to be embarrassed about this (Y/N). Things like this happened to me before as well."

"But the thing about Soldier is that he gets easily jealous. So I don't know how to say anything to him about it. And since I've been hanging out with you, he probably thinks I'm mad at him even though he did nothing wrong." you sighed. It felt so good to vent to someone who has a different perspective.

"Well, just try and tell him that you wanted a new perspective on the situation. I am sure that he will come to his senses if he really cares about you."

"Thanks for the talk Genji. I'm glad you aren't crazy like the girls are." you smiled.

"I am here anytime." he replied automatically. Genji was an amazing friend of yours that always knew what to say at the right time.


You went to lunch like any other day, ate some food, and did whatever else was planned. It had been a while since you did some real exercise, so you put some comfy clothes on went out for a jog. "I'm going for a run!" you shouted before leaving. On this run, you were thinking a lot. And you were enjoying the scenic route. Beautiful buildings, flowers, and gardens were all in the area.

Then you came to an abrupt stop. 'Someone  is following me' you looked to your side and saw a glimpse of black smoke.

"Whoever is there, show yourself, k-know." you started to break out in a cold sweat. Shivers were sent up your spine when this thing spoke. But you  got nostalgia when hearing their voice.

"I'm your worst nightmare."

"What do you want from me." you turned to look at what was behind you and was shocked. A tall, dark figure with a skeletal-ish mask. Your breathing got quicker and heavier.

"MUHAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAA!!!" the thing started laughing then looked straight at your face and stepped back. Something in the air changed. You started to relax some.

"Get away from me you creep." you ran from the figure. Far, far away from the base so it wouldn't follow you. Once you lost him, you turned back sprinting hard and fast to base, thinking that 'only looking back will make it worse'. You dashed through the front door drenched in sweat. Lena blinked towards you.

"Oh my goodness love! What happened to you out there?!"

"I-I don't know what or who that was." you were panting out of control. Before you knew what had happened, you were on the floor passed out. Only hearing faint whispers of your colleagues bringing you to the medical bay.


"Angela, have you figured out what happened to her yet?!" you heard an angry 76 shout at her.

"Calm down Soldier. She got a case of PTSD and was out of too much breath. Also she had been suffering from a lot of stress due to her irregular heart rate."

"Thank you Angela. It is much appreciated."

"I am only doing my job Soldier. I'll leave you alone for a moment." You heard Angela's heels click signaling that she was walking away. Then he said something, something he wouldn't have said if he knew you were awake.

"This is all my fault. We shouldn't have been ignoring eachother all this time."

"None of this will ever be your fault. Why are you blaming yourself."

"You're awake."


"Well, what happened out there?"

"I was being followed by a dark figure with a skeletal mask. He wasn't letting me off, so I lost him and sprinted back to base before he was on my trail again."

"You mean Reaper."

"If that's that things name."


After being released from the medical bay, you went to change and replay what happened with this Reaper guy. Then you got up to see Soldier and speak to him. But he wasn't at base, and according to others, he stormed out. You went to see Angela since 76 was apparently gone.

" I don't know what to do about this anymore."

One Big Softie (Soldier 76 x reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now