Interview: ThatCatUnderStars

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Hello everyone!
Aqua here to welcome you to the first interview of 6.0


1. What is your name?

My name is Hayley / ThatCatUnderStars

2. How would you describe yourself?

If anything, I would describe myself as a hardworking, perfectionist who turns in the best work and puts in all the effort possible. I maintain a serious environment when working but I am still humorous and kind. I am misjudged but once a person gets to know me, they'll never regret it.

3. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other than the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

I have never been to a different country, but I have been to a different state. I went from California to Texas to see some friends (from birth) that moved out there. I do have to say, it was beautiful! Right on the outskirts of Austin was were the country was. On the way from the airport to my friend's home, there were tons of wide, open pastures with a bunch of horses running around and having a good time. She had a 3 acre plot of land with a big ranch home on it. There was a big shed/workshop and there was a detached office the style of those old western buildings from the "Wild West"! I felt right at home, especially when the neighbor's donkeys and horses came right up to the fenceline.

4. What inspires you to write? A person, a place? Anything!

I am not exactly sure what inspires me to write, but I have to say it's probably the Hunters (duh) that got me into writing. I'm not a big Warriors fan anymore but I still read the books, but their ideas and the complexity of the Warriors world really inspired me to write my own Warriors series.

5. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

I was around about almost 12 when I took an interest in writing. I started the Warriors books when I was 10 or 11, and then I found Wattpad. While looking up so information on a Warriors book I stumbled across a strangely, unknown titled book on a strangle site. I read the book and loved it! Then I found out what Wattpad really was and began to write. Looking back at the book I loved, it is one big ol' cliche :P.


6. Why did you choose your current username? Does it represent you? Does it have a story behind it?

My old username was Honeyfern0308, because I admired Honeyfern's death. I thought her name was unique and if I had to go out in the Warriors world, I'd do it her way. I then changed it to ThatCatUnderStars. I loved the username and it actually has a backstory. I was hanging out at the ranch with my horse, Willow, and I hopped on her and took a little trail. We got to the top of a hill and night had fallen quicker than I wanted it too. I then saw a strange figure in the bushes. Today, I can say it was probably a lone coyote (who tend to be scared of horses, especially when you're on a monstrous draft), but I was like, "What if that was a warrior cat?" and I delved into this story in my head. I then decided to change my username to ThatCatUnderStars because I remember having a great time with my horse and my imagination. I want to make a second account called "ThatHorseUnderStars" but that sounds a little out of place. It sure might happen though!

7. Do you prefer to write fanfictions or spoofs?

I'm going to say it. I HATE spoofs. I don't mean to offend anyone, especially my friends who write spoofs (not that I thought badly of your spoofs), but I just hate the whole writing style, wordings, themes, and plots. I'd definitely have to go with fanfictions.

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