••Warrior Cat Insults••

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Here's a random chapter brought to you by Ren! Please enjoy these character-specific insults.
Warning: filled with puns.

Dear Ashfur,
Don't be such an ash.

Dear Onestar,
I can't think of one thing I like about you.

Dear Brokenstar,
Yellowfang should have killed you as soon as you opened your loud mouth.

Dear Dustpelt,
You're so bad at hunting, the only thing you can catch is a dust bunny.

Dear Firestar,
You're so lame, you got killed by a tree. I mean seriously, couldn't you have moved out of the way??

Dear Billystorm,
Your name is stupid.

Dear Blackstar,

Dear Hawkfrost,
You'll never be the tom your mother was.

Dear Crowfeather,
You smell like crow-food.

Dear Twigpaw,
Your mind is as dull as a twig. Get over your dead mom.

Dear Bluestar,
Your prophecies are dung.

Dear Dovewing,
You should have dove into the lake ages ago.

Dear Hollyleaf,
You don't belong in StarClan. Get out. Bye.

Dear Jayfeather,
There must be something really wrong with you for you to love a stick.

Dear Mistystar,
You're as old as StarClan itself, jeez.

Dear Sparkpelt,
Hope you enjoy being Fireskrub's "Mini-Me".

Dear Rainflower,
I hope you broke your jaw when you hit your head on that rock you piece of foxdung.

Dear Sol,
You don't have a soul. Die in a hole. Your face resembles a vole. You have a thick skull.

Dear Tigerheart,
Your muzzle looks like it caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with their claws.

Dear Runningnose,
You're such a bad medicine cat you can't heal your own allergies.

Dear Barkface,
Tallstar must have hated you to give you a name like that.

Dear Silverstream,
You have the sappiest love story in the whole series. Congrats.

Dear Heathertail,
You remind me of a stereotypical white girl.

Dear Gray Wing,
Just hoppin' from she-cat to she-cat, huh?

Dear Pinestar,
They made a new rule in the code because of you. Kittypet scum.

Dear Spottedleaf,
You predicted the most basic, dumb, predictable, stereotypical prophecy EVER. "Fire will save the clan." Wow. Genius.

Dear Breezepelt,
Such daddy issues. Also, your ego is so fragile it could be knocked over by a breeze.


Hah, hoped you enjoyed some of those. Feel free to make up some of your own in the comments! We'd love to read them XD

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