23. The Girl

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The next day came sooner than you thought it would. You had woken up very early, around 4 am. On today's mission it was you, McCree, Hanzo, Tracer, Mercy, and D.Va, plus a few others. The only reason everyone was up early was because the airship was leaving at 6 am. 

You were headed to Route 66 for today. For most of your time there you were going to be watching for anything suspicious. Word had got out that the Deadlock Gang was going to try pulling a heist. McCree had come on the mission because he was formerly part of the gang, and knew some of their motives.

The ONE thing that made you upset was having to still wear your gear. It was hotter in Arizona than back at the base! And the base was sweltering, so this was worse. Oh, and it was an overnight mission, because they might try something at night.

But the good thing was people were taking shifts throughout the two days. Your shift was from 7 am to around 8 pm for today. On the hour ride there no one talked at all. All though, this was probably because of how early it was though.

For the first few hours nothing much happened. Just tourists and residents of the area out with their families having fun. What you would give to trade places with them. Your patrolling job wasn't that exciting. And from what you could tell, the others weren't enjoying it either. 

It was around 5 pm when gunshots were heard. Everyone ran to the scene of the crime and pulled out their weapons. It was endless fighting, when one was gone, another took its place. It had been almost an hour when you had to take cover. Even with Angela there to heal you, it didn't get rid of your exhaustion.

You practically fell trying to sit down. The gunshots had ceased, but only for a second. More gang members flooded back into the main room. They had more people than Los Meurtos. It still didn't take long for all of you to double check the area for anyone left. 

"I'm glad that is finally over..." an exhausted Tracer blurted out.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." you grumbled.

"I think' I can agree with that." McCree drawled out.

"I think that they're over powered." D.Va added in.

"I have not been on a mission like this in a  long time." Hanzo said.

The rest of you sat there for a bit before you left to clean yourself up. Lets just say it got kinda messy back there. The others left to do the same thing. When all of you were finished you went back to patrolling. All of you sat on edge and were being very cautious.

It was finally 8 pm, and you were allowed to leave. All though the gang came back again at this time. They just would not give up. It was worse than last time, because now they were launching grenades everywhere. 

The fight only lasted half an hour, but the damage was unbearable. They had destroyed most of the area and there was only debris. The only place untouched was the diner. All the residents seemed to have ran from all the chaos. But this wasn't the case. Your heart broke when you heard the cries of what sounded like a child.

"Mommy? Daddy? Where did you go?!" you managed to walk through the rubble.

"Can someone help me?"

"Can anyone help me?" the voice grew louder.

"Is anyone there at all?...."

The voice was coming from a little girl, who seemed lost and confused. She had obviously been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her right arm was covered in blood. You could only guess that she was shot or got cut on something.

She picked her head up to look at you, tears were streaming down her face. She said nothing to you when you bent next to her. When she tried to speak only a whimper like noise escaped her mouth.

"I'm here to help to you okay? I'm going to pick you up and bring you somewhere safe." she only managed a small nod in your direction. Slowly, trying not to hurt her, you gently lifted her into your arms. 

It didn't take long to make it to your fellow team mates, who were about to leave. Your foot steps were crunches as you walked over the gravel ground. They turned to you and stared. Angela immediately came over to you with a worried face. She beckoned you to the airship, and said that she would help clean the girl up on the way back.

This petite girl had already passed out. You didn't know if she fainted from blood loss, or from something else. Angela calmed you down by saying she would be okay. You didn't understand why you felt strongly about this young girl, but you did. 

The trip back was only an hour, so it didn't take long. Instantly, without saying a word, you picked up the girl and went to the med bay, with Angela not far behind you. You laid the frail girl down on a bed, then began to take off the old bandage. With that, Angela asked you to leave so she could address the wound.


"(Y/n), you can come back in now."

Immediately you jumped from your spot and followed Angela. She brought you to the room you were in merely 2 hours ago. You saw the sleeping child with a bandage around her right arm, that was already bloody again.

"So... what happened to her?"

"Well, it wasn't anything to bad. She only got a gash on her arm. She is very lucky. If we hadn't patched her up, her wound might've been infected by now."

"That's a relief. Were you able to find out who she is?"

"Ah yes, I did do the scan. Apparently her name is Aria Moore. She is 4 years old."

"Let's hope she wakes up soon. I want to ask her a few things."

With that you went to your room to change and shower. Luckily, the ac was fixed while you were gone. The one thought that kept finding its way into your thoughts was 'Jack is gonna be pissed.'


Uh I'm sad that i finished ouran high school host club knowing that there probably won't be a second season.



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