24. Anger

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The next morning was somewhat hectic. You had woken up early like always. You checked in with Angela and Aria hadn't woke up yet. (stay woke) And being the caring person you are, you went to get the little girl some new clothes. She couldn't be wearing the blood-soaked ones from yesterday. Plus she needed pajamas.

So you went out to the mall at 7 am to get stuff for her. The Gap you found had basically everything for her. Dresses, socks, shoes, etc. Once satisfied you checked out and went home, it was 8:30 when you got back.

You threw most of the stuff you bought in the wash, because it's basically common sense to wash everything you buy before wearing it. In total you basically bought like it was the apocalypse, which meant : 4 dresses, 2 nightgowns, 3 pairs of socks and 3 pairs of shoes.

After doing that you went back to check on her. When entering the bay, Angela greeted you and brought you to that same room once again. Aria was sitting up in the hospital bed examining the bandage covering most of her upper right arm. She turned her head to look at you, then went back to the bandage.

"She hasn't said anything since she woke up."

"It's fine, she just probably scared."

You took a few steps closer and sat down in the chair next to her. Mentally you thought about what to ask her and how.

"Where am I?" she whispered.

"You're at an overwatch base."

"How did I get here? why is my arm bandaged up?"

"We were on a mission, when I was about to leave I saw you, on the ground, bleeding. So we took you back here and fixed you up."

"Oh. Where are my parents?"

"Well, I'm terribly sorry. Your parents, they were,...killed." A tear streamed down her face, but she made no noise.

"Will I go home?"

"You're gonna stay here with me for a bit okay? But not to long."

"Okay then. What are we gonna do now?"

"First lets get you changed." quickly you ran from the med bay to dryer where the clothes are. You grabbed some socks and a dress then ran back.

Aria's face was brightened when she saw the dress. It was plain and simple. No sleeves, with ruffles at the bottom, about knee length. But she seemed pleased with it either way. Angela helped her get up, then you showed the bathroom where she could change. You asked if she wanted help, but refused and did it by herself.

When she emerged you thought she was the cutest thing you had ever seen. You grabbed a rush and ponytail holder, then went to work brushing then braiding her hair. She took a glimpse of herself in the mirror and smiled. She gave you a hug then smiled again.

"Now how about we get something to eat?"


This was the most happy you had seen her so far. Her eyes scanned the area on the way to the cafe. She began to pull you along then pushed the doors in and headed straight to the kitchen. You grabbed her before she could bump into anyone, which was a relief. 

Only a few gave glances in your direction as you walked through. Aria got somewhat scared when walking past certain people like Reinhardt, Winston, and Genji. She was holding onto your leg when you reached the kitchen. You pulled some ingredients out and made her a simple pb and j sandwich.

Genji strolled over to you and you could tell he had a confused face under the mask. He simply took a seat next to Aria then started a conversation.

"So (Y/n), I see we have a new addition?"

"Yes, and her name is Aria."

"Hello there!" she waved at him.

"Well Aria how about you come hang out with me? My brother could join us!"

"That sounds like fun! Is it okay mommy?" she asked looking at you with pleading eyes.

"Fine. But you better take care of her Genji! Be careful because her right arm is injured."

"Thank you (Y/n). We'll be off."

"See you later Mommy!" Aria said before hopping along behind Genji and waving. You waved back and gave her a smile.

You grabbed the dirty plate and placed in the sink. Then you proceeded to wash your hands and put everything away. Silently you walked back to your room, only to see an annoyed Jack standing outside the door. The two locked gazes and you turned around and went the other way, trying to avoid the lecture you were about to get.

Footsteps grew behind you as Jack made his way in front of you. He blocked your path, then dragged you back to the place you call your room. He shut and then locked the door, as you sat down on your bed.

"Well?" he blurted out.

"Well what?"

"Well, why would you bring a child here!? You know I don't allow this kind of stuff!"

"What was I supposed to do!? Her parents were shot dead, she was lying there in a pile of rubble, with blood streaming down her arm! I wasn't gonna leave her there to die!" the two of you were definitely fighting.

"So? That doesn't mean you can just take her to the supposed to be top secret overwatch base! Besides what are we going to do with her now?"

"Jack I haven't worried about that yet okay! Right now all I care about is her being okay and safe!"

"Well you better work out the details soon because she isn't gonna stay. We don't want anyone getting attached."

"Fine. I'll figure something out soon. Now let me out so I can go check on her."

"Where is she?"

"Hanging out with Genji and Hanzo."

"Great choice of babysitters you got there."

"Shut up and lets go."

He let you out of your room and went downstairs. They weren't in Genji or Hanzo's room, so they were probably in the garden. You went outside with a mumbling 76 not far behind you. The sight you were seeing you did not expect. Hanzo was shooting an arrow towards Genji, and Genji proceeded to slice it in half. Their trick earned clapping and giggles from Aria. When Aria saw you she ran up and started to ramble about all the cool things her "uncles" showed her.

Soldier 76 still seemed displeased with her presence, but just ended up dropping it. You brought her inside to calm down and just watch some ol' fashioned tv. You set it up so it was you, Soldier, and Aria snuggled up on the couch with a bowl of chips. 

The plan was to leave the room saying you were using the bathroom, but would end up leaving the two of them alone so he would warm up to her. And it worked out perfectly. They ended up asleep on the couch, cuddling. You even were able to snap a picture of them. *Click*

"Perfect..." you whispered.

One Big Softie (Soldier 76 x reader){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now