Fanfic Showcase | Falling Petals

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Hey guys, Duskie here with our first showcased fanfiction! (In case you're curious, the three books posted earlier were advertisements)

Hey guys, Duskie here with our first showcased fanfiction! (In case you're curious, the three books posted earlier were advertisements)

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Flowerkit has always been scorned and teased by the other kits. He hates it. It wasn't his fault that his mother gave him a she-cat's name.
n his quest to prove himself to the other kits, Flowerkit finds himself going down some dangerous paths. As he grows older, he's straying from his destiny, and this time no one can stop him.
I"Under the cover of darkness,Blood-red petals will fall..."

Falling Petals is being written by Dragoncat16, and as of now has around 2.5k reads, which is definitely a lot less than this amazing story deserves! It's beautifully written; Kat has got an amazing way of writing, and I don't think I've ever seen such a connection between the main character and reader before on Wattpad; you can sympathize a great deal with Flowerkit. All of the characters in this book are lovely; Jake is very nicely thought out. I'm very curious to see where this story will go, and definitely adding it to my personal reading list — and you should too!

[ edit — title is "Falling Petals", not "Fallen Petals", sorry for the confusion! ]

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