⊂ graphique :: one // admin v. ⊃

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It's not over yet!

As you know, some of our admins are also graphic designers! We're going to allow you to see some of our character aesthetics, no matter if they suCk or nOt. psHH.

| welcome to GRAPHIQUE // admin version |

» Duskie | helloilovecats «

» Duskie | helloilovecats «

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» Poppy | PoppyTea  «

» Poppy | PoppyTea  «

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» Whisper | WhisperSpirit  «

» Whisper | WhisperSpirit  «

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And there's the complete first edition of GRAPHIQUE!

We hope you enjoyed. We were very glad to be able to present the exemplary talent hidden amongst our community, and we will be continuing to do this — with YOUR help!

How can you help? Find us people! Find us graphics! We'll tell you the theme of the next edition, and you'll tell us who and what to find.

In the second edition of Graphique, we'll be showcasing creative designers in the Warriors community who incorporate their works into their stories. This means people who include banners, gifs, character aesthetics, and more in their works, creating visuals to go along with their words.

This isn't just limited to story works; we're open to commission and portfolio books too, such as your art store, or your s/mb.

We're asking for your help in blazing a path to the very best such books that you can find. Please comment below the titles and authors/designers/artists of these stories, be it you or someone else. Thank you so much!

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