17. I Can't Believe You

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"So you've finally decided to tell me the truth?"

"How do you know that's what I'm doing?" he growled at you.

"I have instincts. Why else would you bring me into your room?! You kicked me out last time!!"

"Well you did guess it. I've made a decision to tell you a secret. You can't let anyone know what I'm going to show you." You swallowed the lump in your throat. The atmosphere changed quickly.

"What are you going to show me then?" you said kind of snappy.

He turned his back to you, and pressed the buttons on the side of his visor. You heard a hiss noise as pressure released. *Click* He held the visor in his hand, and the suspense was killing you. The tall man turned to face your excited yet scared face.

"W-what?! THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE!! RIGHT?" you gasped at what you saw.

"This isn't a joke. It's the truth, (y/n)."

"J-jack?" you whimpered.

"Yes. It's me. Jack Morrison."


"I'm sorry (y/n). But I had to tell you...I couldn't keep on lying to someone I love..."

"Well...I'm still pissed. Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Or when I'm not super upset because it's Gabe's BIRTHDAY?!"

"Listen I-"

"I don't wanna hear it Jack. I wouldn't be so mad if you would have just told me sooner!!"

"How was I supposed to know when to tell you?! You should be glad I told you in the first place! It took me long enough to figure out when or how to tell you!"

"I'm glad you told me, but I might be upset with you still. I'm sorry for overreacting about the whole thing. You picked a horrible time to tell me though."

"I'm sorry too." He smiled.

"Don't smile! This is a horrible time to smile!"

He didn't respond. He just grinned wider. You observed the two scars across his face, they shifted when he smiled. He looked so different from last time you saw him. But that was ages ago. Heck, the both of you were pretty old now.

"What happened to you, J-Jack?" It had been years since talking to him in person.

"The scars are pretty obvious, don't ya think?"

"Still as sarcastic as usual."

"No change in my personality."

"I can't believe it's you. In person especially. It's a lot to take in at once."

"I know. But it should be easy for you take it in all at once." He said in an alluring voice.

"Calm down Jack, you literally just showed me that it was you." you said smirking.

"I could show you more." Right then you stood up, walked over to him, and slapped him hard in the face. He shouldn't talk like that at a time like this.

"No. You will not be showing me anything for the time being. Now, I'm going to go back to my room and getting ready for bed Jack."

"Come back when you're done."

"I might, I might not. Just depends." you said shrugging. You walked next door quickly and brushed your teeth, then brushed your hair.

You looked into the mirror. Bags were forming under your eyes from the lack of sleep. You did your nightly routine. But you couldn't decide if you were gonna go back in or not. 'What is he planning' you thought.

You went with your instinct, and walked back over to his room. Sighing heavily you entered the room. A lump grew in your throat, you were a little scared of what he might do tonight. (insert lenny face here)

"So you did come back. I knew that you couldn't resist."

"Oh shut up. Your ego has grown a lot since I last saw you Jack."

"A lot has grown."

"Well, I mean, not what you're referring too."

"Well, I'm gonna change. You can look if you want." he stated teasingly.

"Whatever Jack. I'm gonna go to sleep." you laid down on his navy blue bed. Everything in here was navy blue. There were picture frames on his nightstand, you were surprised that he still had them.

"Well, in that case, I guess I'll lay down too." he grinned.

"Hey, you're wearing what we bought!"

"Yep. What else would I use the clothes for?" you giggled.

"It's just strange to see you like this. Your so different... but in a good way."

"I like it when you compliment me."

"I should stop, I don't want to boost your ego anymore."

"Your funny."

"I know I am." you chuckled.

"Jeez, you're such a hypocrate."

You felt the bed shift as he laid down. He threw the blankets over the both of you. Jack pulled you closer to him, and wrapped his arms around your waist. It was just like old times in Switzerland. But you were on edge, and paranoia was poking at you. Even with Jack right next to you, something was there.

"Oh (Y/n), you never learned, did you?"

One Big Softie (Soldier 76 x reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now