Warriors Talks | Should the Series Continue?

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Thunder here with another segment of Warriors Talks.

Warriors. It's what inspried this account, and it's also what brought me to Wattpad (I'm sure many of you can relate). Into the Wild was first published January 21, 2003 and I'm certain the Erins had no idea how big their series would become. In fact, Vicky has stated before that they had originally planned to end the series after The Darkest Hour.

14 years later, it's clear that didn't happen.

And that's a great thing! With the additional arcs, the fandom gained some of its most beloved (and hated) characters *cough* Jayfeather *cough*.

Warriors has in total 6 arcs (with 6 books each = 36 books), 9 Super Editions, 14 mangas, 6 guides, 9 ebook novellas, and more on the way. Gotta admit, it's impressive how expansive the Warriors' universe has become.

However, there is a saying that exists for a reason, and I dread hearing it just as much as I dread saying it. All good things must come to an end.

It applies to just about everything, and I could go all philosophical on you but I won't. Let's keep it to Warriors here.

Has something ever continued for so long you feel like its lost some of its original magic? Do you feel like it dragged on for longer than it needed to be and could have ended perfectly fine earlier?

Sure, it's great to see what happens after Firestar (who we watched grow from kit - leader) dies and how the Clans fared, but don't you think Bramblestar's Storm covered that sufficiently? And it was neat to see how the Clans first formed in Dawn of the Clans, but prior to that, didn't your imagination fill in the blanks?

What I'm trying to say is that mystery/blank spots in the lore and story allow us to fill in our own theories, opinions, and scenes. In addition, as much as I hate to admit it, but after the original cast of characters grew old and saw their time in the elders' den, didn't that feel like the closing of the series? We saw them grow from bright-eyed little apprentices to old, wise warriors. At least for me, personally, I felt like it was the alert for -time to wrap this up-.

While, true, we do get to see Bramblestar's kits and a new conflict plotline, it must be difficult for the Erins to keep coming up with new and exciting content. I wouldn't want to see the incredible series dampered by a less-than-incredible follow-ups.

And when something runs on for a long time it does tend to lose its magic. I also wouldn't want to see Warriors ignore this fact and become a money-grabber at the fans' expense.

Vicky Holmes, the creator of Warriors, left the team not too long ago. Though she would never admit it publically, maybe she, too, felt like it was time to bring her beloved series to a close.

But fear not! Even if the series is ending, there will be plenty of more books before its conclusion. Vision of Shadows is only halfway through, so expect more Super Editions and possibly another enovella set. Not to mention there's the movie in development, and with that will surely come merchandise etc. Oh! And the Erins are creating another arc after Vision of Shadows. 

Lastly, don't get me wrong. Warriors is my favorite book series, and always will be. It's done so much for me in the years since I first found Into the Wild that I am beyond thankful for it. The characters, plot, and lore are amazing and I'm sure I don't have to continue because you guys get this. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.

So what's your opinion? Should the series continue or come to an end?

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