12. Guy talks

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(Soldier 76's P.O.V.)

I was walking through the base like I usually do. Everything seemed to be normal around here. But I wasn't quote on quote 'normal'. I didn't feel right, I was on edge but had no idea why. Everything made me paranoid, and I couldn't control the horrible I got when seeing (Y/N). It wasn't that I was mad, or anything like that. We just haven't talked and  I feel really alone or empty without her.

I walked up to Hanzo's door and knocked heavily. A minute later the door creaked open with an annoyed Hanzo staring at me. All though it was hard to tell, he keeps the same facial expression 24/7.

"What do you need Soldier?"

"I need to speak with you in privacy. Can I come in?" I sighed. 'I usually talk to (Y/n) like this'.  

"What is it you need to speak with me about?" the marksman asked confused.

"I need advice."

"Really? I am surprised that you of all people need it. Aren't you old and wise?"

"We aren't very far apart in age Hanzo. And yes, we all need a different perspective sometimes."

"What do you need advice on?"

"It's very embarrassing to say."

"Well, what is it then?" he was beaming with excitement as he lost the stern face he always wore.

"I have been lying to someone I love for a very long time now. And if I tell them they'll hate me, but if I don't they'll hate me even more. And I know that telling them will break their heart, and devastate them. It's all very confusing."

"That is a lot to take in."

"I know. It's hard for me to comprehend it as well."

"If you telling the truth to the someone you love will make the situation better, then do it. But you should be prepared for them to be angry or upset with you. I believe it is a risk that is worth taking."

"Thank you Hanzo." I gave him a salute all fancy.

"There is no need to thank me Soldier."

"Oh, and by the way nice hair."

"Why thank you Soldier. I will see you on the morrow."

"Good bye."

It was already late when I talked to Hanzo, and we talked all the way through dinner. I wold just have to grab something later before bed. Huh. I haven't been eating dinner lately, which is making some people worried. Which they shouldn't be, because I will be just fine.

Me being commander again was a lot of work. But what could I have expected? It to be a piece of cake? This job is way harder than it seems. I thought I would be a pro since I did the job before. Yet it still meant paperwork, and lots of it. All of the missions too, they don't even help with everything on my plate. Being commander means going on every single mission on top of everything else. 

Yet I will always find some time to relax. Especially with (Y/n). She makes me forget about all my stress, and everything I have to deal with. She's like a medicine that you earn and not pay for. It's been a while since I've been able to unwind and act so calm.

I entered my room. It was dark, too dark. Something was off about the place, I wanted to leave but was curious and stayed there. I walked over to the window and shut it. There was a cold breeze blowing through the area. It said that a storm was coming soon.

I was tired, very, very tired. I opened my closet and pulled out a bed shirt. It was the one that (Y/n) bought for me awhile ago. I got mad because it said '#1 dad' on the back, but it was very comfy so I always wore it to bed. I missed having little talks with her, it had been a part of every day life for me. It was the same for her.

Ever  since she started physical therapy we haven't talked at all. Not even a little hi in the hallways. But we just had lots of things to do and haven't really crossed paths. And it made me somewhat sad. I hadn't been getting my fill on happiness or relaxation.

I laid down on my navy blue bed. I tucked myself under the dark comforter and looked at my nightstand. There were two picture frames from before overwatch was taken out. One was Ana, Gabriel and I. I sighed. The others were photo reels of (Y/n) and I when we had a big birthday bash for me.

(Y/N) and I have history. And lots of it. We had lots of fun back then, but we were young and stupid. So I try not to think much of it. I have wanted to rekindle our spark since she came back to the team, yet I have to let it happen on it's own. If we are meant to be together, fate will do the work for us. 

The history we have is more than cute pictures or anything like that. We have done irresponsible things in the past. I will not let into temptation though. I  am the commander and have no room for anything like that.

During my long train of thought I had fallen asleep. I was glad to finally sleep. I haven't got it in weeks. Before drifting off, I heard someone say:

"I'm coming Jack. And this time you aren't going to stop me."

I would have responded but I was way to tired to try. But I had a feeling that I knew who said it.

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