| SCRIPTORIAL | Round Iota Results |

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Welcome back to Scriptorial : Round Iota!

We're nearing the end now...only one more round remains? Will you be one of its participants? Go forth, and see!



category | description | total points available

sacrifice | the description of the sacrifice, how well it was executed | three points

meaning | reasoning behind the sacrifice, it's meaningfulness | three points

creativity | how creative the idea was |  two points

writing | technicalities, clarity, etc. | two points


ι | ENTRY ONE | ι

submitter | SilverhawkWC

sacrifice | 3

meaning | 3

creativity | 2

writing | 2

total ranking | 10

ι | ENTRY TWO | ι

submitter | SerenadingBlackbirds

sacrifice | 3

meaning | 3

creativity | 2

writing | 2

total ranking | 10


submitter | -Skyfrost-

sacrifice | 3

meaning | 2

creativity | 2

writing | 1

total ranking | 8



» how can I pick one? all of them were amazing!



rank | username | # of points

1 | SilverhawkWC | 83

1 | SerenadingBlackbirds | 83

2 | -Skyfrost- | 79

Comment below which book(s) you'd like to get your votes/critiques on! PM us for generations. If you've earned a prize, it's your responsibility to redeem it - we will not remind you about it if you forget or hound you if you can't decide. They'll expire by next week.



There are three current participants of Round Iota. Of these three, one will be eliminated. This is the participants with the least number of accumulative points.

-SKYFROST- — with 79 points

This author honestly just blew my mind. She's so good at writing, and it was such a treat to be able to read her entries! Amazingly creative and ingenious ideas. Thank you so much for participating, Sky!

( prize update :: +15 points to spend in the Reward Station! )


And there we have the end of Scriptorial : ROUND IOTA.

Round Omega will be released soon.

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